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March 18, 1977 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1977-03-18

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Israel's 29th Anniversary Events
Set for Jewish Center April 16-24

Campaign Divisions Gear Up;
UJA Sabbath This Weekend

—AJCampaign Roundup, Pages 18-19

—Story on Page 19

\ Accelerated

The Sakharov
Saga of

Expose of
Arab Support
for D.C. Terror


A Weekly Review

• Page 2

VOL. LXXI, No. 2


of Jewish Events

Terrorism . . .
Lunacy as a
Perversion of

Page 4

$10.00 Per Year; This Issue 30 4 , March 18, 1977

17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833

Terror in Nation's Capital

Anti-Semitic Diatribes,Vandalism
Mark Hanafi Bnai Brith Takeover

MC-Financed Workshop
Aids Tel Aviv Disabled

A pretty teenager confined to a wheelchair, and without the use
of her hands, is shown weaving a rug with a wire tool in her teeth in
the occupational therapy room and sheltered workshop established
in the ILAN Center in Tel Aviv by the American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee. A JDC grant enabled the ILAN Center to
purchase special tools and equipment, including a table loom, floor
loom, pneumatic press and a threading machine. Those unable to
get to the center on their own are driven to the center in a minibus
financed by the .Central British Fund. The bus has a ramp and
hydraulic lift for wheelchairs.


WASHINGTON (JTA) — Nearly all of the employees at Bnai Brith national head-

quarters were back at work this week, including those who were held hostage by gunmen
of the Hanafi Muslim sect who seized the eight-story building last Wednesday morning.
Extra security precautions have been taken however.
_ _
entrance and all
An additional armed guard is on duty at the building's single entrance
visitors must sign a register in his presence. Security experts are exploring the building
with a view to recommending further security measures. Most of the offices, including
those severely damaged by the gunmen, are back in use, but repairs to the damage,
estimated minimally at $250,000, are still going on. Bullet holes are visible in some of the
walls and smashed doors. Walls and furniture are being repaired or will be replaced.
Blood-stained carpeting has been removed and bloodstains have been washed from-the.
Two specialists from the U.S. government's National Institute of Mental Health will be
conducting therapy sessions and group and private observation among employees who
may be affected by the trauma of last week's events. A Bnai Brith spokesman said that
project may not be completed for years.
The specialists were present at the meeting of Bnai Brith employees at the May-
flower Hotel, Tuesday, addressed by Bnai Brith President David Blumberg and Execu-
tive Vice President Daniel Thursz. Both officials lauded the employees for their courage
under severe stress and reassured them about the security measures being taken. The
employees were told that they could resume their work at a pace commensurate with
their personal psychological and physical conditions. Only a few failed to report for work
Tuesday. At least one employee is still hospitalized. (Blumberg and Thurz had asked
police to negotiate an exchange, offering themselves to replace the women hostages, but
police officials refused.)
Three of the freed hostages were called before the congregation of Temple Adas
Israel on Saturday to recite a blessing in celebration of their deliverance. One of the
woman hostages, a Mrs. Lantz, had been forced at one point during the siege to get on
her knees and recite from the Koran. Members of the congregation, and its rabbi,
Stanley Rabinowitz, expressed anger at the release of some of the terrorists.
During his_sermon, Rabbi Rabinowitz mourned the slaying of a young, black reporter
and said, "We are gratified that so many emerged with their lives, grateful not to the men of
violence, for it is ridiculous to feel grateful for the restraint shown by men who speak of
murder, but grateful to God, that sanity eventually prevailed."
Bnai Brith public relations di-
rector Bernard Simon, in a New
York Times article, wrote of his
U.S. Jewish Leaders, Congress
hours as a hostage. "For some 38
Members, Ambassador Herzog
hours the discipline is an ominous
silence. 'Keep your mouth shut or
Condemn UN Invitation to PLO

Story on Page 8


(Continued on Page 14)

Rabin-Carter Talks Showcased 'Dramatic'U.S. Changes


JERUSALEM — The Middle East peace picture seems to have changed
dramatically since Premier Yitzhak Rabin's visit to Washington and Rabin's task
now will be to adjust to the new situation while fighting a tough election campaign
and trying to unite a sharply divided Labor Party.
The visit, which appeared to be going very well, suddenly soured — at least
from the viewpOint of many Israeli — when President Carter made it clear at-a
press conference that the United States expected Israel to withdraw eventually
to its 1967 borders, with only minor adjustments, as part of a final, overall peace
settlement with its neighbors.
The extemporaneous comments by the President, following six meetings with
Rabin over the previous two days, caught the Israeli leader off balance. He was taken
aback more by the timing than by the content of Carter's remarks. In their private
talks, Carter almost certainly explained his views in detail. But his public disclosure
of them starkly silhouetted the differences between Israel and the U.S. on the
question of- Israel's final borders.

There were, of course, many favorable aspects to the President's remarks,
and Rabin stressed them in his own public comments and in interviews with
Israeli radio and television correspondents for broadcast at home. He emphasized
that Carter's definition of a final peace settlement coincided with Israel's insis-
tence on full peace, mutual recognition, open borders, free trade and tourist
travel. He also played up Carter's recognition that Israel needed defensible bor-
ders and that the 1967 lines fell short of that need.
But there is no denying that American diplomacy in the Mideast has -taken on
a new coloration. Leading newspapers and other'experienced observers here say
now that no matter how many "reassurances" may be forthcoming from Secret-
ary of State Cyrus Vance, Carter's remarks signalled an end to the diplomatic
standstill that has existed since the September, 1975 interim accords.
Moreover, despite his own assurances that the U.S. seeks only to encourage,
not impose, a settlement in the region, Carter's remarks indicated that the role of
"middleman" as construed by his Administration is far more active than . the one
(Continued on Page 5)

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