1 ", ; •!'• ``. 26 Friday, September 9, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -r ; i T1 T T Israeli Conservation Society Busy Protecting Endangered Species With Help From Abroad ; A happy, healthy & prosperous New Year To All Our Friends and Customers BERNIE BUCHALTER MARCIA BUCHALTER AND THE STAFF OF IRVING'S FURNITURE 3065 Orchard Lake Road, Keego Harbor NEW YORK—Wednesday morning the first nature re- serve for Biblical animals was opened to the public in the Negev desert, 20 miles north of the Red Sea port bf Eilat in Israel, it was an- nounced by the Holy Land Conservation Fund. The 8,000-acre desert re- serve was inaugurated in 1965 by the Hai Bar Society of Israel, a private_ con- servation agency, primarily to save rare and endan- gered desert animals of the Bible. A second mission of the reserve is•to save from MEL FARR and JOHN COOK and The Entire Staff WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS 11 Vet, qliame# 7leest *ea/i 10 Mile and Greenfield extinction other rare desert animals of western Asia and northern Africa. The land for the reserve was contributed by the gov- ernment of Israel. In 1968, the Hai Bar Society began to acquire rare Biblical ani- mals for breeding purposes from American and Eu- ropean zoos, animal dealers and through live trapping in the wild in other countries. Funds for the acquisition of the animals, for fencing, maintenance of the reserve, etc., were privately contrib- uted by Israelis and by in- terested conservationists in the U.S. Europe and Africa. Today more than 450 rare animals inhabit the re- serve. A few of the sought-after species were still to be found in Israel but in dan- gerously small numbers. Thus, the Israeli agency and government officials in- stituted a campaign of pro- tection through strict regu- lation of hunting and through live trapping. The once-endangered Nubian ibex, a mountain goat, for example, was not only saved from extinction - in this way, but its numbers in- creased almost ten-fold in less than a decade. Today a herd of some ninety ibex in- habits the Hai Bar reserve and, because breeding has been so successful, annual surpluses are now provided The National Bank of Detroit Extends best wishes for a year filled with health, happiness, peace and prosperity for all. for other parts of the coun- was $90,000. Today the I-12 try and for a few zoos Bar reserve has the onl abroad. herd of this animal "in cat The reserve also encom- tivity." passes a herd of more than The next phase in the Ha one hundred very rare Bar plan is to begin to 'IT Dorcas gazelle, a dimin- lease surplus animals utive variety of the region's each species into the Nege gazelle which has espe- in an effort to repopulate cially adapted to the desert. the desert with thes This is believed to be the hooved species which in Bit largest such herd "in capti- lical times—and in sorn vity." cases as recently- as th Although' the Biblical ani- 19th Century- .rishel, mals are technically there. Some of the surplus fenced-in, they roam freely animals will also be at Hai Bar, living off the changed or sold to zoos, relatively lush desert vege- abroad to encourage breed tation. They are fenced ing programs so that the primarily to protect them species will never again 6 from predators—most im- endangered. portant of which are desert wolves (now exceeding one hundred in Israel), hyenas, Bnai Brith Lauds feral dogs and, of course, Prison Sentences hunters. The only man-sup- plied necessity is water, for 12 Hanafis since the fencing prevents the animals from roaming WASHINGTON (JTA to new water supplies in pe- The Bnai Brith said "ju: riods of scant rain. In addi- tice has been done" follo‘Al tion, because of the great ing the sentencing of 12 HE cost of the animals, most ill- nafi Muslims to prison nesses and injuries are still terms of from 24 years being treated by veter- life for their seizure lay inarians. March of three Washing Adjacent to the reserve, buildings and 140 hostaget. 1 Bnai Brith's public rehji the local kibutz at Yotvata has constructed a modern tions director, Hank Sieg,- 1 visitors' reception center who himself was a victir with all modern facilities of the terrorism, said Bn..- 2 - 1 and with an orientation Brith is "gratified th room for visitors before American court systeri touring the reserve. Tour functions so well in accorc buses and autos enter via ance with our law;1 the reception center. Admis- Through the jury's deciso sion is about $1 per person. and Judge Nunno's set No visitors are permitted to tence justice has been don enter by foot in order to pro- in this case." Judge Nicholas Nunzio el tect the animals, as well as visitors. New roads were the District of Columbia St. constructed by the Hai Bar perior Court, gave the hem Society this year to accom- Test sentence to Abdul Muz modate vehicles without de- kir, who was convicted c stroying the vegetation or shooting several person and killing Maurice Wi' damaging the environment. The Hai Bar reserve is hams, a black reporter, the achievement of Israel's the District Building, Was leading conservationist, ington's city hall. He rc Gen. Avraham YOffe, a 63- ceived a total of 77 years t year-old ex-tank command- life. The leader of the Hand er who led the armored at- sect, Hamaas Abdi tack on Sharm el-Sheikh in Khaalis, 55, was sentence' the 1956 Sinai campaign. to 41 to 123 years in prism As chairman of the pri- He will be 90-years-Old b vate Hai Bar Society, as fore he is eligible for pi well as director of Israel's role. Khaalis directed Nature Reserve Authority, takeovers at city hall, t: he has campaigned to save Bnai Brith headquarter the nation's wild flowers, and the Islamic Center. skylines, birds, animals and He personally tc. prized natural settings. charge of the terror rai The Hai Bar reserve, how- and the 38-hour siege at ti ever, is his fondest dream. Bnai Brith building whei Thus, he has traveled he conducted the negoti throughout the world in the tions that finally past decade, studying na- end to the occup,......ons ture reserves in various the three structures. parts of the world and seek- s, Khaalis accepted his se ing support for the Hai Bar tence without apparent em tion. His lawyer, Harry project. exander, asked Nunzio In late 1971, Americans of grant Khaalis probatio' all faiths joined to form the The lengthy senten Holy Land Conservation sought by the governmerl Fund, which has provided Alexander said, were crr. more than a quarter of a and inhumane. million dollars in support After sentencing, Khaa since then. The Fund, for told the judge the terror; example, provided about act in reprisal for the mt two-thirds of the cost of pur- ders of members of his fa: chasing a herd of Somali ily by a rival group "wz.:: wild ass live-trapped by the good deed." Referring Ethiopian government four himself as a "fighting NI, years ago out of fear that lem," he asked for lenien this species was becoming to continue as a Mos.. extinct. Total purchase cost leader. •