THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Indian Government Expected to Change Harsh Anti-lsraelism By JOSEPH ,POLAKOFF ! WASHINGTON (JTA)— Informed Indian sources here forecast a change in the harsh policy carried out towards Israel by the now ousted Indira Gandhi gov- ernment but. added that a shift to a milder attitude will be slow and cautious. The overturn in India's lead- ership, it was observed, was based on domestic poli- cies. Officially, the Indian Em- bassy pointed out it is pre- mature to discuss the new_ vernment's foreign policy ce the new prime min- i er, Morarji Desai, has just been appointed. In In- dian diplomatic circles Desai has .been in general accord with India's foreign policy since the country's founding in 1947, a year be- fore Israel's birth. Desai was 'closely allied with the "father of India," Mahatma Gandhi and serv- ed 13 years in the cabinet of Jawaharlal Nehru, Mrs. Gandhi's father. He also was in her cabinet as depu- ty prime–minister and min- ister of finance mail 1969 when he resigned and later went into opposition. Despite its democratic principles, India's govern- ments have been wary of close cooperation with Is- rael mainly because of the large Moslem population in India and India's economic ties with the Moselm world, including the Arab states. "The new government is not anti-Israeli at all," an author and journalist said. "The question is how to re- verse the policy. Numerous Indians--several thousand-- work in Arab countries and India does much business with Arab countries." Change towards Israel, he predicted, therefore, will be 'very gradual." Agreeing with this view, an international economist similarly noted that many countries have to please the Arab governments because of commercial connections. Indian policy towards Is- rael has been cool and aloof since both countries fought their way to freedom from British rule after World War II. The Indian government's attitude worsened in the lat- ter years of the Indira Gan- dhi regime. An example is that al- though Israel supported India while the Arab states backed Pakistan in the 1971 war, India's forbidding out- look continued towards Is- rael while it paradoxically warmed towards Israel's enemies. In the 1975-76 period alone, • India made two major moves against Is- rael. The Delhi government voted for the United Na- tions General Assembly's in- famous anti-Zionist resolu- Bible Students Leave for Israel NEW YORK—Seven Bible students, first and sec- ond prize winners in the United States National Bible Contest which was - held in New York. will leave for Israel soon to take part in the Inter: national Youth Bible Con- test held annually in Jerusa- lem as part of the Independ- ence Day celebrations. Friday, April 8, 1977 13 Big Discounts Off. Machs. & Furniture Add 'n Type tion while the tiny states on 342-7800 399-8333 34t-1224 India's borders--Nepal and Bhutan--courageously re- fused to condemn Zionism and abstained. India also was the leader of the 20-member United Nations committee--16 of which have no relations with Israel--in demanding Israel's withdrawal by next June 1 from the territories she administers. But the same committee made no mention of the need for the Arabs to recog- ...... .r. 29030 Northwestern at 12 Mile Rd. nize Israel's right to exist fr s .7 Good Mon. thru Fri. , , kAk: Adjacent to Total Station nor that two Security Coun- a.m. to 1 1 a.m. Only II 9 //110. • Phone: 352-9230 cil resolutions provide the Arab states and Israel must *exterior only (one coupon per car) expires April 15, 1977 settle their differences by direct negotiations between , 111 El 11111 111111111111111110 them. I MORNING SPECIAL! & WAX .., II WASH , 1 _- • .,SIline City I $1- so ili wi EN as 1 or SPECIAL PURCHASE Seminary Letter Revives 1840 'Damascus Affair' NEW YORK—The library of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America has acquired a letter dated 15. December 1840, which sheds light on the murky Damascus Affair." This in- cident in the annals of inter- national diplomacy, which headlined the news . 137 years ago, begins with the charge of a heinous crime, involves counter-charges, long journeys to the Orient, betrayal and retraction. Isaac Cohen wrote the let- ter from London to Lady Ju- dith and Sir Moses Mon- tefipre, his sister and broth- er-in-law, in Naples. Archivist Sharon Horo- witz researched the histori- cal context of the letter, and from her notes we learn that the letter refers, to current events in Dam- ascus, where 13 Jews were arrested after the murder of the superior of a Francis- can convent. Charged with ritual murder and tortured, four died at their captors' hands and the rest con- fessed. Havoc was then wreaked upon the Dam- ascan Jewish community. Europeans who learned of this incident attempted to assuage their outrage by sending an envoy to the Pasha of Egypt and the Sul- tan of Constantinople. Their meetings resulted in the re- lease of the remaining pris- oners with a declaration by the Pasha of their in- nocence, and a comment by the Sultan that the claim of ritual murder was absurd. Isaac's concluding phrase refers to Isaac Cremieus, an attorney traveling with the Montefiore delegation, who stated that he thought a Jew had killed the Fran- ciscan, terming the culprit not "a respectable member of the community." Thus, the letter writer's rage seems justified. Isaac proceeds with a de- tailed report of the thanks- giving activities and special prayers in -preparation for the Montefiores' return, and adds that "certain Psalms and Prayers (will) be read and chanted, the prayer for the Queen and Royal Family, then a Pray- er for the Sultan (in my humble opinion this ought not to be as is in this coun- try we never pray for for- eign Princes but it would be better to offer up a pray- er for .all those Govern- ments who have assisted in this great cause). Regularly to $90. What's in a name? Some of the best fashion looks- and quality you can find-. The name, Luba. The low _price possible b e cause we're passing along very special savings to you! All full-length poplin coats in assorted styles. Tan, sand ; 5 to 13. DLEY'S SOUTHFIELD at 12 Mile & Evergreen Regret Marxism JERUSALEM (ZINS)— Meir Yaari, 80-year-old lead- er of Mapam, recently told a party gathering, "Adopt- ing Marxism-Lenism as part of our ideology was the greatest mistake of our lives." He added that although the U.S. disposes of 40 per- cent of the world's wealth it also possesses other values, such as freedom. f