• 2 Friday, December 23, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary The Mood That Is Inspiring Confidence in Two Nations Striving for Peace ... Some Sad Notions in Diplomacy That Lead to Distortions ... A Tribute to General SLAM By Philip Slomovitz The Good Mood: 'Boker Toy' at Blair House 'Shalom' and 'Salaam' Internationalized Menahem Begin described his feelings over current occurrences as being a "good mood" as he left Tel Aviv for New York last week. This is descriptive of the new spirit that is dominating hitherto militarized areas where one was never certain that guns could be silent. While most of the euphoria is in Cairo. the echoes are so loud that they reverberate everywhere. "Boker Tov"—Hebraic good morning—was the newsmen's greeting to Begin as he left Blair House Friday morning for the session with the President. Mr. Begin defined the status of an undivided Jerusalem under Israel administration, with freedom for all faiths, unlike the Jewish experience under Jordanian rule. To Salaam, the Arabic for peace, is added the Pax Vobiscus of the Christian and the Shalom Aleikhem of the Jew—all with an assurance of justice for all. For three decades the hopes for a better future were symbolized in the dream that one day Israelis would be photographed at the Pyramids. The dream has become a reality. With Menahem Begin leading in the acclaim, Israelis now are repeating after him, "After all, we helped build the Pyramids." Therefore, some Israelis not only are thinking of visiting their Egyptian neighbors but some are said to be arranging a pilgrimage to celebrate Pesach in Cairo. They call it "Exodus in reverse." Israelis went to market in Cairo and they were cheered, hugged, kissed. They were greeted with the "Shalom" that is becoming an international salutation, with the Arabic "Salaam" sharing in the glory of a new era in peace among men. There is even the movement to make Arabic rather than English the compulsory second language in Israel's secondary schools. It has been a cause for criticism that Israelis did not know Arabic, that the language should always have been a compulsory subject so that the people of Israel could understand and converse with their neighbors. But the new generation of Israelis leaders in the main knows Arabic. As Abba Eban told the Allied Jewish Campaign gathering he addressed in Detroit last week: When he shook hands with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat upon the latter's arrival in Israel, the _ Egyptian president said to him: "Let's speak Arabic so Begin won't understand us." Apparently Mr. Begin also is giving substance to the need for emphasis on Arabic. When he said "Waklan wa Saklan," meaning "Welcome" in Arabic, he let it be known that he wished to be correct. What glorious chapters are being written not only in Jewish but in world history! Could these be Messianic times? A Shocking Story of a Plan With Undertones of Malice -General SLAM: Israel's Military Adviser and Dedicated Friend When President Jimmy Carter first began to speak about the Palestinians and their "rights" there was a feeling that a grave blunder was committed. Israel never denied that a refugee problem had to be solved. But the moment anything relating to Palestinians stood the danger of being linked with the PLO, there was a menacing trend for Israel. That's what happened. The PLO immediately began to act in the spirit that when Palestinians are mentioned in terms of grievances, it is they who were meant. There are many in Israel, and Jews are among them, who say, "We are Palestinians." That was not the devel- oping theme from the Carter emphases. It could have been worse. There might even have developed a campaign of hatred leading to another war. The Carter Administration sought to correct matters. There is something else in the history- of these expe- riences that has just been revealed by Marvin Kalb. An interview with him appeared in Parade Magazine'S Intelligence Report, edited by Lloyd Shearer. Kalb was asked: Brig. Gen. Samuel Lyman Abbott Marshall left a legacy this nation can be proud of. He was a great patriot and his loyalties were steeped in understanding of the people's needs and objectives. His loyalties were not limited to the United States. He knew who this nation's friends were and he labored for their security as much as he sought honor and dignity for his own countrty. That is why Israel's history will remember him as a friend, as a military guide during the years of gravest danger for the Jewish state. The military in Israel used ;tr his manuals as guides. He -V befriended Israel's generals and General SLAM became the symbolic term for a man of stature in a world crisis in the Middle East. He traveled to and from Israel frequently, with his wife Kate, who shared his enthusiasm for Israel and Is- raelis. Therefore, he became a fa- miliar personality at many Jewish functions. He traveled widely in behalf of Israel Bonds and he not only urged others to invest in Israel but did so himself. Therefore, many awards were given him and he was loved in Jewish Gen. S.L.A. Marshall ranks. He covered many historic events, including the Eichmann trial. He was unhesitant in his written and spoken words in pleading Israel's and Jewry's cause and he made it the American cause. His memory will be blessed by Jews everywhere and in Israel he will be counted among the saintly who gave their help to a struggling nation in the very crucial years of that people's history. Q. What is your feeling about Zbigniew Brzezinski, the President's national security adviser? A. He's very bright. And he's trying terribly hard to sort of out-Kissinger Kissinger. Q. How? A. I suppose that Brzezinski wants to establish a track record that in historical terms will look infinitely more impressive than Kissinger's. He says on the record that he and Kissinger have been great friends for the last 25 years, but it's hot true. Here's what I mean about Brzezinski thinking in large historical terms. When the President enunciated his policy about a Palestinian homeland on March 16th in Clinton, Mass., Brzezinski on the morning of March 17th told a very reputable jounalist in Washington—and is so quoted as having said—that the