THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 4, 1977 53 Israeli Political Parties Consolidating Positions as Pre-Election Pressure Continues to Increase '<:71 TEL AVIV (JTA) — Is- The Peres people won and strong. rael's political factions their first victory last united Likud, reportedly, is have been concentrating - Thursday night when the re-writing its election on internal matters dur- party's nominating com- platform to eliminate such ing the past week. Their mittee convened to elect blunt statements as aim is to project at least one-third of the delegates "Palestine will not be di- the appearance of party to the new Central Com- vided anymore." It is also unity and to develop mittee which consists of adding a plank that states coherent positions on 816 members compared to that a Likud-led govern- major domestic and 601 on the old committee. ment would go to Geneva foreign policy issues that The other two-thirds and support all efforts to will give the voters a are elected by the various prevent a new war and di- choice when they go to district branches. But the rect negotiations for peace the polls May 17. Peres group was given 50 treaties without pre- - The big problem for the percent of the delegates conditions and without ".bof Party is to assure appointed by the outside interference. t race between the sup nominating committee, The platform reiterates porters of Premier Yit- which put them on an Likud's position that the zhak Rabin and those equal basis with the regions who backed his chal- Rabin group. They ..ap- Judaea-Samaria remain permanently lenger, Defense Minister peared to be satisfied. under Israel's sovereign- Shimon Peres, at the con- Nonetheless, Peres ty. But political vention last week. warned last, Friday that observers detect a certain The Independent Lib- he would protect his sup- softening of language eral Party, which opened porters from possible re- which they say indicates its convention Sunday, prisals for having backed a slight concession by the" faces the problem of sur- him against Rabin. He militant Herut faction to vival as a party. Likud is implied that he would re- the more moderate Lib- trying to soften its fuse to stand for the erals. hardline image, but not to Knesset on the Labor list The Democratic Move- a degree that would or participate in the next ment for Change was alienate its hawkish con-. government unless Knes- thrown into an uproar by- stituency. set seats were assured for a Washington Post story Prof. Yigael Yadin's new representatives of the claiming that Yadin had Democratic Movement for younger generation and said he would prefer to Change (DESH), which women and unless join a coalition with some political pundits be- Cabinet portfolios were Labor. A spokesman for - lieve will give Labor its offered to his most prom- the movement said the most serious opposition on inent supporters, Gad report was erroneous. He election day, has defined Yaacobi, Abba Eban and said the DESH was pre- the terms under which it Yitzhak Navon. pared to join either Labor would join a coalition gov- Some Peres supporters Likud on three condi- ernment with either Labor also demanded that Rabin of tions. or Likud. retain Peres as Defense These were a pledge for The dramatic focus is Minister in the next gov- election reforms; an un- on Labor, the biggest ernment and- award him dertaking to establish party, which heads the the additional post of De- government ministries to care-taker government. puty Premier, now held by deal with existing prob- Its convention chose to Foreign Minister Yigal Al- lems instead of creating retain Rabin as leader, Ion. These demands were portfolios to pay off party but only by the barest of advanced again Mondayby obligations; and top prior- margins. It went on to Peres supporters in ity for measures to close adopt a controversial meeting between them and Israel's social gap. platform plank by an Rabin supporters. Opposition leaders al- equally slim margin, em- However, Rabin said at ready are claiming that phasizing that on the is- a press conference after sues of leadership and his victory - that he in- foreign policy the Labor tended to include Peres in Party is split down the his next Cabinet ,with an JERUSALEM (JTA) middle. "important" portfolio. It was strange to hear It has, in fact, coalesced But he refused to commit Moshe Rivlin talking from three factions — himself . as to which Zionism. At the helm of Mapai, Rafi and Akhdut portfolio will be entrusted the Zionist movement for Haavoda — into two: the to Peres. The Defense nearly a dozen