54 Friday, July 29, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Soviet Jews Helped by Detroiters Aid Others in Battle to Emigrate Rose Kleinman, Active in Tasks for Housing Reform Legislation Dr. and Mrs. Vladimir researcher. Others who them, Dr. Levit believes Levit, who were aided two aided him both in Russia Rose Kleinman, who in in Ann Arbor praised one of troit Institute of Arts. years ago in emigrating and America were Dr. Nath- that they collected in the of- Detroit was active in ef- her housing theories. Besides her husband, she fices of the KGB, the Soviet from the Soviet Union by ef- an Kline, director of the forts for housing reform From 1973 until her leaves a son, Joseph K. ; a security agency, where forts of Detroiters Dr. and Rockland Research Center, and for most of her life in- death, Mrs. Kleinman was Dr. Janet Baum; they could not be ignored. Mrs. Peter Martin and Mrs. volved herself in social wel- a member of the board of a daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Martin and brother, Alfred Anne Parzen, and an inter- Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bassan fare tasks, died July 22 at directors of the Ferndale of Pennsylvania; Friedman Druck said from Vienna three sis- age 63. national letter-writing cam- of New York City. that the letters were effec- Co-Op Credit Union, ters, Mrs. Sara Bucklan, paign, is now helping other Born in Des Moines, After settling in Orange- tive primarily because the:y A memorial service will Mrs. Lillian Yanovitz and Soviet Jews to emigrate. Iowa, Mrs. burg, Dr. Levit brought the singled out his former supe- be held for Mrs. Kleinman Mrs. Molly Wilson; and two Kleinman rior at the engineering cen- 10 a.m. Aug. 7 in the De- grandchildren. Dr. Levit, who is now on message of the Drucks to f o r the man responsible for the staff of the Rockland the Jewish Center. "Every- ter, merly was Psychiatric Research Cen- one who left Russia and re- keeping him in Russia. active in the "The letters blamed one ter in the New York suburb membered the hardships man," he said. "That is Young of Orangeburg, has helped tries to help those who re- how they were good." People's So- win the release of a Rus- main," he said. cialist Move- "When he first came to Asked why he, Druck, sian Jewish engineer and s ment, where the community, I had him and so many others feel NEW YORK—Jacob Ben- his family. she met her tell his story," said Rabbi compelled to leave the So- Ami. a founder of the Jew- Kleinman The family of Alexander Pesach Krauss," spiritual viet Union, Dr. Levit .said, first hus- ish Art Theater who band, Robert Parker, who Druck is now with relatives leader of the congregation. "You know about anti-Sem- achieved critical acclaim in Vienna, awaiting per- died in 1945. Following his, "The people were deeply itism and a lack of free- on both the Yiddish and mission to enter the United touched." death, Mrs. Kleinman and dom. It is true in our cases. English-speaking stages, States. her daughter moved from Many of the 500 families There is no possibility there died July 23 at age 86. their Pennsylvania home to It was Dr. Levit who in the congregation wrote to be a Jew." Born in Minsk. Mr. Ben- Massachusetts where she scores of letters to elected made members of the Or- Twenty-one-year-old Lina was active in the Socialist Ami appeared in small re- angetown Jewish Center representatives, the State Levit would have been de- Party and the Jewish Labor pertory companies until he aware of the plight of the Department, the Soviet gov- nied entry into a Soviet Committee. 'She campaign- was offered a recommenda- Drucks. Were it not for the ernment, and the Drucks. medical school. Here she is ed for Fair Employment tion to the renowned Mos- pressure and financial sup- While the great majority a pre-medical student at Ye- Practices legislation and port from the international of the letters sent to the shiva University in New cow Art Theater. Working successfully campaigned Drucks never reached York City. community, Dr. Levit and ' in the capital would have for a Civil Rights week in his family would remain meant converting from Massachusetts. today in the Soviet Union. Judaism, which he refused. In 1950 she married De- "Only under Western pres- He decided to emigrate to troiter Dr. Shmarya Klein- JACOB BEN-AM1 sure was I allowed to leave New York where he worked man, and became active in Russia, - said Dr. Levit, at the Neighborhood Play- modern productions. race relations work under who is 53 and lives in Or- In his theater, starring house and with a variety