2 Friday, May 13, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Centennial of 'Daniel Deronda' Retraces Role of Christian Zionist George ' Eliot Who Penetrated the Soul of the Jew in Quest for National Redemption By Philip Slomovitz Eliot's Historic Call for 'A National Hearth and a National Opinion' (copyright 1977, JTA Inc.) Zionism as, the great libertarian movement of the Jewish people, mark- ing fulfillment of Prophecy, had many noted Christian suppor- ters. It is today one of the great ideals of devout people among all faiths. Pioneering for the re- birth of Israel counted adherents who had gained fame in Christian ranks and as leaders in humanitarian move:: ments. Jean Henri Dun- ant, the founder of the Red Cross, was an advO- cate of national Jewish redemption. Laurence Oliphant, a most fascin- ating author, world traveler and adventurous Britisher, was among the early Christian Zionists. Americans in all walks of life supported and urged fulfillment of a dream that has become reality for JEWish -national re- demption. A truly pioneering spirit for the Zionist ideal emanated from the writ- ings of George Eliot and her "Daniel Deronda" remains to this day a major literary achieve- ment in behalf of redemp- tionof Jewish statehood. • - One hundred years have elapsed since the publica- tion of "Daniel Deronda" and its appeal for "a na- tional hearth and a tri- bunal of national opinion" by the Jewish people. And in 100 years not a plea for "another choosing of Is- rael to be a nationality" has had as great an effect on Jewry everywhere. In the opinion of Israel Zangwill, "George Eliot, the great seer, pierced into the Heart of the ques- tion with keener vision than any Jew." Briefly told, the story deals with the Jewess, Mirah, who runs away from her father • in America and comes to London to seek her mother and brother. .Upon arriving, however, she learns that the street to which she was directed has disappeared. She had come by steamer .and, brokenhearted and" pen- niless, she is on the point of ending her life when she is saved by Daniel De- ronda. The two are attracted to one another, but Daniel realizes that she will never marry one not of her faith. The story reveals that the epithet "Jewess" __hurled at Mirah strengthened her resolve to remain Jewish. De- ronda is determined to help her. He wanders through the streets of Londqn to learn the whereabouts of Mirah's mother and brother, and in a pawnshop meets a dreamer who sees the vis- ion of the regeneration of a New Judea in the East. It develops that this man, Mordecai, is the brother having died many years before. Soon thereafter De- ronda learns of his paren- tage, and is overjoyed to know that he is Jewish. It was through the machina- tions of his mother who de- sired that he should never know his nationality that the knowledge of his Jewishness was kept from him. Deronda, now an acknowledged Jew, re- turns to Mirah to claim her as his bride. Mor- decai, a dying man, seeing that Deronda will carry on his dreams of a rebuilt Zion, gives Daniel his blessing. "Daniel Deronda" is fil- led from cover to cover with interesting discus- sions between Mordecai and Daniel of the tenets ofJudaism and Christian- ity. It is during ane of these discussions that George Eliot puts into the mouth of Mordecai — one of the finest characters she has created — the great plea for "the reason of Israel to disclose itself in a great outward deed." Mordecai refuses to be- lieve that Israel's part in history is accomplished, and maintains that the future policy of the Jewish people should be to join the nations as soon as possible. In explaining the characteristics, habits and traditions of the Jews, George Eliot throws into relief the Jewish problem. She paints the picture of something passing away that once possessed a life and value of its own; the labor of thousands of years is lost; a flame has burnt in vain; a fire is ex- tinguished without hay- itig fostered life. Mordecai therefore cries out to have his own self restored to him. He wants to live entirely at home. His idea is to be wholly what he is partly — his own seT:. He cries out with a pro- found contempt for imita- tion, for he wants crea- tive orginality. Only in a commonwealth which . should focus and embody the whole Jewish life as it should be does he find this possible. Writing_his comments GEORGE' ELIOT its chart and plan of human them, and when the life, served as a pioneering danger of intermarriage element in a mission of the arose they confessed for Jewish people for "a re- the sake of the race. Taking their Judaism turn" to itself. The faith that George Eliot gained seriously, the two young in the possibility of re- lovers proceeded to have deeming the Jewish home themselves taught Heb- for the Jewish people is rew, Jewish traditions gathered 6om the follow-. and the history~ of their mg quotation from Aristo- people, and their honey- tle with which she heads moon was spent in Pales- her most interesting chap- tine. It was therefore a dou- ter of the book, t'he section which she has labeled ble love affair, because their visit to Palestine in- "Resurrection": "This, too, is probable, tensified their Jewishness according to the saying of and caused them to fall Agathon: 'It is a part of deeply in love with the probability that many Land of Israel. Their improbable things will daughters, Rachel and Carmel, were both born happen."' The romantic career of there. The colonel re- the late Colonel Albert E. turned from Palestine an W. Goldsmid is presumed ardent nationalist and a to have given George preacher for the cause of Eliot the idea of Jewish the restoration of the Jewish people to Pales- restoration in Palestine. Col. Goldsmid — war- tine; and of Palestine to rior, traveler, explorer the Jewish people. To him is attributed the and piOneer in Jewish colonization movements following beautiful 125 years ago — was the phrase about dual scion of an old and distin- .nationalism: "I do not guished Anglo-Jewish love my father less bc.