• itidf ay; Juile't01977 ••• •• • •• OOO O OO • •• MOVING? Carter Statement on Middle East Sowing Apprehension • HOUSEHOLD SALES IN YOUR HOME • ESTATES LIQUIDATED • • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS IRENE EAGLE : 626-4769 626-8907 : • 00000000 oiee o•J• SPITZER'S (Continued from Page 1) has been thus far unrolled would have been no differ- ent if the Labor coalition had retained power in Is- rael. Present U.S. policy is seen based on consid- erations of oil and con- ciliation of the Arabs and their Third World friends. Who is Prime Minister of Is- rael is immaterial. Officially inspired in- timidation to generate fear and capitulation to U.S. pol- icy as conceived by Arab- ists within the U.S. foreign of Harvard Row Your FATHER'S DAY Headquarters 14K & Sterling Jewelry *Mezuzos *Chais *Stars *Rings *and much more SPITZER'S Hebrew Book & Gitt Center 11 Me & Lanier, Southfield Harvard Row 356-6080 Open All Day Sunday affairs establishment has appeared at critical jun- ctures in previous U.S.-Is- raeli relations. In 1948, some of the most respected figures in the Jewish lead- ership seemed to have been persuaded to support posi- tions against formation of the state of Israel during the almost successful cam- paign waged by Truman Ad- ministration Arabists to abort the birth of the Jew- ish state. The State Department's documentation of "Foreign Relations of the United States for 1948" published late last autumn, revealed officially incidents and as- sessment of divisions among Jews in the critical weeks before the Jewish state was proclaimed by Da- vid Ben-Gurion on May 16, 1948. In 1956, the Eisenhower Administration threatened to block Jewish contribu- tions to Israel from the United States if the Israelis did not withdraw from the Sinai where it had entered with British and French agreement. Similarly, for- mer Undersecretary of State George Ball recently advocated putting a halt to such contributions to bring about Israel's withdrawal I Don't Want to Sell You A Car, I Want To Help You Buy One, You work hard for your money. So do I. But I don't think that a low price alone is enough to get you to spend your money at Jerry Glassman Olds, or any other car dealership. I believe people want to buy their car from a dealership they can put thei•trust in. 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However, Rabin said, there was an important point of understanding with the U.S. on the nature, ,of peace in the Mideast. He said his government had based its policy on read- iness for negotiations to re- duce the possibility of war, building the country's strength and winning over American public opinion. Minister-Without-Portfolio Israel Galili described re- cent statements by the lead- ers of Likud who will form the next government as ill- judged and warned that they could accelerate the al- ready disturbing process of erosion in the U.S. American Zionist leader Jacques Torczyner charged that the Carter Adminis- tration was trying to split American Jewry in its sup- port of Israel. He spoke of attempts to "brain wash" certain American Jewish leaders, of hints of econom- ic pressure and efforts to undermine the importance- and standing of the Confer- ence of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organiza- tions. Torczyner, a past presi- dent of the Zionist Organiza- tion of America, told report- ers that the U.S. and Israel were in the midst of a "war of nerves." Torczyner said that cer- tain American Jewish lead- ers, whose names he would not divulge, were invited to the White House and others had talks with Zbigniew Brzezinski, chairman of the National Security Council, and were warned not to sup- port an Israeli government that followed extremist poli- cies. He claimed that the Carter Administration tried to convince these Jewish leaders that the Arabs were now moderate and that peace was within reach if only the Israeli government refrained from taking ex- treme positions. But the head of the World Jewish Congress' governing board decried the outbreak of "jitters" within the Jew- ish community. In an address opening the 79th annual meeting of the National Conference of Jew- ish Communal Service; Phil- ip M. Klutznick cautioned against hasty judgement. He urged that Middle East developments be assessed in terms of long-range po- tentials. Klutznick proposed that the American Jewish