years as Rabin camp and the Ministry which he now director general of the Peres camp. The fact that heads is one of the senior Jewish Agency, Rivlin the incumbent Rabin Cabinet posts and there has had little time for could muster only a 41- are few others of equal talking. He made his vote margin (out of some rank that he could fill. mark as a doer, an 2,800 ballots cast) to edge The almost 50-50 split achiever — a bitsuist. He out Peres was symptoma- over. the party platform left the talking to the tic of a dangerous clevage plank stating Israel's politicians. that could come apart be- readiness for territorial Rivlin is about to leave fore election day. concessions in "all sec- the Jewish Agency, now Rabin and his followers tors" has alienated moving down the corridor are doing their utmost to former Defense Minister to the office of chairman avoid a split and the Moshe Dayan. Dayan, of the Jewish National Peres backers are taking _ who led the opposition to Fund. He leaves on a low full advantage of their the plank, said after its note, at a time of waning strong position. When the adoption that he could aliya, of neshira (drop- f.- nvention reconvened not campaign for Labor outs) as a seemingly per- Thursday after its under • these cir- manent and irreversible ..fin-lactic vote last Wed- cumstances. trend. He does not try to nesday night, the. Peres Meanwhile, Rabin minimize these huge dis- camp ; demanded equal hopes to include the In- appointments and the representation with the dependent Liberal Party fundamental question Rabin faction on all party in the next coalition gov- marks they pose to the bodies, on the Knesset ernment. He and Presi- Zionist idea. list, in the next Cabiriet dent Ephraim Katzir at- On the contrary, he and in such Labor- tended the ILP conven- stresses the atmosphere dominated institutions as tion opening Sunday. of crisis, and throws the Jewish Agency, the Rabin expressed appreci- down a demanding chal Histadrut Executive and ation for the ILP's coop- lenge to the Zionist the various local workers' eration in the past and movement and to broader councils. said he looked forward to echelons of Jewish 'lead- They are also insisting a continued relationship ership: "The entire rela- that Uzi Bat-am, the vigor- in the future. Party sec- tionship between Israel ous secretary of the 'par- retary Itzhak Barkai and the Jewish people ur- ty's Jerusalem branch, be concvded, however, that gently needs a thorough made Secretary General of the ILP was going reassessment." the party when incumbent through a period of crisis. After the elections in Is- Meir Zarmi's term ends. But he claimed it was now rael, he proposes, the new Rabin's narrow victory amounts to a repudiation by the Labor Party of its own poliCies as executed by Rabin. They also seem to be convinced that Rabin will be an easier candidate to beat than Peres. The lat- ter is an astute politician and formidable speaker. Rabin has come over weakly in television de- bates and Knesset duels. He is a poor speaker, awkward in repartee, crude in political diatribe and insensitive to audi- ence reaction. On the other hand, notwith- standing his colorless public image, even Ra- bin's foes conceded that he is a tough, intelligent leader behind the scenes. Whether he can lead his party to victory in the May elections will depend on a number of factors. It remains to be seen whether Rabin — possi- bly prompted by Golda Meir — will demand re- venge against those Laborites who backed Peres. There are many who say the Labor Party is worn out and has gone stale after nearly 30 years as Israel's govern- ing party. But the opposi- tion must reckon with Labor's remarkable re- silience and its tremend- ous appetite for power. If the convention made . anything clear, it was that Labor is by no means resigned to losing heavily at the polls and will fight tooth and nail to retain. leadership of the gov- ernment. Israeli pollsters have been hard at work canvas- sing the Israelis' political preferences, and various polls have been publicized. But different polls tell dif- ferent stories. On one thing, however, they all seem to agree: at this point, slightly less than three months before elec- tion day, up to 50 percent of the voters have not de- cided which party to sup- port. They are, instead, wait- ing. and watching to see how the Labor Party will meet the challenges ahead; the efforts of Likud to modify its haw- kiSh image; the birth pangs of Prof. Yigael Yadin's new Democratic Movement for Change; the threatened disinteg- ration of the Independent Liberal Party; the