of TORONTO (JTA )—A Mon- gion of Honor. The award the auspices of Detroit's angeburg. "The Soviet gov- roles were to be rotated, bil- amateur groups before join- amounts to 2,000 French Jewish Community Council. ernment says it doesn't re- treal professor and rabbi She and a group of friends ing a group at the Irving , ling- was to be alphabetical francs, about $450. spond to Western pressure. has become the first Cana- began a Fair Housing List- and a more psychological Place Theater. dian to win the prestigious It is a lie." ing Service and she was approach was brought to Broquette-Gonin Award for Nazi Unit Plans He appeared in plays by The stories of Druck and hired as a housing consult- bear on acting. work on the emancipa- American. British, Russian Dr. Levit are similar not his ant by the Washington- tion of French Jews. Chicago March only to each other, but to and Yiddish playwrights ' based Foundation for Coop- Prof. Morgenstern, Dr. David Feuerwerker, those of thousands of other during tours in Europe. erative Housing. She was CHICAGO—Nazi leader 64, founder of the depart- Soviet intellectual dis- South Africa. South Amer- the proponent of housing re- Noted Economist sidents, many of them ment of Jewish studies at Frank Collin, who has been form legislation which was ica and the U.S. trying since April to hold a eventually drafted as a bill Jews, who have been de- the University of Montreal, NEW YORK—Oskar Mor- march in predominantly In 1919 he founded the nied permission to emigrate. was notified of the acad- genstern, a leading econo- in 1967. The bill established emy's decision by letter. Jewish Skokie, says he is the Michigan State Housing Jewish Art Theater and ap- mist and a pioneer in the de- — Both Druck and Dr. Levit Feuerwerker said his book, now preparing for a march peared in "Samson and velopment of mathematical Authority. held high positions in their "The Emancipation of Jews through black sections of Delilah." His theater pre- economies and game theo- An editorial in July 7 edi- respective fields. The two in France from the Old Re- to "show we don't ry, died July 26 at age 75. sented productions in Yidd- tion of The Michigan Daily met on the same day more gime to the End of the Sec- Chicago want any niggers moving Prof. Morgenstern was ish 'of plays on works by than four years ago after in- ond Empire," took 30 years into our neighborhood." the co-author of "Theory of Dr. A. Feldman, Sholom Aleichem, Tolstoy itially applying for emigra- to research. Collin, coordinator of the Games and Economic Be- tion. and Gerhart Hauptmann The book, published in National Socialist Congress, havior" with John von Neu- Began Newspaper and it attempted to under- Dr. Levit was almost im- Paris, contained previously began the march plans mann, and his theories cut the star system preva- mediately removed from unpublished material from after U.S. District Court were regarded by others in WEST HARTFORD, lent in Yiddish theater. He his post at a Moscow psy- archives in France, Switzer- Judge George N. Leighton the field as being ahead of Conn.. (JTA)—Dr. Abra- chiatric institute, the high- land, Austria and England. also wished to highlight their time. ruled last week that a Chi- ham J. Feldman. founder est of its .kind in the nation. Feuerwerker, who came cago Park District require- of The Connecticut Jewish, He was demoted to the to Canada from France 11 ment that the Nazis buy Ledger and a former presi- status a young resident phy- years ago after teaching at $350,000 worth of insurance dent of both the Central sician would hold, and even- the Sorbonne, said he was before holding a public tually kicked out altogeth- prompted to begin research Conference of American rally is unconstitutional. er. / Rabbis and the Synagogue during World War II when NEW YORK—Gabriel A. As head of the American He applied to emigrate he came across a book on Federations Report Council of America, died Wechsler, a proponent of League for a Free Pales- four times. "They said I the subject. July 21 at age 84. Jewish causes, including tine, he helped in the forma- know secrets," he said. "I He fought in the French Endowment Growth Dr. Feldman was spirit- the Committee for a Jewish tion of the state of Israel. said everything I know is resistance in World War II Army of Stateless and Pa- Later, Mr. Wechsler ual leader of Temple Beth openly published." NEW YORK—Forty- and was decorated with the Israel from 1925 to 1968 lestinian Jews, and the formed the American Con- Croix de Guerre and the Le- seven Jewish federations in Emergency Committee to when he became Rabbi Druck, meanwhile, took nittee for the National Sick Save the Jewish People of . Fund of Israel, which now the United States and Can- matters into his own hands Emeritus. He founded the Europe, died July 22 at age maintains over 90 health ada reported net holdings of and got a transfer to a Fahmi Proposes Connecticut .Jewish Ledger. 