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August 05, 1977 - Image 39

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1977-08-05

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THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 5, 1977 39


Readers Forum

Reader Offers Plan for OP,
Southfield Flight Prevention

Editor. The Jewish Ne-ws:
Your newspaper's past
several issues have touched
upon the Oak Park-South-
field "Jewish problem."
These articles interested
me and probably hundreds
of other readers. Thank you
for them. They serve to cry
out against the largely self-
induced social and financial
upheaval accompanying the
threatened relocation (dis-
location) of Jewish commu-
r---"- ies. Your concern in
it is welcome reading.
In the areas potentially af-
fected by the cyclic catast-
rophe there are Jewish in-
stitutions and organizations
with much at stake. Let
them not sit idly by nor
make furtive attempts at
flight. Let them rather con-
vince their young people to
buy homes close by.
Convincing with talk may
* * *

Denied Request
Brings Criticism

Editor, The Jewish News:
I have been a Jewish
News subscriber for about
20 years, and was shocked
and dismayed at the letter
from Ruth Eichler (Bnai
Brith Girls) that every syna-
gogue and temple refused
to let them use their park-
ing lot(s) for a car wash. It
is a Hilul HaShem (that) a
Catholic church allowed
them to use their lot.
While we are facing a
tragedy with the alienation
of most of our Jewish youth
from Judaism, those few
who still care are turned
away after such a simple
request. All the synagogues
should apologize to her, and
offer their lots to her.
David Kahan

not be enough. How about
subsidizing home purchases
for young members? Inter-
est free loans or even out-
right grants will allow a
headstart in acquiring
home equity and save the
current outlandishly high
rental figures. If our syna-
gogues, temples, and cen-
ters do not have the willing
young people to respond to
such a senseful and econom-
ically sound appeal then
where is the future any-
way? Relocations, even if
affordable, would not help
With more demand for
housing within our own
group maybe there will be
less of a supply for others.
M. Fine
* *

Housing Issue
Article Praised

Editor, The Jewish News:
As you may know, I have
kept up with what is going
on in the Detroit Jewish
community these many
years through your Jewish
News. I especially appre-
ciate reading and finding
out about the "dynamics"
of the total Jewish commu-
nity—as it relates to things
happening within the Jew-
ish community and in rela-
tion to the total community.
Therefore. I appreciate
your feature story about
Oak Park and Southfield in
your July 15, 1977 issue.
Without this kind of under-
standing and involvement
in the "total" community.
we'll end up in an isolated
corner—or packing up to
move to another commu-
Sam Rabinovitz
Ann Arbor


Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fin-
kelstein of Southfield an-
nounce the engagement of
her daughter, Barbara Su-
san Prigoff, to Douglas
Karl Sterett, son of Mrs.
Dorothy Sterett of South
Carolina. Miss Prigoff was
graduated from the Hospi-
tal for Special Surgery in
New York with a degree in
nursing. Her fiance was
graduated from California


State Polytechnic Univer-
sity with a degree in archi-
tecture. A September wed-
ding is planned.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Parker of Dayton announce
the engagement of their
daughter, Jayne F. Parker,
to Robert Shacket, son of
Mr. and _Mrs. Al. A. Sha-
cket of Southfield. A Sep-
tember wedding is planned.

Fresh Air Annual Meeting
Includes Election, Dedications

The Fresh Air Society
will hold its 76th annual
meeting 2 p.m. Aug. 14 at
the Henry M. Butzel Senior
Citizen Village and Confer-
ence Center, Ortonville.
Election of officers will
be held, and the following
will be dedicated : The Sid-
ney J. and Melba Winer
Dance Barn, Charles Lay-
ton Food Preparation Cen-
ter, The Skillman Founda-
tion Kitchens, Montefiore
Lodge Director's Residence
in Silverman Village and a
room in memory of Mau-
-- rice J. Caplan, late husband
of Louise Caplan Lappin.
who will make the dedica-
Nominated for a three-
year term on the oard of
directors are Dr. Oscar D.
Schwartz, Allan. Nachman,
Joel Gershenson, Julie
Grant, Dolores Farber, Har-
riet Dunsky, Rhoda Baruch
and Sally Levy.
Seeking election for a
three-year term on the
board are Sybil Jones,
Ellen Labes, Ronne Acker,
Perry Cohen and Sidney
Nominating committee
members included Gershen-
son, chairman; Joan Gold-

rath, Jessie Stern, Dr.
Ralph Coskey and Dr. Rob-
ert Singer.

