• 2 Friday, April 22, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary By Philip Slomovitz Israel's Independence Day as a Mark of Unity for the Jewries of the World Determined Never Again to Submit to Indignities or to Bend Their Backs to the Oppressors Yom HaAtzmaut —the Israel Independence Day That Unites the Jewries of the World Jewish calendars would be incomplete without listing Yom HaAtzmaut, the Israel Independence Day, among the festivals for observance by the Jewries of the entire world. Only in Moslem countries this day is unrecognized under compulsion from an en- mity that is hard to erase. Even behind the Communist Iron Curtain Yom HaAtzmaut is observed and is in the minds of many Jews. Throughout the world there are and will be celebrations that will give substance to the idea of Am Ehad, One People, as the uniting force of Israel's kinspeople. Because the festival on the Jewish calendar denotes recognition of the freedoms of all peoples, since the world can not be only half or partially free, Yom HaAtzmaut has echoes of acclamation in non-Jewish ranks as well. In the halls of the U.S. Congress, in the British Parliament and the House of Lords, in the French legislative assemblies, Israel is being greeted with a great measure of recognition for the right of a people long , oppressed celebrating its freedom and its just rights among the nations of the world. That is why there are demonstrations of joy in all American communities. That is why Greater Detroit Jewry has held celebrations during the entire week preceding Is- rael's Independence Day and will continue to express solidarity with Israel in the days. 'weeks, months and years ahead. Greater Detroit Jewry unity of purpose in sharing the joys of the festival is marked 1 uniquely in the Expo functions set for this Sunday. The many organizations participating in this event attest to the cooperative spirit that is inspired by the events centered in Israel. Yom HaAtzmaut has one purposeful goal: to send forth the message to Israel that • her people are not alone in the task of assuring security for the embattled nation. The message from Jews must retain the assurance that the fighters for freedom will never be abandoned. With this in view, Yom HaAtzmaut becomes a serious goal for a Jewry set upon the aim of never again bending backs or submitting to indignities. The Dignity of a People's Will to Live That Defies Advice to Be Submissive New forces, the advice-giving who claim to be laboring to save Israel but in reality advise submission that would lead to suicide, often appear on the horizon. They are in evidence everywhere. One Israeli took them to task. The Likud leader, Haim Landau, deputy chairman of the Knes- set's foreign affairs and security committee, wrote a letter to the New York Times which appeared under the head- ings: "Israeli's Plea: 'Do Us a Favor and Stop Saving Us." In it he stated: On March 18 James Reston joined the ranks of Is- rael's "saviors" and told your readers "How to Save Israel"...despite itself. But the core of the problem is neither the terri- tories nor the "Palestinians." It is Jewish existence in the land of Israel. The Arabs desire our destruction. Farouk Kadumi, PLO's "Foreign Minister" voiced this clearly: "This Zionist ghetto of Israel must be de- stroyed." Presidents Sadat and Asad, the "moderates," want to eliminate Israel in stages. Recognizing that in battle they cannot defeat us today, they have em- barked on the "political path" to achieve their objec- tive, with the help of saviors. Their scenario is clear. Israel will withdraw. A "Palestinian state" will be founded in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Inevitably such a state, even if "linked" with Jordan, • will eventually be ruled by Arafat. Then all Israel's centers of civilian population will be within range of their artillery, and our lives will become hell. And all this as a prelude to a total onslaught by the Arab states. Therefore, the saviors suggest American guaran- tees, which will provide economic and military assist- ante but not military intervention. None of us wants even one American soldier to fight for Israel. To prevent bloodshed, Israel will be forced to enter and control the West Bank once again. Meanwhile, the "Palestinian state" will have be- come a Soviet base, with Soviet arms and advisers. What American purpose is served by the saviors con- cept, which will unavoidably result in a solid Soviet base in the heart of the Middle East? What the saviors are proposing is a Middle East- ern Munich or a "Vietnam peace agreement." Israel rejects it out of hand—"extremists" and the "moder- ates" alike—save Rakah, the pro-Soviet Communist Party in Israel. We shall not agree to commit suicide, even if ac-. companied by financial and military aid and sincere protestations of friendship. For $2 billion of assistance a year, we will not agree to live on borrowed time, and entrust our security to Sadat, Asad and Arafat. In order to live, we shall pull in our belts, work harder and produce more. If necessary, we shall produce 'highly sophisticated weaponry to surprise our enemies. We have the will and ability to do so. What is the alternative? The land of Israel be- longs to the Jewish people, and its right to national security is the same as that of all other nations. This is its only homeland, as against 20 independent Arab states. If indeed the Arabs desire peace, it will be achieved. Everything depends on a genuine will for peace. Do us a favor and stop saving us. With the help of God, we shall deal with,our enemies by ourselves. It is true that this is the viewpoint of an extremist, of the element that would not give up any portion of the terri- tory administered by Israel. But it is marked by self-re- spect, by rejection of distortions, by refusal to submit to false hopes. Indeed, the false hopes are like another imposition on Israel and Jewry. One day