THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32 Friday, June 3, 1977 Missionary Organizations Preparing for Campaign on N.Y. Jews sued to the Jewish commu- NEW YORK, (JTA)—A special alert has been is- nity regarding the anticipat- ed large-scale drive by the "Hebrew Christian" groups in the New York area dur- ing the summer months. Ac- cording to Dr. Seymour Lachman, chairman of the New York Jewish Commu- nity Relations Council's Task Force on Missionary ORDER YOUR PARTY TRAY LEFKOFSKY'S 12 MILE & SOUTHFIELD In Mikes Market 569-6115 BUDDY'S CHINA PIZZA GATE 17125 CONANT COR. E. McNICHOLS IS OPEN AT Pine Lake Mall 892-9001 NEWEST TREAT "THE HOAGIE" 4343 ORCHARD LAKE RD. BET. LONG LAKE & LONE PINE MADE ON OUR HOME-MADE ROLL. WITH SLICED SIRLOIN. FRESH GREEN PEPPERS. MUSH- ROOMS & ONIONS 851-5540 VOTED #1 BY MON.-THURS., 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. FRI. S. SAT., 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. SUN & HOLIDAYS, 12 noon to 11 p.m. DETROIT FREE PRESS DETROIT NEWS DETROITER MAGAZINE BOB TALBERT LUNCHEON SPECIALS FFPEN 11 p.m. FOR LUNCH COMPLETE CARRY-OUT AVAILABLE • Try our . . . Chicago Pizza, Italian Sausage & Vegetarian Pizza RIBS RIBS( RIBS The Port Hole Lounge has developed a new process for cooking moist and juicy ribs on a bar-b-que spit. We are the only restaurant using this process and every rib is the most moist and juciest rib you ever tasted. So come to the Port Hole Lounge for the best ribs in town because nobody else has our process and our process is so novel we are filing for a U.S. patent. COMPLETE WITH SALAD BAR $5.95 PORT HOLE LOUNGE IN REAR OF SAIL INN 25101 TELEGRAPH 358-1611 DUBB 15600 GREENFIELD AT 10 MILE RD.,Just N. of 10 Mile COUNTRY KITCHEN RESTAURANT 557-7100 Activity. there are verified reports that missionaries will be coming to New York from other parts of the country beginning in mid-J une. Lachman indicated that among the groups known to be organizing summer cam- paigns are Jews for Jesus, Bnai Yeshua and Beth Sar Shalom. He said these in- tensified efforts follow Months of build-up and training. These groups, he added, hope to reach out and ensnare people of all ages but especially those in their teens and twenties who may have been unable to secure employment or are otherwise unoccupied at this time. Tjere will be extensive distribution of literature, street solicitation, appear- ances at public events and gathering places and at mu-. sical and dramatic pro- grams, Lachman noted. According to Malcolm Hoenlein, executive direc- tor of the Council, the "I Found It" campaign, which included a $1 million-plus media blitz has given added impetus to the increasing ef- forts of the "Hebrew Chris- tian" grottos. He reported that respondents to the ads, commercials and posters that have inundated the 0 Nx.0,40,e0,0 JAKK S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 25234 GREENFIELD, N. of 10 Mile 967-3922 GREENFIELD CENTER CARL STEGER AT THE PIANO BAR TUES. THRU SAT. SALAD BAR WITH ALL DINNERS DINNER SPECIALS MON. THRU FRI. FROM $4.95 Businessmen's Luncheons MON.-FRI., 11 to 3 p.m. lOPEN 7 DAYS/NEW OWNERSHIP' DINNERS MON.-SAT., 5 to 11 p.m. COMPLETE FAMILY MENU AS ALWAYS FOR • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER LATE EVENING MENU PLUS DAILY GREEK SPECIALTIES AND GREEK SALAD I OPEN MON.-SAT.. 7 a.m.-10 p.m. SUN. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. CHOICE COCKTAILS 44 FINE UQUEURS metropolitan area are being referred to the New York of- fice for Jews for Jesus. Moreover, he said, many churches have been enlisted for door-to-door campaigns in their communities. Among those involved in or- ganizing and executing this extensive follow-up are leaders of the "Hebrew Christian - missionary groups, Hoenlein said. Other major programs, he pointed out, include: • "Shechinah "17": An an- nual conclave of -Hebrew Christian" missionaries which will take place June 17-18 at the Stony Brook headquarters of Bnai Yeshua. Up to 1,000 repre- sentatives of major mis- sionary groups from around the country are expected to participate. They will share experiences. program ideas and proselytizing tech- niques. The fact that the Devotion to the language of millions of Jews through- out the world has motivated the production of a record- ing of an impressive list of 32 selections from Yiddish literature and folklore. Even the title attests to the dedication of the collec- tor of the classical pieces into the record which has been issued by Sepher-Her- mon Press. "I Love Yiddish—Ikh Hob Lieb Yiddish" is the title of the collected works, the re- citation of which is inter- spersed with musical selec- tion. It is evident that this was a labor of love that was pur- sued by Dr. Emanuel S. Goldsmith. The complete texts of all of the 32 selec- tions included in this two- sided recording have also been incorporated in a book of 32 pages which accom- panies the record. The songs and recitations of hu- morous selections also ap- pear in translation. The purpose of this under- taking is defined on the cover of the Love Yidd- MOVIE GUIDE I, 2, 3, 4 Royal Oak - 541-0082 t ; - A Record for Lovers of Yiddish Americana Complex * • • e ••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WASHINGTON