N Friday, October 21, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Inaugural of the Philip Slomovitz Professorial Chair for the Hebrew Language Text of Dr. Abraham Katsh's Address at the Annual Technion Dinner By DR. ABRAHAM I. KATSH President Emeritus, Dropsie University This Note: (Editor's article is the text of the address Prof. Katsh deliv- ered at the annual dinner of the Detroit Chapter of American Technion Society, Oct. 10, on the occasion of the establishment of the Philip Slomovitz Profes- sorial Chair for the Hebrew Language at the Technion in Haifa, Israel. Dr. Katsh this week assumed the post of visiting professor in advanced Hebrew at Oxford University, England. His speech is being published in response to many requests for its text in this community.) It is indeed fitting for the friends of the Technion — Israel Institute of Tech- nology, to establish a chair for the study of the Hebrew language in honor of a dis- tinguished journalist and an outstanding national leader, Philip Slomovitz. For way back in 1912 when the Technion was opened, on the initiative of the "Hilfsverein der Deuts- chen Juden" with fUnds from Jacob Schiff of the U.S. and Kalonynnis Wiss- otsky of Moscow, a major dispute arose between the proponents of German and Hebrew with regard to the language of instruction.' During World War I, the controversy, after a bitter struggle, was settled in favor of Hebrew and indeed it was a natural decision. Why? Because from the very beginning of the Hebrew Bible to the current vernacular in Israel, Hebrew was never a "dead" language. Indeed, no language is really "dead" if it can be brought to life again. In the case of Hebrew, the people never ceased to strive, to hope for a rejuvenation of the "sacred tongue" of the glorious past. Even during the vicissi- tudes of the Jewish people, when as a result of neces- sity the people adopted vari- ous dialects, such as Ara- maic, Judeo-Arabic, Ladino, Yiddish, etc.," the Hebrew alphabet and Hebrew idioms became part of daily usage, and the Talmudic scholars as well as other lit- erati made a point of using Hebrew, not only in dis- cussing religious subjects, but also in their daily life. The Hebrew tongue always remained with the Jew, an inspiring and uplifting force. The HebreW language in all generations remained a kind of "territory" for Jews outside of Palestine, a spir- itual homeland, and the hopes, aspirations and visions of the Jews were chiefly expressed in that language. "One cannot understand the Jewish people without understand- ing Hebrew," said Edmond Fleg, the noted French _poet and playwright. For the individual Jew, a knowledge of Hebrew provided a source of identity and self- dignity. The reverence for a book has been part and parcel of Jewish upbringing. God's instruction to Joshua, "Ver- ily this Hebrew Book shall not leave thee forever," prevailed in preserving the Book of Books. In return the Book and our language preserved the people. Only through the Bible, in its original Hebrew, were we able to show the world that at least one book is ours. The famous Hebrew poet, H. N. Blank, once stated, "We must not belittle the importance of a book com- monly loved. The Land of Israel bequethed one little Hebrew Book to us. Who knows, perhaps this Hebrew Book may ultimately restore the Land to us. May it not happen in the life his- tory of a nation as well as an individual that the effect becomes the father of the cause?" Like a true prophet it came true! Hebrew, too, was being cultivated and always has been through the centuries by people, not of the Jewish faith, and not members of the Jewish people, and is being cultivated today, not only because it is a lan- guage of the Jewish people, and not only because it is the language in which the people of Israel think and work and create. It is essen- tial for anyone to whom the Bible is important. As a matter of fact, with- out a knowledge of Hebrew, no student, Jew or non-Jew, can engage today in Biblical research, or archeology, study Semitic languages, or involve himself in new sci- entific research, learn the geography of the land, which Israel is developing today at the Technion. Hebrew is one of the few languages which has been expressing a continuous use, and of course in recent dec- ades it has been revived and has become once again the language of a living and independent and creative people. In the Hebrew language there are enshrined many central themes of great his- toric experience, and I believe it is because of the existence of these themes that men all over the world in all countries and in all ages and generations have found a meaning in Hebrew and in the human creation that has been expressed in the Hebrew language. a mere idiom: it is in itself a religious symbol of his- tory, a promise of hope." This idea has been beauti- fully expressed by the poet David Shimoni: 0 tongue of my muse, thou Hebrew of old, We are in the blood indi- visible : Twin - Worlds long forgotten in both of us spin. Ancient stock and aban- doned of kin Mysterious echoes of ages untold. Basically it is the theme of a human struggle and search, a search for God, and as we say in Hebrew, a struggle with God, if need be. It is a language of the theme of protest, which we sometimes call prophecy. Protest against the short- comings of man, and the challenge of man to improve himself. It is a language in which man was told that God fin- ished the work of creation on earth in the beginning, and that after the begin- ning, the responsibility for creation in the Spirit of God became the responsibility of man. It is a language in which man was told to love his neighbor and not to do to his neighbor what he would not wish his neighbor to do to him. It is a language of challenge. It is a language which said to man that he is not living in a Great Society, but that it was his responsibility to attain it. It is a language in which men were told to be a "people of priests," and a nation of "holy men." And these are still the themes which are being written about, and which are impli- cit in the Hebrew language and in the challenge that it holds out to men. I believe that men are attracted to the study of the Hebrew language because of their affinity - to these ideals and because of their identification with this study. And that, of course, imposes a great responsi- bility on the people that have inherited this language and seek to continue it in the future. Prof. Solomon Schechter rightfully