per- sonal conflicts within the National Religious Party; the intensive but as yet fruitless negotiations among the left-of-center groups to establish a strong socialist party. The voting public also sees nightly on.television, high-ranking military of- ficers and senior civil ser vants announcing their resignations and proc- laiming their devotion to one or another political faction. All of them would like to sit in the next Knesset. But the law re- quires them to resign from state service at least 100 days before elections. If the polls show one thing it is that the electo- rate anticipates great changes on May 17 and the beginning of a new political era for Israel. But past experience in politics shows that such expectations may be an il- lusion. The power struc- ture in Israel is not lik€ly to change. In the meantime, three new lists announced them- selves as contenders for Knesset seats. One is a Woinen's List marching under a feminist banner. Another is a loosely organized co- alition of wives, mothers and parents of soldiers who think a new war can be prevented only if Is- rael refuses to withdraw from - the administered territories. The third rep- resents 30,000 Holocaust survivors who demand better treatment and higher compensation from the government. A fourth list has also emerged, headed by Yehoshua Peretz, former boss of the Ashdod port workers. He announced, however, that he would link up with the Black Panthers to form a coali- tion that speaks for the underprivileged. Meanwhile, a promi- nent Soviet Jewish emigre, former Maj. Grisha Feigiri of the Red Army, announced that he would stand for the Knes- set on the Labor Party list. Feigin* claimed to have the support of at least 50,000 Jewish im- migrants from the Soviet Union. It was also re- ported that Tzofia Goren,- wife of Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren, may seek a Knesset seat on the National Religious Party list as a representative of religious women. Rivlin Seeks Re-Evauation in Israel, More Young Olim L 4111 MOSHE RIVLIN go v . ernment must, as a matter of vital priority, summon a council of all ranking Jewish leaders to conduct this reassess- ment. To allow the situa- tion to remain static, or de- teriorate still further, would be catastrophic for Israel, he warns. The severity of the crisis, he says, is most forcefully illustrated by the fact that Jews in sev- eral countries, who are on the verge of packing up and emigrating, are not thinking of Israel as their natural destination. This applies to South African Jews, Rhodesian Jews, Latin American Jews, and, of course, to so many of those Jews who succeed in escaping from the aliya, which is at the root of Soviet Union. the Zionist vision — a vis- At the same time, says ion which Rivlin insists is Rivlin, and perhaps as as valid today as ever' it part of the same problem, was. Israel is visibly losing its The challenge, then, he prestige and authority says, must be to levy a among the established volunteer army of 50,000 Western Jewish com- young people, Israeli and munities. Plainly, much Diaspora Jew's, who of the fault lies with Is- would undertake to settle rael itself, with facets of in the Galilee, to populate Israeli society which are the Negev, to populate familiar to Jews abroad Jerusalem and its envi- and which frankly deter rons, and to live and work or repel them. But to rec- in development towns. ognize this, even to work This kind 'of radical to put right Israel's overhaul in Israel- wrongs, is not a sufficient Diaspora relations, and in solution to the' funda.- the role of Zionism in the mental Israel-Diaspora 1980s would "cleanse the crisis, says Rivlin. atmosphere," he says, "Israel needs a new both within the country message, a new chal- and vis-a-vis the Dias- lenge, a task to inspire pora. young Jews abroad," he "It is up to the next stresses. government to make the The Jewish state's dual move," he says. tasks in the past have al- ways been aliya and de- fense: they may no longer be sufficient to motivate the Diaspora to action be- PARIS (JTA) — Former yond fund-raising. Nor can French Premier Pierre Israel, Rivlin is convinced, Mendes France, one of afford to resign itself to three Jews who served as the present, static situa- Premier in the post-war tion, if only for purely de- years, has been appointed mographic reasons. And a commander in the beyond demography, French Legion of Honor, there is the need for the third highest rank in Diaspora-Israel interac- France's prestigious na- tion, based on ongoing tional order. French Honor Mendes France