56 Friday, April 29, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel Philarmonic at 40 TEL AVIV—Guest con- ductors, trials and tribula- tions, and the history of the Israel Philharmonic were recalled recently as the or- chestra celebrated its 40th anniversary. Established in the late 1930s, the orchestra is housed in Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv, its home since 1957. Among the conductors who have appeared with the orchestra were Arturo Toscanini, Leonard Bern- stein and Zubin Mehta, with such illustrious soloists as Artur Rubinstein. The orchestra was cre- ated as a result of a dream of Bronislaw Huberman, a musician in his own right, according to the Israel Di- gest. Uri Toeplitz, flautist with the orchestra from 1936 to 1970, recalled that Huberman ruled the orches- tra with an iron hand and refused to hire the Eu- ropean conductors who es- caped Nazism. A problem with estab- lishing the orchestra was the ethnic mix and the fact that the musicians came from different schools of playing. Toeplitz recalled that a Toscanini-conducted con- cert was usually sold out. Some former performers recalled that in the early days they not only had to lug around their in- struments but construct and dismantle the stages as well. During World War II, the orchestra performed for British, Australian, New Zealand and American troops, touring in Lebanon and Egypt as well as in Is- rael. Poetess' Works Are Reviving Interest in the Ancient Samaritan Sect in Israel By MOSHE RON The Jewish News Special Israel Correspondent There is a small commu- nity of Samaritans in Is- rael. They call themselves the oldest original Jews, who have kept their Jewry, their Bible, tradition and history for ages. They are, according to the Bible, for- mer gentiles - who were brought from other coun- tries to Eretz Israel from the King of Ashur in the Eighth Century BCE, in the era of the return of the Ba- bylon Diaspora. Then- the Samaritans in- terferred with the returning Jews in their efforts to build a new Temple in the gates of Jerusalem. The relations between' Jews and Samaritans de- teriorated. The Romans also persecuted the Samari- tans. The Byzantines com- pelled the Samaritans to convert to Christianity. They also suffered from the Moslem rule in the 10th Cen- tury. Only a few remained. Under Turkish rule some of the Samaritans lived in Syria, Egypt and Eretz Is- rael, especially in Nablus, where in 1952, 300 Samari- tans concentrated around their center on Mount Griz- im. Their writing is similar to the old Hebrew writing, but their calendar is different from the Hebrew calendar. They believe in the Bible of Moses and preserve the Sab- bath and holidays. Their Passover is celebrated in a traditional ceremony. They observe Brit Mila but do not apply tefilin. Samaritans in Nablus and Holon now number 350 and marry only among them- selves. A Samaritan woman, Rachel Zedaka, is the first Samaritan poetess to write in Hebrew. She just pub- lished her first book of poems "The Mountain of the East." She is 40 years old and is a granddaughter of the poet Abraham Hasafri. Her fa- ther, Jefet Zedaka, is the Poles to Finally Show Jewish Martyrs in Auschwitz Display By JOSEPH POLAKOFF (Copyright 1977, JTA, Inc.) A protest by a Jewish pro- fessor at Howard Univer- sity to Polish officials that their government is failing to show the contributions made by Jews to Poland and their martyrdom dur- ing the Nazi occupation has resulted in a pledge that at least part of the neglect will be rectified. Zubin Mehta, right, conducts the Israel Philharmonic at one of its frequent outdoor concerts. Established in the 1930s, the orchestra is marking its 40th anniversary. "Finally the Poles are doing something," said Dr. David Korn, chairman of the German-Russian Depart- ment at the predominently `Spandau: The Secret Diaries' Paperbacked by Pocket Books "Spandau: The Secret Di- - aries" was a sensation when first published as a confessional by the con- victed Nazi General Albert Speer who related his per- sonal account of the Hitle- rite role. Now in a Pocket Books— Simon and Schuster—paper- back edition, the sensation- al story of Speer's career and his defense gains added interest. Hitler's personal con- fidant, architect, and pro- tege, Reich Minister for Ar- maments and War Produc- tion, and second most pow- erful man in Nazi Germany at the end of World War II, Speer was the only defend- ant of the 22 top Nazis at the Nuremberg Trials to as- sume the burden of guilt for the Reich's war crimes. Sentenced to 20 years in prison, he kept a secret diary during that time—in the form of a minuscule scrawl on calendar pages, toilet paper. cigarette wrap- pers—which he hid in the sole lining of a shoe and in the bandage wrapped around one leg to relieve phlebitis. He managed to persuade sympathetic guards to smuggle his writ- ings to the outside world. Speer was released Oct. 1, 1966, and waiting for him in the home of relatives were more than 25,000 pages of his notes. Speer includes lively, often petty, sketches of his fellow Nazi prisoners. Ru- dolf Hess believed that the guards were poisoning his food; Karl Doenitz insisted that he was still the legal ruler of Germany; and Con- stantin