THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 19, 1977 13 uota' Statement Sought III (Continued from Page 1) quotas and lead to discrimi- nation against or in favor of the individuals identified." The agencies urged that ex- isting regulations be re- vised to: • Prohibit colleges and universities from request- ing religious data from ap- plicants, except where ap- propriate (such as by semi- naries and other religious institutions); • Require that informa- tion for student enrollment surveys be obtained on a strictly voluntary and anon- ymous basis; • Apply the same rules for faculty surveys, both be- fore and after employment. The urgency the Jewish leaders attached to the prob- lem of quotas was under- scored at the meeting with Califano when they cited the Bakke case now pend- ing before the U.S. Su- preme Court. The case, on appeal by the University of California, involves a qualified white Christian applicant who was barred by virtue of his race from its medical school at Davis under an ad- missions policy guaran- teeing 16 seats for minority candidates. The appeal was filed after the California Su- preme Court ruled it was unconstitutional for the uni- versity to exclude Allan Bakke solely because he is white. The Jewish representa- tives reiterated their advo- cacy of affirmative action through recruitment and special training for the dis- advantaged. Such special programs, the Jewish leaders said, should be "based on cri- teria of disadvantagement rather than on criteria of race in order to give all dis- advantaged applicants an - opportunity to compete." Two Jewish and six, eth- nic groups joined in a friend-of-the-court brief in the Bakke case last week supporting affirmative ac- tion to speed the entry of ra- cial minorities into higher education but opposing the use of racial quotas. Signing the brief were the American Jewish Com- mittee, American Jewish Congress, Hellenic Bar As- sociation of Illinois, Italian- American Foundation, Pol- ish American Affairs Coun- cil, Polish American Educa- tors Association, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (Chicago Division) and Unico National. In their brief, the eight or- ganizations cited with ap- )roval the majority deci- sion of the California Su- preme Court that medical school admission need not be based solely on academ- ic test scores. In the Court's words: "We observe and empha- size...that the University is not required to choose be- tween a racially neutral ad- mission standard applied strictly according to grade point averages and test scores, and a standard which accords preferences to minorities because of their race... "While minority appli7 cants may have lower grade point averages and test scores than others, we are aware of no rule of law which requires the Univer- sity to accord determina- tive weight in admissions to these quantitative factors." To avoid the "false dich- otomy" between absolute re- liance on numerical scores on the one hand and racial preference on the other, the brief declared: "Schools may and, we think, should evaluate both grades and test scores in the light of a candidate's background; whether he came from a culturally im- poverished home; the na- ture and quality of the schools attended; whether family circumstances re- quired work while attending school; whether he...demonstrated concern and interest in the broader community by political ac- tivity or volunteer work among the sick or under- privileged; and whether he had manifested leadership, industry, perseverance, self-discipline and intense motivation. "Because grades and test scores alone may not meas- ure the true potentialities of such candidates," the brief added, "weight should be given to the reality that some disadvantaged candi- dates have demonstrated the capability of surmount- ing handicaps, whether such handicaps were occa- sioned by discrimination, poverty, chronic illness or other factors." Holocaust Study Title Misleads By DR. MILTON STEINHARDT Books dealing with cer- tain aspects of the Holocaust continue to flood the market. As I scan the books, the question arises as to what is the purpose of recounting the most painful and shame- ful episode in modern his- tory: genocide not only of six million Jews but of mil- lions of Slays and others. Is it like touching a pain- ful tooth with your tongue — to ascertain its origin and so perhaps master the situation? Or is it a sense of t uilt for surviving? Is it an affirmation never to for- get or forgive? Is it to in- sure that "it cannot happen here?" Is it to learn a les- son from the complacency of some Jews in Germany prior to Hitler? Is it to maintain our Jewish identi- ty by this common expe- rience? Or is it further demonstra- tion that the only realistic solution to the Jewish "prob- lem" is the viability of the state of Israel which, were it in existence during the Hitler period would never have allowed the extermina- tion of a third of its people. The most shocking aspect of the Holocaust was the deafening and con- spiratorial silence of the Western world, the Church, and world powers. In "German Jews Fought Back" by Julius Keller (Vantage Pliess), the au- thor is a bit presumptuous in his title, for he describes only a handful of Jewish members of a sport organi- zation who made an abor- tive effort to save the Ber- lin Synagogue from destruc- tion on "Kristal Nacht" by resistance to the initial on- slaught. He relates how sev- eral managed to cross the border to France. Perhaps the title should read: "Some Young German Made in Israel TEL AVIV—First runs of the new Volta battery are in process at the Vulcan Battery branch at Shlomi in the Western Galilee. This high quality, long- lasting battery is manufac- tured according to know- how provided by Globe- Union of the U.S. Jews Hoped to Wished to Fight Back". Though this book does not add significantly to the chronicle of the Holocaust, it has merit in its sim- plicity, in the description how the fateful event, the first violent attack in the Nazi period, appeared to an affluent Jewish youth of 17. Of the three who escaped to France and managed to reach the U.S. with the aid of French Jewry, he was the only survivor. All three volunteered to serve in the U.S. Army despite their des- ignation as "enemy aliens". Two were killed — one in the Normandy invasion, the other in the Battle of the Bulge. The psychological reac- tion of one young person to a specific event has a uni- versal appeal, perhaps greater than numerous his- torical data. It is similar to the emotional impact of "The Diary of Anne Frank". Even though there were hundreds of Anne Franks, we are touched by the courage, tenderness and humanity of one young per- son. The author's story about his parents' attempt to es- cape and the tragic after- math, the letter the author received in Sept., 1942 from his colleague, a prisoner in an extermination camp, who bribed a guard with his gold watch to smuggle out that letter which clearly de- scribed the fate of the pre- vious trainload of arrivals in the camp and how the liv- ing inmates were forced to sort out the shoes, clothes and gold teeth, etc. — all this gives the reader a jolt hard to forget. Perhaps the author con- veys his message in the last chapter. He asks!': "What as- surance can we give our children that there will not be persecution or pogroms in their lives?" He replies: "The state of Israel", and, "the Holocaust has taught American Jewry a valuable lesson — to organize re- sources the moment anti- Semitic activity becomes known anywhere in the world, and to act, instead of assuming 'It cannot hap- pen here ". CloisonneWare Superb handcrafted bowls, graceful vases and urns, plates, and ashtrays. Delicate bowls, plates, teapots, vases which are realistic copies of Chinese masterpieces of the Ming Dynasty from collections of the National Art Museum in Taiwan. Teapots, cake plates, hand- painted vases, incense burners, candy dishes, ginger jars and many other decorative objects which are exact reproductions of classic Chinese pottery on display at the Museum of Exhibitions of Chinese Historical Arts.. 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