Anne Frank 'Play'
at OP Theater

The Oak Park Commu-
nity Theatre will present
"The Diary of Anne Frank"
Thiirsday and Aug. 12, 13,
18, 19, 20, 25, 26, and 27 in
the Little Theater of Oak
Park High School._

* * *



LAucational activities and
useful information enhance
the new Macmillan chil-
dren's calendar for 1978,
written by Jean Doty and il-
lustrated by cartoonist Roy
There are double-page
spreads for each month and
peel-off stickers for mark-
ing birthdays, favorite activ-
ities and special occasions.
Among the additional fea-
tures are: The Great Year-
Long Treasure Hunt, a
theme per month, do-it-

Music Fot All Occasions


SANdy fRiEdmAN


25900 Greenfield (at 101/2 mi. Landmark Bldg:,

968-0808 .


'dick stein inc.

from one to any number of music;ans

.bill meyers

jeep smith
patty grant

jerry fenby

Shelby lee
Johnny griffith

Let the Professionals Perform

"music the stein way"







in the Claymoor Apts.

29260 Franklin Rd.
Southfield, Mich.


Mon.-Sat. 10:30-4:30

You're Invited
... to our exceptional Pre-Season

rd F ALL Vtik

GLES COUNCIL announces
its dance originally sched-
uled for Sunday (Aug. 7)
has been canceled. The
MJSC will hold an oneg Sha-
bat 8:30 p.m. Aug. 12 in the
Franklin Pointe Apts. club
house. Victor Herman,
whose daughters were al-
lowed to emigrate to the
U.S. from the Soviet Union
earlier this year, and a for-
mer Russian citizen him-
self, will speak. Jewish sin-
gles age 18-35 are invited.
Admission is free, and re-
freshments,will be served.

We're staging a fur event
that took months of advance plan-
ning. A tremendous collection of news mak-
ing furs ... including today's fashionable contempo-
rary coats ... each tagged at preseason lows for pre-
season savings.

If you've dreamed of owning a fine fur but never
thought you'd find it at a price you could afford .. .
this is the place. Rush to our store now . . .it's worth
a trip from anywhere!

o racmitlan Prints Youth Calendar




All performances begin at
8 p.m. For ticket informa-
tion, call the Oak Park De-
partment of Parks, Recrea-
tion and Forestry, 541-0900.

Singles Events

GLES of the Jewish Com-
munity Center will hear Dr.
William Nichols, psycholo-
gist and marriage coun-
selor, at 8 p.m. Sunday in
the main Jewish Commu-
nity Center complex. Dr.
Nichols will speak on "Ad
justment and Problems in a
Second Marriage." There is
a fee. For information, call
Ann Klempner, 557-3698. or
Dorothy Shapiro, 557-2599.


The Hellenistic Jewish au-
thor Artapanus of the Sec-
ond Century BCE, wrote
that the foundations of
Egyptian culture were laid
by Abraham, Jacob, Joseph
and Moses.

Coeqffe g Otteft Inc.

furs by

yourself craft projects and
jokes and word games.

Library Gets
Hebrew Paper

181 South Woodward
Next to Birmingham Theatre
Birmingham, Michigan 48011

TEL AVIV — The United
States Library of Congress
has requested copies of the
Hebrew ;language Koor com-
pany newspaper. Koor has
sent the library all editions
of the paper, and in the fu-
ture will send copies on a
regular basis.

642 1690


Member Greater
Furriers Guild

Daily 9:30 to 5:00
Thursday until 8:30


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