THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS House Blasts France on Daoud Release 40 — BUSINESS CARDS 53 — ENTERTAINMENT CUSTOM DRAPERY & uphos- tery work done at reasonable prices. Free Estimates SHOP AT HOME 399-8333 WASHINGTON — A BAND — Excellent music total of 85 House mem- Custom draperies made to specifications. Quality work. Excellent prices. 342-0518 862-0863 z r-- the finest in Photography CARMEL STUDIO , all social engagements Portraits on Location Landscapes—Interiors 851-3397 & entertainment availa- ble for all social occa- sions. 731-6081 PROFESSIONAL Sound Sys- tern and Light Show. Profes- sional D.J. (no break) Music of your choice: Disco, rock, 50's, pop, etc. Any Occasion. Call SOUND PRODUCTIONS 559-8303 bers introduced a resolu- tion last week denounc- ing the French govern- ment's release of Abu Daoud, suspected Pales- tinian terrorist who re- portedly masterminded the Munich Olympic mas- sacre of 11 Israeli athletes. William M. Brodhead (D-Mich.), addressing the House membership, said in part: "In spite of France's pledge to support the anti-terrorist treaty adopted by the European 968-4576 JULIUS ROSS Common Market coun- tries, and in spite of France's extradition agreements with West Germany and Israel, both of which sought to ques- tion Daoud concerning terrorist crimes, the gov- ernment of France al- lowed Daoud to go free on a technicality. There is serious question that the French government pur- sued every legal means to detain Daoud. "By this narrow, self- interested and short- sighted action, the gov- ernment of France has made it clear to the rest of Voyage of Damned Disappointing While the major powers By HEIDI PRESS "Voyage of the debated their fate, the Damned," the film detail- passengers aboard the St. • rec. rooms ing the tragic story of the Louis became more and • basement floors Jewish refugees from more desperate. Many at- tiled Nazism who boarded the tempted suicide and • suspended ceilings ship St. Louis seeking others determined to installed freedom from persecu- overpower the crew and • stucco tion, has the makings of a risk a charge of piracy contender for the rather than return to the • misc. repairs. drama-of-the-year title, almost certain death References but its inconsistencies which awaited them in Very Reasonable and empty characters their homeland. Finally, Call RON cause it to lose the impact with his fuel running out, it might otherwise have Captain Schroeder reluc- on its audience. tantly set a course re- eves. turning the St. Louis, and Based on the book of its passengers, to Europe. the same name by Gordon METRO WINDOW As the ship neared Eu- Thomas and Max Morgan rope, desperate negotia- CLEANING AND Witts, "Voyage" presents tions between agents of HOME CARE the true-life story of 937 the passengers and the Experts on aluminum storms, freedom-seeking Jews governments of Britain, carpet, floor, furniture clean- who were allowed to leave France, Belgium and Hol- ing. Wall washing, custom their native Germany came to a tension- painting, interior-exterior. aboard the luxury liner land filled conclusion when .541-0278 SS St. Louis on May 13, each of the four countries 1939, believing that they agreed to accept a share FURNITURE REPAIR had bought asylum in of the St. Louis' & REFINISHING Cuba. Although each On June 17, Complete bedroom & passenger had been passengers. 1939, the ship docked at dining room sets guaranteed a return fare Antwerp, and more than Chair re-Blueing in the event Cuba would 600 lost their lives in the Caning & Rushing not accept him, this was Holocaust. K. KENT regarded as a mere for- What with being ter- Free Estimates mality as each held offi- 474-8953 cial landing certificates rified about their return signed by the Cuban gov- to persecution in Europe ernment's director of and the infiltration on board the St. Louis by a David's Plastering immigration. young German Nazi & Dry Wall Unknown to the party spy, one would Texturing of Walls. Repairs. passengers, or to the think that the pathos of non-Nazi captain of the the situation of the 937 557-1338 St. Louis, the legality of Jews would glean tears or their precious documents uneasiness from the au- was in question even be- dience. It makes for bore- BILL'S INTERIOR fore the ship departed dom instead. Town & Country Painters Hamburg. Eight days The 2 1/2-hour film boasts Color coordinating earlier the Cuban presi- a wealth of stars, among Reasonable rates. dent had signed a decree them Faye Dunaway, who Guaranteed workmanship invalidating their land- plays an empty-headed ing permits. German slut-like doctor's wife; 624 - 2059 624 - 6669 Propaganda Minister Max von Sydow, Oskar Joseph Goebbels, aware Werner, Malcolm of the Cuban govern- McDowell, Orson Welles, ROOF ment's action, prepared a James Mason, Lee Grant, campaign 'to prove to the Luther Adler, Julie Har- LEAKS?? world that Germany was ris, Jose Ferrer, Ben Gaz- mercial OResidential not alone in its rejection zara and Michael Constan- ing. Aluminum Siding & of the passengers aboard tine. Except for a few, most Trim. Gutters & General Re- the St. Louis. of the stars' roles barely pair. GUARANTEED MATE- contribute anything to the Captain Gustav RIALS & WORKMANSHIP. story. Schroeder protested in 546-0050 For example, Miss vain against the decision that his passengers would Dunaway's role is insig- not be allowed to leave the nificant — there is no- ship wheh it docked in thing she does or says in Havana on May 27. One the picture that can't be MOVING CO., INC. week later the St. Louis eliminated. Custom work, household moving, was forced to depart offices, packing, piano and appli- What one may find Havana and Schroeder set ances. Local and State of Michigan. course for Miami and ho- questionable is that the 357-2674 vered uncertainly between hair shaved from two the American coast and concentration camp sur- Cuba vainly hoping that vivors traveling