THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Herzog Charges Idi Amin Creates Diversionary Crises DEAL DIRECT SAVE I'M YOUR FORD BROKER CALL ME FORA . PRICE QUOTATION OR . LEASE 1977 DFORD GRANADA $ 99 z CHICAGO (JTA) — Uganda's President Idi Amin has diverted world attention from the mur- der of thousands of Black Christians by creating artificial crises — a tech- nique similar to that being used by Arab states to cloud the real issues in the Middle East, accord- ing. to Chaim Herzog, Is- rael's Ambassador to the United Nations. In a luncheon address before the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago, Herzog also said that the degree, of Ameri- can Jewry's support for humantarian programs in Israel is considered an important indicator of Is- rael's strength by gov- ernments both friepdly •and unfriendly to Israel. The audience of more than 250 leaders of Chicago's Jewish com- k ol tk JS SHELDON METZ COOK-FARR SAS o' 10 Mile S Greenfield 399-6600 869 West Long Lake Road 646-0973 .1 4====c ■, ) gfi c/14 011,n.1 OtaLlita The finest music for all occasions 546-7558 - 18th -‘ ANNUAL STARTS APRIL 51 KIDDY KOLOR KONTEST THREE GRAND PRIZES z $100 Savings Bond :3/ 25 Savings Bond 0 25 Savings Bond 0 1st Prize 0 2nd Prize 1° 3rd Prize Contest and Portrait Sale Is A Once A Year Special - For Rules & Appointments, Call Leo Knight Photography W. 12 Mile Rd. 1,... 26571 -Just W. of Northwestern Hwy. Southfield 352-7030 munity responded en- thusiastically to Herzog's call to let the "echoes of our voices and our con- cern resound so that gen- erations to come will re- member us with pride." Special Gifts chairman Edgar L. Cadden reported substantial giving incre- ments that brought the 1977 Jewish United Fund- Israel Emergency Fund campaign total to $11.5 million. Herzog was introduced by Jewish United Fund general chairman William Levine who told the gathering that be- cause of inflation, con- tributions would have to be increased 30 percent in order to maintain the level of local and overseas services provided by JUF locally, nationally and overseas in 1976. In his' address, Herzog charged that Amin used American citizens to draw attention from the "slaughter of tens of thousands of Africans." He pointed out that Amin used the same technique following reports that he ZOA Chief Urges Constraint of Amin FORD - Friday, March 18, 1977 21 itniqpti NEW YORK — A call upon the African nations to "constrain and isolate" Idi Amin, president of Uganda, was made by Rabbi Joseph P. Sterns- tein, president of the 120,000-member Zionist Organization of America. In a letter addressed to the Organization of Afri- can Unity, the ZOA presi- dent .noted that Amin's antics reflect on all black nations. "It weakens the liberation movement of the African people and contributes to the insta- - bility of the area." He added, "As Zionists, we are concerned that Idi Amin has become the spokesman for the Arab nations and of the Soviet Union, spreading hate against Israel and the' Jewish people. The si- lence of the African na- tions on Idi Amin gives aid and comfort to the enemies of Israel — the Arab states which have no concept of human rights and liberty." Nuclear Plant Building Delayed JERUSALEM (JTA) The Knesset's Interior Committee has recom- mended that the govern- ment postpone plans to construct a nuclear poWer plant at Nitzanim on the Mediterranean coast south of Ashdod. The decision followed an intensive campaign waged against the pro- ject by residents of the area and environmen- talists. The National Power Co. which had hoped to start preparatory work shortly, will have to await the resUltS of further studies. A liar is not believed even when he speaks the truth. —The Talmud authorized the murder of 73-year-old Mrs. Dora Block, a hostage at En- tebbe who reportedly had been in a Ugandan hospi- tal at the time of the Is- raeli rescue. In that in- stal-ice Amin created the illusion of an impending war with Kenya, Herzog said. In the Middle East, the Arabs have attempted to parallel this technique by posing Arab-Israel strife as the barrier to peace, whereas the real problem is "the inherent immatur- ity and instability of Arab governments," Herzog said . - As evidence, he pointed to recent inter- Arab wars in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan and Jordan. Herzog cited other hos- tilities, such as those be- tween Egypt and Libya, between the PLO and var- ious Arab states, and in a post-luncheon press con- ference he enumerated a total of 70 revolutions in Arab lands (25 of them successful) since Jsrael was established in 1948. - This instability makes it difficult for 'Israel to 25 Years Eiperience CARMEL STUDIO all social engagements negotiate a peace, since there is no guarantee that the governments who sign a treaty will be there to observe it; Her- zog. said. Portraits on Location Landscapes—Interiors 851-3397 4—PART PLAN • Simple Diet — with cocktails, too! • Successful Behavior Modification • Easy Nutrition • Sliming Exercises '7,tee Ogee • etut.4ei , BRING A FRIEND! 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