President has now articulated our Balfour Declaration. "Our Balfour Declaration" as you well know, was a reference to the British statement and promise in 1917 for a Jewish national homeland. For Brzezinski to have said that suggests two things: one, that he's reaching out for large historical paral- lels, and two, that in his mind—and I assume the President's—the Palestinians, too, would have a na- tional home. A national home means a state. Now, since that time they've been backing away furiously and leaving everything in a cloud of dust so you don't know which is real and which is fake. But they use words now like entity, homeland, state. The President has said he never really favored an inde- pendent Palesinian state. Well, what kind of state then? These questions-come up and they're really not answered terribly satisfactorily. Under the conditions which have made it so difficult for world Jewry to acquire the Balfour Declaration as a recongnition of histroic rights, in view of the obstacles in Israel's paths to survival, the resort to such a scheme as to speak of an Arab counterpart of the Balfour document is approaching the devilish. It is unfair. Many such schemes have been resorted to in various fashions. For instance, when Communist Russia com- menced its campaign against Zionism it attempted the establishment of what it called an autonomous Jewish region around Birobidjan. It was the world's biggest fake. There never were more than a handful of Jews in Birobidjan and those who went there sought flight: But in the process of establishing such competition to Eretz Yisrael the Russian schemers referred to those who were to settle in Birobidjan as "halutzim." The malice didn't bring results, just as the scheme for an Arab Balfour Declaration apparently sank into secretiveness until Marvin Kalb exposed the insult. It's good that the story is made known. It will help prevent resort to such malice. Necrology: Death of Oldest Yiddish Newspaper in U.S. Freie Arbeiter Shtimm . e could not possibly have had too many readers. Anarchists, whose organ it represented, are so few that they are hardly noticeable anywhere; and those among them who read Yiddish are fewer. In fact, the Yiddish reading force is so limited that newspaper pub- lishing for such devotees is absolutely prohibitive. That is why the Freie Arbeiter Shtimme had to appeal for funds to sustain itself, and in the necrology of the last issue of the newspaper published under the date of December 1977 the story relating to the appeal for life,- in the form of contributions from supporters and readers, revealed that the death knell was felt more than two years ago. Readers in France and Argentina, according to the necrology, made the largest contributions. The situation became hopeless and the interesting Freie Arbeiter Shtimme breathed its last as 1977 was nearing its end. It matters little whether this newspaper was anarchistic or of any other ideology. It was the oldest of the Yiddish newspapers published in this country and it had an interesting role in the cultural Jewish sphere. Therefore, its end symbolizes tragedy for a language. Freie Arbeiter Shtimme was a powerful factor in Yiddish cultural demonstrativeness. Its Yiddish was classical. Its writers upheld the banner of Yiddishism with dignity. Because it marks the end of a Yiddish newspaper and a denial of a platform for the remaining followers of a lost cause, this newspaper is irreplaceable as an instrument of interest for linguists. Because it marks the end of the oldest Yiddish periodical in America, its demise is a tragedy — in the sense that any decline in Yiddish language ranks is saddening for the lovers of the language and for all who are anguished by the death of even a partial semblance of Yiddish cultural enrichment. Reciting the traditional "barukh dayan emet" ("blessed be He Who judges righteously") for the Freie Arbeiter Shtimme is a cause for genuine sadness. Yitzhak Navon's Decision to Withdraw His Candidacy Yitzhak Navon, the eminent Sephardi leader, reportedly declined to be a candidate for the presidency of the World Zionist Organization and the chairmanship of the Jewish' Agency. -But Israel's Labor Party keeps prompting him to be a candidate for the highest post in world Jewry's ranks in opposition to Leon Dulzin. The Laborities have much to explain for the craving for power in the process of which they are trying to utilize the personality of an eminent leader who would be assuming the coveted post without the experience possessed by Dulzin. This column has already described the background of the battle conducted by Labor against Dulzin and the regret- table atempt to utilize the Navon popularity for their purpose. Leon Dulzin has earned the leadership; he should be granted the chairmanship for which he was already outvoted once. It is to be hoped that the forthcoming World Zionist Congress will elect him to the leading post in Jewish ranks. The vote for Slate No. 3 in World Zionist Congress elections advocated in this column is to attain that act of justice in Zionist and Jewish ranks. Louis Untermeyer's Career as Poet, Man of Many Talents Louis Untermyer was, in a sense, a maverick. He had liberal—some called them ultra-radical--views and he stuck by them. As a matter of fact, because of his ultra-liberalism he was dismissed as a leading panelist of the then popular "What's My Line" program, in the early 1950s, and was re- placed by Bennett Cerf. But he adhered to his principles. LOUIS UNI'ERMEYER The noted poet died on day at the age of 92 and the literary world recalled his many interests, his contribu- tions as a friend of poets, as a man of many accom- plishments. He had said about himself in his Second Autobiog- raphy: "I have been an aspiring composer, a manufacturing jeweler, a part-time journalist, a full-time editor, a lectur- er, a teacher, a radio commentator, a television performer and from time to time, a poet." He could be considered "the maker of poets." His own poetic achievements were considered less impressive than his creative work as the major anthologist in the field. - There is much about his career that needs elaboration and it must wait a week for the next edition of this Commentary.