com- munity might better view Begin's victory as "the dem- ocratic will" of the Israeli electorate and not prejudge the "motives and objectiv- es" of a Begin-led govern- ment. Similarly, he added, con- clusions drawn from Presi- dent Carter's penchant for "public debate" or even "a slip of the tongue" tend to ignore the political reali- ties. Every U.S. President, "in- cluding this one, wants to see a Middle East settle- ment--what's so new about that?" he asked. Klutznick, a former U.S. Ambassador at the United Nations, stressed the need of the Jewish community to inter- pret Middle East events in terms of the "in' dependence of nations i, world grown so small that what affects one can affect all, those we like and those we dislike." Mayor Teddy Kollek of Je- rusalem said in Washington last week that there is grow- ing doubt in Israel regard- ing U.S. intentions toward the Middle East "but there is determination you can't push us around too much." Kollek spoke in response to questions from foreign and American correspond- ents at a luncheon hosted by the Overseas Writers at the Capital Hilton Hotel. He said "There is very serious, gnawing doubt about what the American position is." He emphasized, however, that "so far there are no hard facts, only opinion and feelings, not facts, on the oil question, the pressures of Russia and the Third World and how America will stand up to them." Moroccan King Foresees. Arab, Israel Accord JERUSALEM (JTA)— King Hassan of Morocco, possibly the only genuinely moderate Arab leader, envi- sions an alliance between the Arab world and the Jew- ish world, including Israel, that within 10 years after a peace settlement, could con- stitute "a world power of the first order." Such is the view of Nath- an Andre Chouraqui, a 59- year-old Algerian-born Jew- ish writer and jurist who holds French and Israeli citizenship and lives in Is- rael. Chouraqui disclosed de- tails of his talks with King Hassan during a 10-day visit to Morocco last March in an interview published Sunday in the Jerusalem Post. He said "The King saw such an alliance as a bal- ancing factor on the world scene that could lead to peace and progress." He said Hassan regarded world Jewry as an integral part of a Semitic bloc based on the Arabs' population and oil resources and Jewish technological, military and financial abilities. Chouraqui said he had re- trained from reporting his talks with the Arab mon- arch until now because he preferred that Hassan make his views public first. This the king has done at a press conference with French new media, Chou- raqui said. And in the mean- time, Hassanthe, the pro- royalist independent party in Morocco, won a landslide victory in the Moroccan par- liamentary elections last Friday giving Hassan wider public support than ever be- fore. Chouraqui said his con- tact with Hassan came about as a result of the king's interest in a book he had written, "Letter to an Arab Friend," in which Chouraqui proposed a Jorda- nian-Palestinian-Israeli con- federation with open bor- ders and the creation of a Middle East Common Mar- ket. Chouraqui said he was in- vited to visit Morocco as the king's guest and al- though he entered the coun- try on his French passport, the king knew he was an Is- raeli resident of Jerusalem. "I was invited, received and presented during my trip as an Israeli," he told the Post. He said he met with Has- san for 90 minutes on March 8. The king inquired about Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres and wanted to know which of the two was a "hawk." He also showed interest in the 500,000 Jews of Moroccan origin in Israel and ex- pressed hope for the norma- lization of relations between Jews and Arabs and fear of another Mideast war, Chou- raqui reported. He said the monarch told him that, contrary to recent reports, Morocco was not urging Moroccan Jews to leave Israel and return to the land of their birth. On the other hand, Hassan said Morocco would welcome visits by Moroccan Jews and other Israelis. Menahem Begin Hebrew Topic Moadon Ivri, Hebre' club, will meet 3 p.m. Sun- day at the Ten Mile Rd. Jewish Center. Israeli teach- er N. Bachrach will discuss "Who are You, Menahem Begin?" The public is in- vited. JEWISH NATIONAL Fun 22100 Greenfield Rd. Oak Park, Mich. 48237 • 968-0820 Z OFFICE HOURS MON -THURS 9 TO I- riis ,w 5 FRI 9 TO 4 SUNDAYS 10 am 1 pm - 4