42 Friday, January 20, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Anti-Boycott Law, EEC Cooperation Against Boycott Topics for Congress WASHINGTON (JTA)— Congressional forces fight- ing the Arab boycott of American companies trad- ing with Israel will push two major matters after the House and Senate recon- vene for the second half of the current-95th--L-session. One deals with implemen- tation of the anti-boycott law enacted last spring af- ter laborious conferences in- volving representatives of government, business and Jewish organizations. The other concerns inducing the European Economic Com- OPEN SUNDAY 10-4 COMPLETE HAIR STYUNG Men & Women The Hair Chateau TelEx Plaza Telegraph at 10 Mlle, 356-6250 munity (EEC) to adopt measures similar to the American , legislation to oppose the boycott. Although President Carter signed into law last June the legislation to help protect U.S. commerce, industry and finance against discrim- ination by Arab govern- ments, the Administration has yet to provide the regu- lations for businesses to ob- serve in carrying out the law. It is imperative that most men engage in productive occupations, so that the few men who devote themselves entirely to learning may have their wants provided; for in this way, the human race goes on — while knowl- edge is enriched. Maimonides ORIGINAL R4NDIE DESIGNS designers winter & resort clearance fantastic selection at 20-50% SAVINGS HURRY! one week only Tues.-Sat., Jan. 24-28, 11-4 2980 Twelve Mile next to Berkley Theater Catering AU Occasions of a Special Nature Hot and cold Hors cf oeuvres Over 50 Classic Entrees to Choose From Hot and Cold Buffets and &alert Dinners We can provide all services for entertaining including: Planning, Invitations, Personnel, China, Stemware, Silver, raven, Music and Flowers. For A Atemoralle Event Call The Trawling Gourmet_ 353-0292 I sm ow ma ow mo. NE Technically, the regu- lations must have become effective Tuesday, but the Department of Commerce which was to issue them has yet to make them public. One cause for the delay is said to be the opposition by anti-boycott elements to the original drafts of the regu- lations. These elements held that the regulations were less effective than what they believe is the intent of the law Congress adopted. Besides barring discrimi- nation against Americans by foreign traders on the basis of race, religion, na- tional origin or sex, the U.S. law also specifies that no American company can re- fuse to do business with a boycotted country (Israel) nor refuse to do business with another company en- gaged in business with Is- rael if the refusal is de- signed to further or support the boycott. With Rep. Benjamin Rosenthal, a House deputy whip in the vanguard, the anti-boycott Congressmen will seek to encourage the State Department to work with the European countries in adopting anti-boycott leg- islation. Although former Secre- tary of State Henry Kissi- nger, at the time of the Sinai accords between Is- rael and Egypt, pledged to Israel that the U.S. would try to expand the anti-boy- cott activity to Europe, his successor opposes that view. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance specifically told the House International Relations Committee early - last year that it was inadvis- able for the U.S. to encour- age other countries to adopt laws similar to those the U.S. was then considering. A Congressional sub- committee also pledged ef- forts to urge Europeans to join the anti-boycott moves. In a related development, Robert Guyton, president of the National Bank of Georgia, has told the At- lanta Jewish community there would be m restric- tions on the bank's dealings with any country, including Israel, as a result of its purchase by Saudi Arabian entrepreneur Ghaith Pha- raon. ime Nor miu-------- u =re ow Imo ow NE am N. ow mum si 1 OFFICE SUPPLIES With Coup9n OFFI ART SUPPLIES 'DRAFTING SUPPLIES; With Coupon With Coupon ! Offer Expires Feb. 4, 1978 1 Offer Expires Feb. 4, 1978 1 , 1 Offer Expires Feb. 4, 1978 . Mil ION OM MO OM MN MN WM 1111111.1111 ------- - - Mg OM NM OM • MN MI =I MB Big I U Sy Draft, Office, Art Et Drafting Supplies D SHELBY PLAZA 23 Mile & Van Dyke, Shelby Township 731-6200 problems. But once these are lifted, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be dealing with Israel." In an exclusive interview with the Southern Israelite, Guyton said that Pharaon's statement about restrictions referred to his Saudi inter- ests, not the bank's. Pharaon has purchased 120,000 shares or 60 percent of Bert Lance's stock in this city's fifth largest bank. Lance was director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Carter Admin- istration before he was forced to resign last year. While Guyton did not deny that Pharaon's majority ownership could enable him to make a major policy change, the bank president added: "It couldn't happen without clearing out the pre- sent management," adding, "Our policy will not change from what it had been pre- viously." Regarding the boycott is- sue, Guyton stated: "We couldn't live with that kind of situation. It might be different in Saudi Arabia, but he (Pharaon) is in our country now and has got to have his investments man- aged in the way this country operates." Arms Sales to Saudis Major Congress Issue WASHINGTON (JTA)— Shaping up as the major controversial issue in the United. States arms sales policy when Congress recon- venes is Saudi Arabia's