!i 011 0 ' THE JEWISH NEWS Incorpnating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with t/ u issue ()linty 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Associatidn. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing ('o., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Smithfield, Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription `110 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager .;ALAN HITSK1 . , News Editor . . 11E11)1 PRESS. Assistant Ne•N Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the ninth day of Tammuz, 5737, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Numbers 19:1-22:1. Prophetical portion, Judi. •s 11:1-33. Candle lighting. Friday, une 21.8:53 p.m. VOL. LXXI, No. 16 Page Four June 24, 1977 Never Again ! -- in Skokie or Anywhere A U. S. Supreme Court decision which opens the road to a revival of Nazism is causing un- derstandable concern over the emerging trend that would grant respectability to barbarians and bigotry with legal protection. The Supreme Court ruling could well have been in support of a Ku Klux Klan in- volvement. The culprits are alike, whether it is a Nazi group mobilizing to propagate the annihi- lation of Jews or a KKK intent to create venom against Blacks, Catholics and Jews. The re- sponse to such conditions also equates with real- ity. Blacks surely will not tolerate a KKK dem- onstration anywhere, especially in a thickly populated Black area; and Jews will not sub- mit again to the threats of hooliganism akin to the codes of Hitlerism. - The new form of Nazism was transported to this free land from the German-made bestia- lities. The ruling by the highest court in the land does less to perpetuate the freedom it pur- ports to uphold than its attribution to in- citement to bestialities. Is it conceivable, in any rational person's mind, that Jews in Sokie, Ill., or anywhere else, would permit a demonstration of Nazi- clad gangsters, in front of their homes, advocat- ing the annihilation of the Jewish people? Is there a sane mind anywhere with an idea that Jews would sit by silently while the ghost of Adolf Hitler is flaunted at them with legal rights to infiltrate the free American atmos- phere with hatreds that accounted for the mur- der of some 20 million people, including the Six Million Jews ? The rejection of the action of a slim majority of the Supreme Court must not be interpreted as advocacy of defiance of law legally excuted. It does not matter that the . decision was by a majority of one. Even if it were unanimous aci- ton by the highest court in the land, the fact that it undertook to regulate in favor of demon- strations by beasts parading in the image of humans endangers the honor of the nation's legal system and equates our high court with those in Nazi Germany which are on record as systems that condoned mass murders and shared in the guilt of the Holocaust. The late Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wen- dell Holmes had an explanation for rejecting terrorism in the midst of American freedoms. He had declared that one must not be permit- ted to shout "fire" in a crowded theater, thus causing pandemonium leading to catastrophies. What the high court, sitting in session in Wash- ington, did last week was to permit the Nazi beasts to do just that, and if that decision is to lead to defiance of a shocking decision by a high cur , what has gone into the record of the American judiciary has the danger of being in- terpreted as legalizing inhumanitiies. The confidence that must be retained in the American way of life and in the efficacy of the American judicial system provides hope that damage. that was done by last week's ruling will not be a lasting one. Such compelling prin- ciples as those that carry with them the "Never Again!" compulsions in the ranks of the sufferers from Nazism and all who share any form of revulsion for Nazi revivals are cer- tain this will be corrected. There will, undoubt- edly, be another testing of the intrusions of bar- barism into the American way of life, and then there will surely be a rejection of the bigotries that threaten the decencies of a civilized so- ciety. There will surely be a testing in other quar- ters which have influenced the distressing high court decision. The actions that have been pur- sued by the American Civil Liberties Union have caused distress in the ranks of American libertarians. The ACLU policies have been bending in the name of democracy and civil lib- erties to such a degree that this movement's representatives have defended the most repul- sive and the most dangerous in our midst—all in the name of democracy, the First Amend- ment and human rights. Aren't there limita- tions to granting a free hand to the criminally- minded, and isn't there a more rational way of judging the means of protecting even the in- sane ? Isn't there a limitation to granting rights to the sick minds who threaten to impose an- other Holocaust upon Jewry or a KKK in- tolarence upon Blacks? Doesn't the total free- dom for the hate-minded limit the liberties of decent peoples? Involvement of Jews as defenders of Nazis, KKK members and others who have propagat- ated violence, all in the name of free speech, has been cause for embarrassment, often grow- nto anger. It is part of the extremism in ing into search for justice that gives troublemakers spe- cial 'privileges leading to an undermining of basic lawabiding compulsions. Is it any wonder that such experiences with the concessions to indecencies prove intolerant? It is so very unfortunate that the high court should have created a problem for those threat- ened by the bigotries of insaned people who have attained equality with civilized people. Time solves many problems, and the new one undoubtedly will be resolved honorably in the process of humanism that must be treated as indestructible in an honorable democratic so- ciety. Howe's 'World of Our Fathers ' in Touchstone Paperback "World of Our Fathers," the best selling Irving Howe book dealing with the East Side of New York and the early history of Jewish immi- grant activities, has been re-issued by Simon and Schuster as a Touchstone quality paperback, in 125,000 copies. PROF. IRVING HOWE This volume gives emphasis to the labor movement, to many activities that marked the immigrant influx in the early years of this century. Widely acclaimed, the Howe book has been subjected to crit- icism for a lack of attention to the Orthodox, traditional and Zionist elements. Much in the volume, how- ever, dealing with the theater and _other aspects of Jewish life, granted it status that mer- ited the wide sales recorded for a volume that remained for many months in the best seller list. Burning Bush Press Ceremonials, Laws, Traditions Defined in New Tract Series • Tracts defining laws, traditions, ceremonials and festivals, pre- pared by authoritative writers, have been issued by the education de- partment of the United Synagogue of America 'and have just been is- sued by Burning Bush Press. 4110 Edited by Rabbi Marvin S. Wiener,"Jewish Tract Series," contains 14 titles that are now available in bulk as a unit. "Torah, the Life of the Jew" by David Aronson, "Avot, the Ethics of the Fathers" by Melvin Jay-Glatt, and "Jewish Law, a Conserva- tive Approach" by Ben Zion Bokser deal with the basics in Jewish traditions and teachings. Dr. - Ira Eisenstein is the author of an important essay dealing with the problem of "Intermarriage." Is Stalinism Revived? Apparently the Stalin terror is back in full force. How else is the interrogation of Robert Toth, the American correspondent in Moscow, to be explained ? Why is the Jewish dissident Anatoly Sharansky accused of treason when he has not done anything in secret and all his sci- entific efforts and his expressed views have been open and above board? Whether it is President Carter's consistent ad- herence to a policy supporting human rights By Simon and Schuster for all, everywhere, or a fear of what may re- sult from the continuing East-West conflict, the fact remains that the Stalin tactics are in full force again. The new experiences and the Stalin trend in Russia merely signals to those seeking free- dom for Russian Jews and for dissidents of all faiths that the protest against oppression must continue and every effort must be made to strive for justice for the oppressed. • "Passover, More Than Freedom" and "Shavuot, Nature and Torah," both by Evelyn Garfiel, splendidly define the two festivals. Evelyn Garfiel also authored the tracts on "The Grace" and "The Marriage Service." "The First Words of Prayer" by Jack Riemer explains the Siddur. The other titles in "Jewish Tract Series" include: "Tefilin" by Robert Alan Hammer, "The Talit" by Dov Peretz Elkins, "Shema" by Fritz A. Rothschild, "Mitzvah" by Rose D. Gold- stein and "The Mezuzah" by Abraham B. Eckstein.