von Neurath ambled about in a kind of senile daze. Speer's gift for recalling- events and conversations vividly and accurately makes this one of the most fascinating annals to emerge from behind any prison wall. black university in Washing- ton. He said he received a letter from the director of the Auschwitz Museum, Kazimierz Smolen, which disclosed that a "complete change" is to be made at the museum of the Nazi con- centration camp at Auschw- itz-Birkinau, where about three million Jews were gassed, hanged or shot. Korn said that because of "pressure by Jews outside of Poland, the Polish gov- ernment has finally agreed to rebuild Barrack 17 of the Auschwitz-Birkinau camp to be known as 'Martyro- logy and Struggle of Jews," and it will be "open to the public." On a visit to Poland, Korn said, he was shocked to see that not only syna- gogues, cemeteries and mu- seums depicting Jewish life are not being maintained but that the few remaining ones are disappearing and that in Auschwitz the mu- seum -depicting the mas- sacre of Jews shows every- thing but the Jews." In his letter to Kakol on Sept. 1, Korn said: "I have just returned from my trip and rush to inform you that despite all the assurances you and your associates have given me I cannot be- lieve you. - Korn wrote that in Auschwitz the Jewish bar- rack is "closed for remod- elling - but only after Korn threatened to enlist the sup- port of American Ambassa- dor Richard Davies in War- saw was he allowed to enter "an empty barrack with several pictures of Himmler and Hitler as well as pictures of B. Brecht, E.M. Memarque and others with captions stating that they perished during the war." leader of the Samaritans in Israel. She has already distin- guished herself in painting. When she was 13 years old, she was married to her cousin Abraham Zedaka. But her mother, who came from Russia, succeeded in annulling the wedding. Rachel studied and became a teacher in Jaffa. She writes poems for her pupils and songs. One song she dedicated to the hero of the Entebbe action, Yona- tan Netanyahu. Her hus- band is the general secre- tary of the Fruit Export Co. In his free time he trans- lates biblical works and Sa- maritan hooks into Hebrew. Her husband influenced Rachel to publish a book of songs. Rachel told us that other Samaritans are writing books. Many of them were published but her's was the first book by a Samaritan woman. Rachel is also the first Sa- maritan woman with a high- er education. Her son is the first Samaritan studies music. "It is high time that the Samaritans should deal with our old treasures of literature," she says. Jewish Bioethics Quiz This quiz was prepared from material offered in courses sponsored by the American Jewish Committee-'s Academy for Jewish Studies Without Walls. (Copyright 1977, JTA, Inc.) 1. Classical Judaism teaches that therapeutic care is A. rorbidden B. optional C. mandatory by virtue of rabbinic decree D. an obligatory biblical commandment 2. Which of the following does not present a specific problem in terms of Jewish law? A. autopsy B. transplant surgery C. skin grafts D. artificial insemination 3. Insofar as the practice of medicine is concerned, Judaism A. requires everyone to acquire at least a rudimentary medical education B. requires every qualified student to seek admission to medical school C. demands that every qualified physician make his services available to patients D. does not require any specific person to either study or practice medicine 4. Prohibitions with regard to which of the following are not an exception to the principle that all laws are sus- pended for the sake of preservation of human life? A. homicide B. homosexuality C. Yom Kippur D. idolatry 5. The commandment "to be fruitful and multiply" is fulfilled by siring - A. three children B. a son and a daughter C. a son and a daughter each of whom becomes a par- ent of a son and a aaughter D. a single child 6. The modern contraceptive regarded by most author- ities as most closely approximating the mokh of the Tal- mud is A. the diaphragm B. the condom C. the I.U.D. D. a spermicide 7. According to Jewish law, a fetus may be sacrificed in order to save the life of the mother A. until the beginning of the final trimester of preg- y B. nuannticl the onset of labor C. until the major portion of the body or forehead has emerged from the womb D. until the baby has been completely delivered 8. All authorities permit a therapeutic abortion when A. the fetus is deformed B. pregnancy affects the, health of the moth C. the mother suffers from an already existing', which is aggravated by pregnancy D. m proetghnearncy itself poses a hazard to the life of the 9. Although a person must seek medical aid when nec- essary, there is no obligation to seek medical care when A. it is expensive B. the patient is unconscious C. the available remedy is of unproven therapeutic value D. the procedure is painful 10. In terms of normative Jewish law, jeopardizing one's life in order to save the life of another A. is prohibited B. is mandatory C. is permissible D. is sanctioned only if the act is of greater value to society than the person who jeopardizes his own life ANSWERS D I;Q'8D'ZU I D . 0I D •6 Q •8 D . L V •9