THEATRE conference site was shifted from the West Coast under scores the emphasis given to their efforts in the New York City area. • "Messiah '77 - : The eight week summer cam- paign of Jews for Jesus will begin July 1. Approx- imately 30 Jews for Jesus professionals from around the country will augment the New York branch staff for an intesnive campaign of missionizing at key loca- tions throughout the city and suburbs. The major goal of their ef- forts is to increase the ranks (and therefore staff) of the New York branch of Hineni Ministries, Inc. (Jews for Jesus) for year round foliovv-up and in- creased proselytizing in the metropolitan area. Among the most successful out- reach programs are public Greenfield N. of 9 Mile 559-2730 THEATERS IN ONE BUILDING Med. MATINEES ALL THEATERS—I Show only at 1:00—E1 "STAR WARS" "THE LATE SHOW" "A STAR IS BORN" "THE STING" BERKLEY ' 2 T=dge BARGAIN NIGHTS all seats $1.00 No Coupons SUN. thru FRI. Coupons Good Saturday with rentOr admission HELD OVER 4th WK! SILVER STREAK (PG ) A Gene Wilder Richard Pryor comody ish" book, describing it as: "A mini-course in Yiddish based on 32 gems of poet- ry. folksongs and humor." It is impossible to ascer- tain how this work could serve as a course of study because the task performed is one of reciting and sing- ing the selections which are, indeed, gems. Only one voice performs the recit- ing and singing; otherwise there are no teaching rou- tines. The content of this prod- uct is valuable for the lover of Yiddish and its literature because of the eminence of the authors whose works have been selected for in- clusion in "Ikh Hob Lieb Yiddish." Presented are se- lections from the works of Aleph Katz, A. Almi, Aaron Zeitlin, Jacob Glatstein, Eliezer Schindler, Jacob Fichman, H. Leivick, Sho- lem Aleichem, Kadia Molo- dowsky, Itzik Manget, Moishe Kulbak, Abraham Reisin, Mark Warshawsky Hillel Zeitlin and Zalman Shazar. The prayer by Shazar, a Yiddish classic, has special significance here. Israel's role, the Holocaust, traditions are among the themes. The humor has a folk theme. The collector of these Yiddish gems, incorporated in the record and the ac- companying book may order from Sepher-Hermon Press, Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. Yeshiva Graduates to Hear Economist NEW YORK—Harvard University economist Dr. Henry Rosovsky. professor and dean of the faculty of arts and sciences. will be awarded an honorary de- gree and deliver the com- mencement address at Ye- shiva University's 46th an- nual commencement Wednesday. Dr. Norman Lamm, presi- dent of Ycshiva University, will preside at his first com- mencement since assuming office last August. concerts featuring the Liber- ated Wailing Wall Singing Group and the New Jerusa- lem Players. • - Operation Gideon - : This is an intensive recruit- ment and training program sponsored by Bnai Yeshua May 28-Aug12. Participants are given orientation ses- sions, Bible classes, and in- struction in missionizing techniques at the Stony Brook location. "On the Job" training experiences will be provided as pro- gram members missionize on the streets throughout metropolitan New York. Those who successfully com- plete this program will be used for proselytizing with- in the Jewish community in the future. • "Beth Sar Shalom Sum- mer Witnessing": The American Board of Mis- sions to the Jews (Beth Sar Shalom) is preparing to deploy 100-150 missionaries, primarily on Long Island, to witness and make pre- sonal contact during the summer months. • - A Yom Kippur Cele- bration": A 10-day trip to Is- rael sponsored by Bnai Yeshua, Sept 16-26. The pro- gram is described as a "learning experience" and as an opportunity to mis- sionize in Israel. They high- light a planned prayer meet- ing at the Western Wall on Yom Kippur. • "Christian Brothers Carpet Cleaning/Maid Serv- ice": A fund-raising front for the Church of Bible Un- derstanding. This mis- sionary group, by Stewart Traill, has established a car- pet cleaning and maid serv- ice which has been well pub- licized throughout the met- ropolitan area. Members of the group, numbering ap- proximately 400 in New York City, operate the busi- ness from 607 W. 51st St., which is also the location of the church's headquarters. In November,1976, Church of Bible Understanding, for- merly known as "Forever Family," was ordered by the New York City Health, Fire and Buildings Depart- ment to vacate lofts in downtown New York where 150 -members were living under "unsafe, unsanitary and illegal condition." • "Here's Life, New York": Part of a nation- wide drive sponsored by Bill Bright's Campus Cru- sade for Christ. has in- undated the metropolitan New York area. A massive media campaign features ad, commercials, bill- boards, bumper stickers, and television posters, radio programs with the theme "I Found It," and a phone number. While "Here's Life" is not geared exclusively to the Jewish community, it is reported that Jewish re- spondents are being re- ferred to local "Hebrew Christian" groups of follow- up. Protestant and Catholic spokesmen have expressed opposition to the campaign on a variety of grounds. in- cluding the potential impact on Christian-Jewish rela- tions.