THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20 Friday, June 10, 1977 Peres Agrees to Coalition Talks With Begin; Difficulties Foreseen in Likud-DMC Parleys TEL AVIV (JTA)—Shi- mon Peres said Tuesday night that he would accept an invitation from Likud leader Menahem Begin to discuss the possibility of the Labor Alignment join- ing a Likud-led national unity government. How- ever, he made it clear that there has been no change in Labor's negative attitude to- ward an all-party coalition and said that Begin is fully aware of Labor's position. Nevertheless, "If he in- vites us to a meeting we shall go," Peres said after the Labor Party named him its chairman. The post is a new one. established to re- place the office of secretary general which has been va- cant since Meir Zarmi re- signed on the eve of the May 17 elections. On Tuesday, as President Ephraim Katzir officially asked Begin to form a gov- ernment, the Likud leader said that his party and the Labor Alignment were in agreement on basic issues such as their objection to a Palestinian state, refusal to withdraw to Israel's 1967 borders and their opposition to PLO participation in any negotiations for a Mideast peace settlement. Begin said he was aware of differ- ences that exist between his party and Labor but he feels that an agreement could be reached between them. Israeli law giv€.6 Begin 21 days to form a g wernment and an additional 21 days if needed. Should he be unable to establish a govern- ment within the 42 day limit, the law requires the president to assign the task Re- Seca... Kenneth N. Larsen Soatitizeed eemptee Setacatetta MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1977 ONE YEAR TERM Demonstrated Ability Mature Judgement Proven Community Leadership Unbiased Representation - Pd. Pol. Adv. to another Knesset But Begin is convinced that he can put together a 'majority cabinet well with- in the deadline. Likud and Gen. Ariel Sharon's Shlom- zion Movement, which merged with it last week, will control 45 seats in the next Knesset. If Moshe Dayan, who has left the Labor Party but retains his Knesset seat, joins Likud, it will have 46 votes plus 12 from the National Religious Party (NRP) which is con- sidered virtually certain to join • a Likud-led govern- ment, Meanwhile, Likud is studying an eight-point coa- lition guideline proposed to it Tuesday by the Democrat- ic Movement for Change (DMC). The two factions re- sumed their coalition talks Thursday and sources on both sides appeared to be optimistic that the differen- ces can be bridged, opening the way to formation of a broadly based government. It was learned that three of the DMC's points could be serious stumbling blocks to an agreement between the DMC and Likud. Accord- ing to informed sources, the DMC would retain as a coa- lition guideline Begin's statement that Israel has an "historic right the the whole of Eretz Yisrael." But the DMC wants to add that Israel would announce its readiness for negotia- tions on the basis of territo- rial concessions in ex- change for a genuine, con- tractual peace agreement. Another touchy point con- cerns settlements in the ad- ministered territories. The DMC reportedly proposed that settlements in areas other than the Golan Heights, the Jordan Valley and the Rafah salient must be approved in advance by all parties.that are partners HARVARD ROW SHOPPING CENTER GOING OUToF BUSINESS one of the finest custom tailors of the state of Michigan, is going out of business; License No. 266. Now is your chance to afford and wear the finest clothing. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save as you've never saved before on our nationally advertised clothing. 4 0 0/0 _7 0 0/0 OFF Thursday 'til 9 p.m. Saturday 'til 8 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Ail Sales Final Moris Huppert Clothier HARVARD ROW SHOPPING CENTER SOUTHFIELD • 353-0395 HARVARD ROW SHOPPING CENTER 1111011101' umakmullo; Likud a slim majority of 62 votes in the next Knesset. But Likud circles expressed confidence that the DMC will agree to join the coali- tion adding 15 Knesset seats. However, if was learned that the DMC is seeking the foreign ministry portfolio to ensure that once agreement is reached with Likud on foreign policy matters it will be implemented. Yadin is apparently prepared to accept the foreign ministry himself. There are no in- dications that Begin intends to withdraw his nomination of Dayan although officially it remains just one of sever- al possible proposals. Some circles speculated that Yadin might be ap- pointed deputy premier and assigned to head the Israeli - delegation to the Geneva conference, if and when it convenes. In that event, the DMC would play an impor- tant part in shaping Israel's policy. Meanwhile, Mayor Eliahu Nawi of -Beersheba, a veter- an Laborite, accused the Labor Party last week of following the same course to destruction in the up- coming Histadrut elections as it did in the Knesset elec- tions of May 17. He threat- ened to resign from the party and no less a figure than Foreign Minister Yigal Allon met with him to try to persuade him not to. Nawi charged that the Labor Party has failed to absorb the lessons of the elections and is resorting to the same techniques that re- sulted in its downfall. He cited as an example the ap- pointment of the party's candidates for the Hista- drut elections by an appoint- ments committee rather than by internal party bal- loting. He also alleged that the Labor Party had claimed a fictitious consensus in Beer- sheba where 10,800 persons supposedly registered as members but only 9200 voted for the Labor Align- ment on May 17. Illegal Arms Sale to Syria Forces Austrian Minister Out ' !3,11133 JNIddONS M OH OUVAV ARYAN, ROW SHOPPPING C E T Moris Huppert to the Coalition. That would mean than any party could veto Jewish settlements in the Judaea-Samaria re- gions. The other regions were exempted presumably because they are consid- ered vital to Israel's secu- rity. Finally, the DMC said it would not oppose the appli- cation of Israeli law to the administered territories pro- vided that it is not done while preliminary moves to- ward negotiotions with Arabs or actual negotia- tions- are in progress. Last week, Begin presented DMC head Yigael Yadin with a 15-point pro- gram that he drafted as the guideline on which a coali- tion government could be formed with the participa- tion of the DMC and the NRP. Although the pro- gram is, of necessity, gener- alized and, according to Begin, can be changed, its most important elements could be interpreted as lean- ing toward the DMC posi- tion. The draft states ' that peace will be the prime aim of the Israeli govern- ment and it will spare no ef- fort to enhance the pros- pects for peace. The draft also promised that as long as there is no peace agreement, the new Israeli government will re- gard itself bound by the agreements reached by the previous government. The 15-point program was also presented to the NRP. If however, Begin is unable to draw the DMC into a coalition he will be able to form a government based on Likud and the reli- gious factions. The Agudat Israel has approved the draft of a coalition agree- ment with Likud, subject to final approval by the Aguda's Council of Sages. The latter is expected to give its endorsement since Likud has accepted the Aguda's key religious de- mands. Should Aguda join the coa- lition, that would give VIENNA (JTA )— Austri- an Defense Minister Karl Luetgendorf was forced to resign May 30 because of an illegal arms deal with Syria. Luetgendorf, 62, an- nounced his resignation after more than five months of resistance against mounting criticism. Bruno Chancellor Kreisky, who included the non-party member into his Socialist cabinet, said the resignation was necessary because Luetgendorf was guilty of misinforming Par- liament. The affair started last December, when cus- toms officials at Vienna air- port stopped a consignment of 600 Marksman rifles and half a million rounds of am- munition destined for Syria. The consigment had been dispatched by an Austrian arms dealer, who later turned out to be a close per- sonal friend of the minister. When the arms dealer failed to get the con- signment out of the country because of Austria's neutral status, the Ministry of De- fense claimed ownership, but customs officials re- mained adamant. When the affair became public, Luetgendorf first claimed the ammunition was destined for Tunisia and that he knew nothing of any shipment to Syria. But a Parliamentary in- vestigation disclosed that Luetgendorf was informed about all the details of the deal from the very begin- ning. He was found guilty of misinforming Parlia- ment. Luetgendorf said he did not feel guilty in all points but admitted that he may have made some mis- takes. Refugees Seek U.S. Assistance to Get Arab Compensation NEW YORK (JTA—The World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries (WOJAC) urged President Carter to assure com- pensation for Jewish refu- gees from Arab lands. Norma Balass, executive di- rector of the world-wide or- ganization who was born in Iraq, said that while the President recently advo- cated compensation for Arab refugees, he failed to mention the approximately two million Jews who had been displaced by the Arabs. "President Carter is by no means unique in over- looking the rights of Jews from Arab countries," said Balass. "Yet these rights are an integral part of the Arab-Israel dispute." She disclosed that the world ex- ecutive of WOJAC has dis- patched the following cable to President Carter: "WOJAC, the world organ- ization representing Jews from Arab countries, has followed with grave con- cern the recent statements made by the United States government on the subject of the Palestininans. We are shocked by the one- sideness of these state- ments and the inequality they reflect- in assessing the refugee problem in the Middle East. "We feel that the Presi- dent's reference to the Pa- lestinian refugees blatantly ignores the inalienable and inextinguishable rights of 1,750,000 Jews and their off- spring from Arab countries of origin as refugees due to unbearable humiliation, dis- crimination and per- secutions." The cable noted that UN Security Council Resolution 242 endorsed by the U.S. recommends "a just settle- ment of the refugee prob- lem" placing Jews and Arabs on equal footing. "Justice and equality re- quire that in this connection the question of the Palesti- nians cannot be raised with- out, at the same time, deal- ing with the rights and claims of Jews from Arab countries. Any other ap- proach contradicts the ele- mentary principles of equal- ity, justice and fairness which are symbolic of the American nation and the biblical spirit upon which it was founded," the cable said. - It. added that "WOJAC ex- pects the U.S. government to take a public stand on the collective and individual rights of Jews from Arab countries without which no peace negotiations can take place." The cable was sign- ed by Mordechai Ben Porat, Co-chairman, Israel; Leon Tamman, Co-chair- man, England; and Dr. M. Roumani, secretary general. Terrorist Released; Helped Save a Life TEL AVIV (JTA)—An Arab terrorist serving an eight year sentence was re- leased after he saved the warden's life. Youssef Rashdan revived the unconscious warden by mouth-to-mouth resuscita- tion after he suffered an electric shock.