un- quenched desire for the most advanced weaponry in the American arsenal, par- ticularly F-15 fighter planes, which are rated the world's best, and closer adherence by the Carter Adminis- tration to the Saudi per- ception of a Middle East peace. Congressional sources in- dicated that the Saudi request for the F-15s is being "considered" and that key Congressmen are being consulted. However, it is un- derstood from State Depart- ment sources that the Car- ter Administration has agreed to deliver the planes if Congress is willing. That, it is said, was a major rea- son for Energy Secretary James Schlesinger's four- day visit to Saudi Arabia last week. One of the topics Schlesi- nger may have discussed with the Saudis was whether they would contribute to the Carter Administration's proposal for a huge stock- pile of crude oil and wheth-. er Saudi Arabia would in- crease production to supply world energy needs in the 1980s. In return, it is understood here, the Saudis want the F- 15s and other sophisticated weaponry and a Washington commitment to support Arab sovereignty over East Jerusalem as well as pres- sure Israel to withdraw to its 1967 borders. a reward for President An- war Sadat's journey to Je- rusalem last November, ac- cording to Congressional sources. Saudi Arabian officials, on their visit to Washington last spring, pledged that oil will not be used as a pres- Insofar as Israel is con- sure element in Mideast set- cerned, the feeling at the tlement negotiations, but Capitol is that the Carter this is now believed no long- Administration will again er operative. offer $1 billion in military Congress is also due to sales credits as it has in the consider American arms current fiscal year. Ac- sales policy toward Egypt tually, this figure would rep- and Israel. The. Adminis- resent a decline in assist- tration undoubtedly is pre- ance to Israel in view of the pared to provide some form ravages of inflation and the of massive arms support as increased cost of weapons. Egypt UN Mission Has Jewish Guests NEW YORK — Peace was percent of the Middle East conflict is based on psycho- the order of the day for logical fear," he told his some 35 teenagers, all members of the Springfield, young audience, "and Mass., Jewish Community through talking to each oth- Center, who met with repre- er, the peace process has sentatives of both the Egyp- been given momentum that tian and Israeli missions to is irreversible." At the Israeli mission, the United Nations in New York. The unusual meeting Ron Colman, an aide to UN Ambassador Chaim Herzog, took place just two days after Israeli Prime Minister told the students to "treat Menahem Begin's historic the UN with a grain of salt, dialogue with Egyptian and concentrate on what is leader Anwar Sadat in Is- really happening in the Nliddle East." He said the mania, Egypt. students could hasten the Prior to the meetings, the coming of peace by writing students had been briefed letters to elected officials by the Center's professional and other opinion molders. staff on historic, economic, As a gesture of goodwill military and psychological and hope, the students pre- aspects of the Middle East. sented both representatives At the Egyptian mission, with basketballs, signalling press secretary Ayman El the friendship between Amir noted that a viable American youth and youth peace settlement in the Middle East would be one in Israel and Egypt. that would suit all the na- A father should be treated tions there and not just like a king. Egypt and Israel. "Seventy Police Detain Student Visiting Dying Father 120% OFF*: 20% oFF*1 1 5% I. In addition, Pharaon him- self was quoted in the At- lanta Journal as saying, "We would welcome the Jewish community in this country doing business with us, because it is only by closer understanding and communication that we can solve much of our differen- ces and problems." However, concern on the part of some of the bank's Jewish customers was aroused when the Atlanta Journal also quoted Pha- raon as saying, "We are restricted now from doing business with Israel by the Palestinian and boycott LINCOLN CENTER 10 1/2 & Greenfield Oak Park 968-2620 A Michigan State Univer- sity student on a journey to visit his dying father has been detained by Israeli po- lice in a prison near Tel Aviv for more than three weeks on suspicion of ter- rorism. Sami Esmail of Lansing left last month for the West Bank to see his dying fa- ther. He was arrested by Israeli police as his plane landed. Esmail is an Ameri- can citizen of Palestinian heritage. Countering reports by his family that Esmail had been beaten and placed in solitary confinement, Ken- neth Brown, State Depart- ment spokesman, said the U.S. Consulate was working on the case, and that there was nothing to indicate that Esmail was being mistreated. Controversial Israel at- torney Felicia Langer, rep- resenting young Esmail, helped get him out of prison to visit his father, who died Jan. 4. ) Esmail, a graduate stu- dent and graduate teaching assistant in electrical engi- neering and systems at MSU, Esmail has already been given two hearings before an Israeli magis- trate. Another hearing will be held Saturday. In a related development, a 55-year-old Arab and his 10-year-old son were killed by an explosion of a time bomb they picked up in a vacant lot Friday. An explo- sive device detonated on an Egged bus in Jerusalem Sunday causing slight dam- age but no casualties.