and sagaciously put it in these words: "If history has anything to say in the matter, the lesson it affords us is that the dis- appearance of the Hebrew language was always fol- lowed by assimilation with their surroundings and the disappearance of Judaism. The Hebrew language is not DR. ABRAHAM KATSH One must not ignore the fact that the Bible, as well as the language of the Bible, was first to proclaim to the founders of America the basic concept upon which orderly _ democratic life rests. It was to the proph- etic teachings of ancient Israel that the founders of our democratic system of government turned for solace and spiritual guidance. The concept of freedom and liberation all have their roots in the record of ancient Hebrew life and cul- ture. While the Puritans regarded the Hebrew Bible as the supreme authority, they based it on the original Hebrew text rather than on the Latin translation. The Hebrew Bible in the original was a sign that God spoke to them too, as he did to the ancient Hebrews. The Book and the Hebrew language, which give cohe- -sion and national character to Israel today, in order to blend the diverse elements from a multitude of coun- tries into a unifying dis- cipline of a single cultural life, served a similar pur- pose to the founders of American democracy for their struggle in carving out the great American republic. Hebrew of Mastery intensified the Puritan and the Pilgrims' roots in Jew- ish ethical idealism. By knowing the Het-row lan- guage, they acquired the letter and the spirit, the meaning and understanding of the Hebrew Bible. The idealism not only dominated their theology but also pat- terned their practical, everyday life. It disciplined their minds, fortified their will and confirmed their principles. Of striking interest is the draft for the seal of the new United States which Frank- lin and Jefferson submitted. It portrayed Pharoah, with a crown on his head and a sword in his hand, sitting in an open chariot, passing through the divided waters of the Red Sea in pursuit of the Israelites, and Moses, beams of light projecting from his face, standing on the shore and extending his hand over the sea, causing it to overwhelm Pharoah. Underneath was the motto from the book of Mac- cabees : "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." There was a sufficiently widespread interest and knowledge of Hebrew in the Colonies at the time of the Revolution, according to H. L. Menken, to allow for the circulation of a story that certain members of Con- gress proposed that the use of English be formally pro- hibited in the United States, and Hebrew substituted for it. liberty "Proclaim throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof" (Lev. 25:10) is the motto on the Liberty Bell which has been one of the pillars, if not the main pillar, of our American constitutional democracy. And like the Israelis today who welcome the new arriv- als with the word Shalom, so the Puritans, too, named their colony Salem (Sha- lom). It is with the same word that we greet our hon- ored guest this evening: Shalom, for Shalom means more than peace, it implies totality—in accomplishment and in deeds and in wishing good health. It signifies comfort, success, welfare, health, well being and con- tentment and when used wit: Bayit (Shl'om Bayit) it conveys the idea of domes- tic happiness and harmony. Learning a new language, acquiring a knowledge of an additional culture, makes the learner a new person and a better human being. In the case of Hebrew, we cannot- and we must not be remiss in losing such a golden opportunity to weave the web of our destiny, never to forget that we are an Am Hasefer—the people of the Book. I congratulate the Technion leaders for choosing the right person to honor tonight. I have always found Phil Slomovitz to be the journalist par excel- lence. Newspapers have as a rule a vested interest in catastrophe, but not Slo- movitz's paper. Every article in his paper is full of meaning and knowledge. What really made him what he is, to my mind, is the fact that in his back- ground and in his profession he never forgot David's leg- acy to Solomon: Thou shall be a Mentsch! Difficulties never deter him in protesting against apathy and ignorance. For Philip Slomovitz learned from Jewish history how the Almighty himself-protested, "Let there be light !" He learned from Abra- ham: Here I Am! Ready for a good cause in order to achieve justice, right- eousness and the brother- hood of man. He learned from Jacob how he wrestled through the night witL dark angel of despa. order to be blessed at the break of dawn. He learned from Joseph how a dreamer became the master of his dreams. From the Kibutz he learned how one must offer the finest human material for the most responsible and exciting tasks in order to fulfill an historic mission. And from the new state of Israel he learned the mean- ing of solidarity, mutual responsibility and the don- ning of flesh on the dry bones of Jewish life. Indeed, it takes a special kind of truth to become the great writer he is. We must realize when we deal with journalism, cer- tain terms such as "commu- nication" used by different groups have different con- notations. For instance, to Americans, democracy means the right to be differ- ent and not to be penalized for the difference. In the- USSR, democracy means the right not to be different, and to be penalized for the difference. We talk -of free- dom of religion—the Rus- sian government talks of freedom from religion. But, no matter how well one can talk - of Mr. Slomov- itz as a journalist, leader, devoted and loyal Jew, one still fails to sketch the unusual man who with every fiber of his being, has been consecrating himself to the cultivation of our his- toric heritage—always ten der, considerate, honest and devoted. The warmth of his smile and courageous friendliness of his entire being, marks him as a man of great spir- itual stature. My friends, when the Almighty created the world, each day He said, "Ki Tov, It is good." Not so whey created man. This He man to finish during hise- time of activity. The destiny therefore is in our own hands. We can become part- ners in the creation and be worthy of uttering the words, "Ki Tov, It is -good." I feel Philip Slomovitz in his deeds, in his actions, in his writings, in his years of striving to show that man is made in the image of God— can rightfully sal Ki Tol. Phil is a guter mentsch—a great human being. Ki Tov, It was good. ,