- family from whose fine cause I love my mother character George Eliot more." The fine idealism of Col. built up her hero Daniel Deronda. Here is the Goldsmid was responsible story that is told about more than • anything else for the creation of the Goldsmid: His parents deemed it character of Daniel De- wise, in the interests of ronda. But George Eliot's their son's military interest in the Jewish career, to conceal their people wa's not without on the book in the Jtine, Jewishness. The fate of a foundation long before 1877, issue of Macmillan's love affair, however, she had an opportunity to Magazine, the late Dr. brought the Colonel to his draw upon the character of Goldsmid. Joseph Jacobs expressed. people. As early as August He fell in love with a the general Jewish reac- tion to the book upon its pretty non-Jew and his pa- 1838, on her first visit to appearance, declaring in rents, their Jewish conci- London, the chief thing part: .!`Unless some such ousness suddenly stirred, she wanted to buy was project as Mordecai has confessed to Albert that he Josephus' "History of the Jews. - From her earliest in view be carried out in and they were Jews. the next three genera- He rather liked the idea childhood she took an in- tions, it is much to be and let his fellow-soldiers terest in the people of the feared that both the na- know how proud he was of Bible and was a student tional life of the Jews and his newly-discovered of early Jewish history. On Ma) 21,18,10, — she the religious life of Jewishness. In the same Judaism will perish ut- spirit he approached his was 20 years old then — in terly from the face of the sweetheart and found a letter to Miss Lewis, her in tears. Her parents governess at a school she earth." Jacobs took a diffe- had forbidden her mar- attended at Nuneaton, she rent view in later years, riage to Goldsmid be- compared musical opera- tions of carpenters, pain- but his first opinion is cause she was a Jewess. What a concidence!'l he ters and masons on her nevertheless very sig- parents of both had kept own home, and wrote: nificant. gradual rise of Solomon's Temple have been! each prepared mass of virgin marble laid in reverential silence." It is as the, authoress herself wrote on Oct. 29, 1876, in acknowledge- ment of a letter from Mrs. H. Beecher Stowe on "Daniel Deronda": "To- wards the Hebrews we Western people, who have been reared in Christian- ity, have a peculiar debt, and, whether we acknow- ledge it or not, a peculiar thoroughness of fellow- ship in religious and moral sentiment." George Eliot is the nom' de plume of Mary Ann Evans, who was born on Nov. 22, 1819, at Arbury Farm. The noted novelist fixed on this nom de plume because George was the Christian name of her first husband, Mr. Lewes, and Eliot was a good, mouth-filling, eas-' ily pronounced word. Mr. Lewes was the well-known biographer of Goethe. The manuscript of "Daniel Deronda-"-- bears the inscription de- dicating the book to her "dear husband, George Henry Lewes," and con- cludes with the lines: "For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings, • That then I scorn' to change my state with kings." Lewes. lived to see the work of "Daniel Deronda" completed and heralded as one of the best pro- ducts from his wife's pen. On Sept. 2,1876, George Eliot wrote to her pub- lisher, John Blackwood: "Mr. Levies . has just brought up to me a letter which has certainly gratified me more than anything else of the sort I ever received. It is from Dr. Hermann Adler, the Chief Rabbi (of the British Empire at the turn of the century), expressing his warm appreciation of the fidelity with which some of the best traits of the Jewish character have been depicted by etc., etc:1 think this will gratify you." To the second husband of George Eliot, John Walter Cross, we are in- debted. for the biographi- cal sketch of the great English novelist, as drawn by Cross in three volumes, forming a life story of the author of "Daniel Deronda." It is from Cross' "Life of George Eliot - that we quote the following in- teresting letter, written by George Eliot to Mrs. H. B. Stowe in 1876, and re- vealing the author's sen- timents on the Jewish elements in "Deronda - : "As to the Jewish ele- ment in `Deronda,' I ex- pected from first to last, in writing it, that it would create much stronger re- sistance, and even repul- sion, than it has actually met with. "But precisely because I felt that the usual at- 4.4 wards Jews is — I hardly knew whether to say more impious or more stupid when viewed in the light of their professed principles, I therefore felt urged to treat Jews with such sympathy and un- derstanding as my nature and knowledge could at- tain to. "Moreover, not on wards the Jews, buf to- wards'all Oriental peoples with whom we English come in contact,-a feeling of-arrogance and contemp- tuous dictatorialness is observable which has be- come a national disgrace to us. There is nothing I should care more to do, if it were possible, than to rouse the imagination of men and women to a vision of human claims in those races of their fellow-men who most differ from them in customs and beliefs. "But towards the Heb- rews we Western people, who have been reared in Christianity, have a peculiar debt, and, whether we acknowledge it or not a peculiar thoroughness of fellow- ship in religious- and moral sentiment: 'Tan anything be more disgusting than to hear people called 'educated' making small jokes about eating ham, and showing themselves empty of any real knowledge as to the relation of their own so- cial and religious life to the history of the people they think themselves witty in insulting? They hardly know that Christ was a Jew. "And I find men, edu- cated, supposing that Christ spoke Greek. To my feeling, this deadness to the history which has prepared half our world to us, this inability to find interest in any form of life that is not clad in the same coat-tails and flounces as our own, lies very close to the worst kind of irreligion. "The best that can be said of it is that it is a sign of the intellctual narrow- ness — in plain English, the stupidity — which is still the average mark of our culture. "Yes, I expected more aversion than I have found. But I was hapn' 1,- independent in mat things, and felt no te—p- tation to accommodate my writing to any stan- dard except that of trying to do my best in what seemed to me most need- ful to be done, and I sum up with the writer of the Book of Maccabees — 'If I have done well and as be- fits the subject, it is what I desired; and if I have done ill, it is what I could attain to.' In her journal, under the date of Dec. ' 1, 1876, George Eliot records the fact that "both in America and in England the sale of `Deronda' has been an unmistakable guarantee that the public