71-45 0 • , - nornomnommommommiromornn,-- -- Friday, April 1, 1977 23 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS arter Re-Evaluating Jackson-Vanick Resolve WASHINGTON (JTA)President Carter's en- dorsement during his elec- tion campaign of the Jack- son-Vanik legislation is un- dergoing re-evaluation with- in his Administration and is now an open issue. Senior U.S. officials made that known last week on the eve of the Soviet-American conference in Moscow at which trade and emigration are the major topics along with transfer of arms and a reduction of armaments, in- cluding nuclear weaponry. The Jackson-Vanik meas- ure, a part of the U.S. Trade Reform Act adopted in late 1975, bans U.S. cred- its and other benefits to the Soviet 'Union until it modi- fies its policy on emigration by Jews and other minor- ities. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance received appeals from members of Congress and American Jewish organizations to help Soviet Jews to emi- grate if they wish. At the same time, 18 sena- tors wrote to Soviet Com- munist Party Secretary Leonid Brezhnev requesting the release of Anatoly Sha- ransky who was arrested in Moscow March 15. In Washington, President Carter described the resolu- tion adopted by the Con- gress condemning Soviet harassment of Jews as "strong confirmation" of the American people's ap- proval of his stand on human rights. In a related development, Rabbi Alexander Schindler, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organiza- tions, said. that President Carter's recent criticism of the state of human rights in the Soviet Union did not bring about the "vilification of Jews" by the Soviet gov- ernment or was responsible for the harassment and per- secution of Jewish dis- sidents,and emigration ac- tivists in the USSR. He said, in reply to ques- tions, that the barring of symposia on Jewish culture in the Soviet Union, the screening of anti-Semitic films on Soviet television and the beatings of Jews on park benches in Soviet cities all occurred before the President "said a soli- tary word on Soviet Jews." Meanwhile, the National Conference on Soviet Jewry has learned that former So- viet Jewish prisoner of con- science Dr. Mikhail Shtern and his wife have received hermits to join their two sons in Israel. • At the same time, former Soviet Jewish prisoner of conscience Kopel Spector was told upon his release from prison in December ,1976- that he would be al- lowed to re-apply to emi- grate to Israel once he was employed and had a place of residence. Now that he has been the city's Jewish activists who may soon be brought to trial on serious criminal charges, the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry reported. The Lithuanian KGB ac- cused Vladimir Drot- and Viadirnir Raiz, of "anti-so- cial and anti-Soviet activi- ties" in connection with their Jewish cultural activi- ties and their agitation to emigrate. The , KGB threat- ened the two activists with imprisonment if they refuse to testify against Salensky. In New-, York, holding aloft matza in protest against the Kremlin's ban on importation of the Pass- over food, Bella Abzug, rep- resentatives Elizabeth Holtz- man, Edward Koch, Step- hen Solarz, Herman Ba- dillo, all of New York, and Brooklyn Borough Presi- dent Howard Golden led 1,000 youths in a 10-mile walkathon, a modern inter- pretation of the ancient Is- raelite exodus from Egypt. Meanwhile, 30 Moscow Jews staged a hunger strike Sunday to protest the latest wave of persecution of Jew- ish .-emigration activists. They had the support of 500 Big Discounts Off. Machs. & Furniture Add 'n Type 342-7800 399-8333 342-12214 Christian Pentecostals. in the USSR who conducted a prayer fast at the same time for religious freedom and the right to emigrate, the SSSJ said. WATCH REPARING JEWELRY REPAIRING ENGRAVING IMMEDIATE REPAIR SERVICE _ ON PREMISES . LARGEST STOCK OF WATCH BANDS Established 49 years at The Evergreen Plaza, Evergreen & 12 Mile 559-9630 Daily 10 to 6, Thurs. & Fri. 10 to 9 MIKHAIL ROIZ working one month in Cher- novtsy, the authorities have refused to register him at his place of residence, ac- cording to the NCSJ. With- out such registration the local ovir authorities refuse to process his application to join his parents iri Israel. It also was reported that Soviet Jewish prisoner of conscience Sender Levinzon has been transferred to a strict regime camp in the city of Dmitrograd in the Ulyanovsk region of the USSR. The NCSJ also reported that arrested Jewish activ- ist Iosif Begun could be charged under Article 209 of the Soviet Criminal Code for "systematically engag- ing in vagrancy and beg- ging" which carries a sen- tence of up to two years im- prisonment or "correctional work" of up to one year. Mikhail Roiz, trapped in the USSR, wonders when he will ever see his wife Rach- el again. They parted in 1974 when she left for Is- rael. According to the Stu- dent Struggle for Soviet Jewry, Roiz has been re- peatedly refused exit on the unexplained grounds of "re- gime considerations." Meanwhile, Soviet author- ities are pressing two Vilna activits to testify against Naum Salensky, leader of * * * -411/ Kreisky Reveals Why He Shut P Schoenau Camp for Emigres VIENNA Austria Chan- closed after Arab terrorists cellor Bruno Kreisky dis- took several Jews hostage closed that one of the rea- on a train from the Soviet sons the Jewish Agency-run Union and demanded that transit camp for Soviet Jew- the camp be shut down. ish emigres at Schoenau The Austrian authorities was closed down in 1973 complied on the grounds of was the fact that emigrants security and since then Jew- staying there had no choice ish emigres are housed in of where to resettle. transit camps under Austri- Every Jew who emi- an supervision. grates via Austria has the In a related development, right to decide where he the U.S. Senate Appropri- wants to go, Kreisky said at ations Committee refused a press conference on his re- to earmark money for help- turn from a visit to the ing Soviet Jews and other United States. Eastern European refugees The Schoenau 7caynp .wa-s settle in.ttie United.$tafetz A HAPPY PASSOVER To The Entire Community Complete Food Centers • A •r: V mr cf. e1`ar •-•