68. lower institute where he $223 million in endowment stations in that country. a weekly. in 1929 and contin- In the 1940s, Mr. Wech- would be less susceptible as All Israelis Leave funds in 1976, setting a re- Mr. Wechsler was a for- ued as its' editor after his re- sler helped organize and be- a security risk. cord in endowment fund mer executive director of tirement from the pulpit. came national secretary of the Bnai Brith Council of He continued his dissident growth. WASHINGTON-Egyptian He was the author of the Committee for a Jewish Greater Philadelphia He activities, particularly fol- Foreign Minister Ismail The 47 communities re- many books and treatises lowing the Helsinki confer- Fahmi has suggested that it Army of Stateless and Pa- also was president o sponding to the annual sur- on Judaism. ence in 1975 where a broad would lestinian Jews, a group that National Haym vey on the status of Feder- be better for all con- accord on the establishment Born in Kiev; the Uk- advocated the formation of Memorial Committee, exec- ation Endowment Funds of basic human rights was cerned if all Israelis would raine, Dr. Feldman was a Jewish fighting force re- utive vice president of the compiled by the Council of - reached. The price he paid leave Israel and "go back cruited from refugees of Civic Foundation of New brought to the United to the United States or to Jewish Federations (CJF), was losing his telephone, Hitler's Germany and States in 1906 and settled on York State and campaign di- showed total receipts of ap- spending a week in prison, the Eastern European coun- youths from Palestine. rector for the City of Hope. Manhattan's Lower East tries or wherever they proximately $44 million by and receiving little of his He later headed a confer- Active in New York City Side. He was graduated came from." mail. their funds since 1975. ence that brought together politics, Mr. Wechsler be- from the Hebrew Union Col- Fahmi made the com- It was the mail that be- The CJF survey also American leaders in reli- came general secretary of lege and the University of came the lifeline for both ments recently in an inter- notes that the responding gion, the arts, politics and the City Fusion Party soon Cincinnati. Dr. Feldman view with the Washington Druck and Dr. Levit. other fields to work out after Mayor Fiorello H. La communities allocated $20 was a leading ecumenist In Dr. Levit's case, his af- Star. He added that Egypt plans for saving Nazi vic- Guardia's election on the million in grants last year filiation with a World was not going to ask the and an articulate defender tims. The conference in- Fusion Party's anti-Tam- from their endowment Health Organization study U.S. "to force Israelis to go of human rights and racial spired the formation of the many ticket in 1933, and funds. of schizophrenia created back." brotherhood. Emergency Committee to held that position for 30 contacts with leading scien- "Certainly," he contin- Save the Jewish People of years. In 1957 President Eisen- Rabbi S.Z. Baum hower praised "his out- Europe. He became its na- tists in the United States ued, "if you can do this, it He was a deputy commis- and Great Britain. tional secretary. would be better, and I sioner of santitation and of standing leadership" in NEW YORK—Rabbi Shep- Among those who im- would thank you for all He helped establish the purchase during Mayor Rob- herd Z. Baum, national vice making his creative in- plored the Soviet govern- time, because you know, we War Refugee Board and, ert F. Wagner's adminis- president of Bnai Zion, the fluence felt in a wide corn- ment to let the Levits emi- have not been living in from New York, directed tration and served as assist- American fraternal Zionist munity" and "bringing grate was Sir John Wing, a peace since they came into part of the negotiations ant administrator of public organization, died July 21 strength to the nation and noted English psychological this area." with the Vatican for the res- affairs under Mayor John at age 73. hope to thefrepworlrl" .Tatue in Linnn,,,, Jacob Ben-Ami,Yiddish Actor Founded Jewish Art Theatel French Academy Cites Rabbi for Research on French Jews Gabriel Wechsler, Sought Aid fOr Nazi Victims, Europe Jews