Sadat says he would not yield an inch of ground to Israel; the next he appears to be es- pousing peace—in five years. Meanwhile, the PLO have their messengers of falsehoods who speak through the mis- led Breira movement as if they wanted to negotiate with Israel, and on the record they have only one aim : destruc- tion of what has been built in Israel. How does one treat such fantasies and bluffs? A col- umn in the Jerusalem Post by Aharon Megged under the title "Coexisting With the PLO: A Citizen's Diary" opens many eyes—and many wounds. Megged's piece is worth quoting in full: The following is an open letter to Farouk Kad- dumi in response to a Newsweek interview in which he outlines the PLO's goals in three stages: the first is to create a mini-Palestinian state in the areas occu- pied by Israel after the 1967 war; the second is to re- turn to the 1948 borders; the third and final step is to create a secular and democratic Palestine. Sir: The statements you made to Mr. William Schmidt of Newsweek completely alter the situation. They give evidence of far-sighted political acumen and remark- able psychological insight. In short, they bear witness to a profound understanding of man's soul. All these years I had the misguided notion (I dare say fear) that you wished to annihilate me in one fell swoop. This, unfortunately, has been the cause of the tragic misunderstanding between us for the past 29 years. It's obvious that anyone with the slightest amount of common sense would not wish to be destroyed all at once, but would prefer to be dismembered piece by piece, or with "moderation" as you so aptly put it ... Now the situation is entirely different. Since I, too, am a moderate, my immediate reply must be: Of course! Absolutely! Why not nibble at me bit by bit like a salami? I'm willing to agree to that. I even qui- ver (perhaps with pleasure) at the thought. In the interview you show true Middle-Eastern mu- nificence as well as infinite moderation. When asked by Mr. Schmidt if you would consider going to Gen- eva, you replied immediately and without the slightest , hesitation: "We are insisting on a separate delegation. And to attend at the outset of the Geneva Conference, and then to participate in all of its works." This means that you are actually prepared to sit at the same table with me. This is quite a noble ges- ture from one who for years would turn his head at the sight of me, or leave the room when I came in, or refuse to acknowledge even with a mere nod, the greeting of a petit bourgeois like myself. Your magnanimous declaration also reflects simple logic: we finally have a basis for negotiations. The subject is quite clear: the steps by which the master plan is to be executed. Now we can sit peace- fully at the discussion table and determine the end from which you will begin to devour me. As the diplo- mats say, I am ready to listen to constructive ideas and to negotiate without prior conditions. I can tell you right now that I am not inflexible. Since it is quite clear that it is no longer your in- tention to swallow me up all at once, and I sincerely appreciate this concession on your part; it no longer really matters where you actually begin. You cer- tainly won't hear a moderate like me say "over my dead body." Perhaps you want the first stage to in- clude my left leg and right arm and the second my right leg and left arm? I only ask, dear sir, that you be good enough not to begin with my head. Please. I realize that this might be interpreted as the kind of "prior condition" that antagonizes you and even jeopardizes the negotiations to the point of your get- ting up and refusing to sit with me. I only want to show you that it really wouldn't be in your best inter- ests. If you begin with my head, how would I be able to discuss the other stages of your master plan with you? That astute salami suggestion of yours would lose all headway. I am aware of the fact that I am asking you to make considerable concessions in my behalf: first, you must agree to sit with me; second, you must be willing to destroy me in three separate stages and not in one single coup. Now I have the nerve to ask you not to take my head first. What could I possibly give you in return? The truth is that I am disturbed by the fact that these negotiations are a matter of quid pro quo or tit for tat. What could I possibly concede to you? I'll have to force myself not to whine, whimper, or grumble, and I'll show the utmost restraint during each and every one of the stages of your master plan. I am even prepared to admit that mine is a minor con- cession compared to yours. I beg you not to be contemputous of me. We both are very well acquainted with stiff-necked people who aren't even willing to yield the 'smallest bloody thing. They absolutely refuse to be destroyed—in one large gulp or bit by bit. They won't relinquish anything from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads, neither from the right nor from the left. We are all aware of that obstinate "over my dead body" c-ontin- gent whose brutality is so difficult to comprehend. You can see that I am very different. . So let us arrange a time and place. Shall we say Geneva, this Thursday at 6 a.m.? I am anxious to begin as soon as humanly possible, to "get it all over with" as they say. But please, without your gun-belt this time. Let it . be a true peace meeting. Yours (in the full sense of the word) Aharon Megged , The old Lincolnian statement is worth taking into ac- count. "You can't fool all - of the people all of the time," even if they are in the State Department. The Landau and Megged messages are timely, pragmatic, admonishing the world not to be fooled by false analyses and promises. There is that will to live that will not permit distortion of truth. Therefore the faith that Israel and Jewry will not fall prey to -the falsehoods in diplomacy and fantasies of the desert. • , Jerusalem's Chain Gate