THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16 Friday, June 3, 1977 Carter Appears to Broaden U.S. Middle East Role IBM Typewriters Selectric etc. $ 400 Add 'n Type 4 t_ 42-.7800 399-8333 342-1221 (Continued from Page 1) Middle East" have taken place, "compensation" is "to be discussed at some remember Father's Day JUNE 19 WITH A SYMBOL OF LIFE JEWISH =NATIONAL FUND TREE CERTIFICATE PLANT TREES IN ISRAEL in his name Why not stop in pick up a certificate? Office will be open Sunday, June 19,10-2 P.M. ring" r-'n L 111011111111111111114111111 WOO Oranfiektitit thiriPtitic'h ■ itit::A$237 968-0820 point" and "there will have to be intensive discussions down the road". He added that he was not prepared to respond to a question on whether compensation appli- es to Jews forced to leave Arab countries. The Presi- dent spoke only of com- pensation for Arabs. In some quarters it was feared that the White House allusion to the 1947 and 1948 resolutions may become a wedge to reopen the entire question of Palestine's parti- tion and the issue of Jerusa- lem. Under the 1948 resolu- tion, a Palestine Con- ciliation Commission con- sisting of France, Turkey and the U.S. was to present the General Assembly with detailed proposals for a "permanent international regime for the Jerusalem area..." The 1947 partition resolution is considered in- valid since partition was re- jected by the Arabs who subsequently made war on Israel during which Jordan seized the West Bank and East Jerusalem: Premier Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Yigal Alton expressed fear at Sun- day's Cabinet meeting that Carter's statements might cause the Arabs to harden their positions. Rabin, presiding over his first Cabinet session since he went on vacation last month, was apprehensive lest the remarks by Admin- istration officials crystalize into an "overall American settlement plan" despite the fact that the Americans have said repeatedly that they have no such plan. Allon informed the Cabi- net that Israel's Ambassa- dor in Washington, Simha Dinitz, met with Secretary of State Cyrus Vance on Sat- Straight Tal with That's our simple no-nonsense sales policy at Tamaroff Buick-Opel. And we mean to stick to it with each and every customer. No song-and-dance. No double-talk. No run-around. Just "straight-talk" and really "down-to-earth" prices on Buicks, Opels and Hondas. You get the car you want at the price we quoted. And, you know, it must be working because we're the Buick sales leader in this area. TamaRoFF BUICK- OPEL Telegraph Road just south of 12 Mile / opposite Tel-Twelve Mall We lease all makes and models. Phone 353-1300 urday to inform him of Is- rael's disquietude. (After his meeting with Vance, Dinitz told reporters that no UN resolutions re- quired Israel to give up all occupied Arab territories, allow 'creation of a Palesti- nian homeland or - agree to compensate Arab refugees. In connection with the lat- ter, he said, "Anytime com- pensation is going to be dis- cussed, we have valid claims for hundreds of thou- sands of Jewish refugees for compensation, - a refer- ence to Jews forced to leave Arab countries after Israel was formed. He said, "I emphasized to the Secretary that Israel be- lieves UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 con- tinue to be the only basis for negotiations. None of those two resolutions call for an Israeli withdrawal to 1967 lines. None of them call for a Palestinian home- land. None of them call for compensation." Dinitz said "We are not arguing with the President here, we are stating our position and we are happy to learn that is the United States position also.") (President Carter was quoted in a U.S. News and World Report interview yes- terday as saying "Our pre- sumption is that the govern- ment of Israel will continue to join us and the Arab countries in seeking a per- manent solution in the Middle East...based on the United Nations resolutions that have been espoused time and again by the na- tions involved. If Israel should disavow those com- mitments, which have been the basis for the hopes for peace for years, then that would be a very profound change and I think the con- sequences of it can't be ac- curately predicted.) According to an Algerian News Agency report, Car- ter said in a letter to Presi- dent Houari Boumendienne of Algeria, "To let pass the favorable opportunity which is available now to reach an agreement could mean a disaster for the Middle East and perhaps also for the international political and economic order." The Algerian News Agency also quoted Carter as saying, "Our policy will not be affected by changes of leadership in any country of the Middle East." Carter has stressed the latter point since Israel's elections on May 17 re- sulted in an upset victory for Likud over the Labor Party. His remarks that are se- riously troubling Israelis came after Likud leader Menahem Begin's post- election statements that the West Bank is an integral part of Israel by historic right and therefore must be viewed as "liberated terri- tory" rather than occupied land or land subject to anne- xation. Rabbi Alexander Schind- ler, chairman of the Presi- dents Conference of Major American Jewish Organiza- tions, said Carter's state- ments are an escalation. Schindler said the Admin- istration began with a call for honest negotiations and for a desire to reach peace among all the parties which he interpreted as a normali- zation of relations between Israel and its neighbors, in- cluding trade and tourism. Then, Schindler said, this escalated to a broad outline of a plan described as a con- ceptual framework which suggested perimeters with- in which the parties con- cerned could negotiate. But then came state- ments based on certain pre- sumptions which constitute U.S. policy based on the fact that the U.S. joined cer- tain resolutions and these were topped when a White House spokesman expanded the President's references to Security Council resolu- tions by adding General As- sembly resolutions of 1947 and 1948, Schindler said. He questioned how, under the circumstances, it was still possible to regard the U.S. as an honest broker without a plan in hand to be im- posed on the parties. In Israel, Peres was se- verely critical of the politi- cal methods of Likud which defeated Labor in the May 17 elections. Asserting that he did not want to be identi- fied with personal criticism of Likud leader Menahem Begin that has appeared in overseas news media re- cently, Peres contrasted the diplomatic methods of the labor government with those espoused by Likud. He said the "two con- ceptions" were evident as early as 1947 when Begin op- posed the United Nations. General Assembly resolu- tion to partition Palestine, the resolution that gave in- ternational sanction to Is- rael's creation. The debate between Labor and Likud, he said, is between vision and realism. It was the real- ism of the Labor Alignment that brought Israel some of her greatest achievements, Peres declared. And it is that road that Israel should continue to follow "no mat- ter how many mandates the Labor Party had," he said. Peres spoke sardonically of Begin's post-election statements on the West Bank and other matters as examples of the gap be- tween a realist and a vision- ary. "One can change the fi- nance minister but one can- not change the price of oil in the world," he said. "One can make heart ren- ding speeches in Kaddum (the illegal Gush Emunim settlement in Samaraia where Begin spoke after the elections promising addi- tional Jewish settlements in the region) but there are still American interests. And I am sure they will not be looked after according to the Books of Jeremiah and Isaiah." The latter was a refer- ence to Begin's remark that he would convince Presi- dent Carter of Israel's right to the West Bank by virtue of the Bible. 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