THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS $150 Million Cash Goal: by June 30, 1977 As the Jewish people cele- brate the 10th anniversary of the unity of Jerusalem, our eternal capital is once again the center of attention. Jerusalem — the hope, the promise, the city of David, whose very name signifies peace . . . cries out for response. As we celebrate, let us pause and reflect . . . for our most meaningful response to that an- cient pledge remembered is to Friday, June 10, 1977 21 Wm, convert our personal and com- munity — pledge of support for Jews in need around the corner, around the world, and especially in Israel . . . where expectations await fulfillment . . . into cash. We have much more to do. We have much more to give. Not only to our fellow Jews in Israel and around the world but right here in our own com- munity, around the corner. The 1977 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund Needs your cash NOW. Send your check to: Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund • 163 Madison Avenue • Detroit, Michigan 48226