on the President Franklin ship — for 30 days — did Roosevelt would give not grow back. Despite 51 — MISCELLANEOUS permission for the the physical abuse they passengers of the St. Louis suffered, certainly their ORIGINAL art' works for sale. Chagall, Picasso & Miro. 469-3655 to land in the United hair should have grown or 465-3822. somewhat in a month. States. ----- CARPENTRY Friday, January 28, 1977 53 Another puzzling fac- tor is that the viewing audience is never in- formed of the outcome of a seemingly important subplot involving Nazi espionage, introduced at the outset of the movie and thinly carried throughout. An incident that neither affects the plot or the dialogue in the film is the death of an elderly professor, played by .Luther Adler. He has a nominal role in the pic- ture and the scenes por- traying his ill health, subsequent death and funeral are extraneous. The dialogue can be criticized as being muffled in spots and without sub- stance. An inane conversa- tion takes place between Werner (a once-wealthy physician deprived of his. practice by the Nazis) and Miss Dunaway (his wife) about the doctor's past love affair. "Did you love her?" "No," replied the doctor, "I was a trophy for her." The wife seeks a reaffirmation of her hus- band's love. Where is the terror of what is to come? Where is the desperation? On the positive side, the film presents several in- stances where the agony of the passengers is felt, lending some credibility to the story. There is a brief mutiny scene where a small group of passengers led by a camp survivor tries to force- fully dissuade the captain from returning to Eu- rope, there are attempted suicides, tears and wring- ing of hands. Unfortunately, the tragedy of the St. Louis, as portrayed in the film, 'Voyage of the Damned," will not be felt as strongly by the non-Jewish moviegoing public as by the Jewish moviegoers since it is presented in a format featuring Hol- lywood's finest speaking meaningless lines. To make for a convincing aura of fear, the actors should have been utter- ing cries of terror of sure-death as one would expect of a persecuted Jew being returned to his native land where the elimination of the Jews was the current program. The film opens Feb. 16 for an exclusive six-week run at the Somerset Cinema. the world that it is willing to sacrifice principle for expediency. It has tacitly approved terrorist ac- tivities by ignoring the rights of countries that have suffered terrorist at- tacks. It has vacated its re- sponsiblities to the world community by announcing that suspected terrorists may find not justice in Fr- ance, but a haven from jus- tice. "I believe that the Un- ited States must protest France's irresponsible actions in the strongest terms. In addition, we must continue to con- demn and stand firm against all terrorist ac- tivities and use our influ- ence overseas to encour- age our allies to do the same. Only with complete cooperation between na- tions can we hope to halt these unconscionable acts." Meanwhile, the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee withdrew its re- quest to the U.S. govern- ment to bring France be- fore the United Nations General Assembly for re- leasing the Palestinian terrorist Daoud and al- lowing him to go free to Algeria. Instead, the committee approved a revised resol- ution asking the govern- ment to "consult prompt- ply with France and other friendly nations" to pre- vent similar situations in the future by which ter- rorists are released with- out trial. The Senate committee's original resolution, drafted by Sens. Clifford Case (R.-N.J.) and Hubert H. Humphrey - (D.-Minn.), criticized France for re- leasing Daoud "without af- fording the governments of West Germany or Israel an opportunity to seek ef- fectively in the courts of France the extradition of Daoud." The French Embassy bitterly protested the Se- nate Committee's action as intervention in Fr- ance's internal affairs and Sen. John Sparkman (D.-La.), tlae committee's chairman, asked the Se- nate to withdraw it from ' its calendar — a move that referred the resolu- tion back to the commit- tee. Sparkman was sup- ported by Sen. Jacob Javits (R.-N.Y.) in this ac- tion. According to informed sources, Sen. George McGovern (D.-S.D.) op- posed any resolution con- demning France and Sen. Charles Percy (R.411.) suggested consultation with French Ambassador Jacques Kosciusko- Morizet about it. Sen. Frank Church (D.-Idaho) acting as chairman of the committee in Sparkman's absence, telephoned the envoy who reportedly urged that the committee suppress any resolution but Church, informed him that was impossible. McGovern persuaded the committee to delete the phrase in the original re- . solution relating to the extradition moves by West Germany and Is- rael. The revised resolution, to which the committee unanimously agreed, now reads that it is the sense of the. Senate that Daoud's release is "harm- ful to the efforts of the community of nations to stamp out international terrorism" and that the United States "should consult promptly with France and other friendly nations to seek ways to prevent a recurrence of a situation in which a ter- rorist leader is released from detention without facing pending criminal charges in a court of law." In New York, the presi- dent of the National Con- ference of Christians and Jews has termed France's release of Daoud "shock- ing in that she has put economic need ahead of justice and the protection of human rights." Dr. David Hyatt said that both France and Germany, fearing threats and extortion, "welched" on a Common Market anti-terrorist convention and "caved in to the ter- rorists." He called upon Presi- dent Carter, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and UN Ambassador Andrew Young "to take leader- ship roles toward mobiliz- ing the world's leaders to quick and effective action through the United Na- tions and every other possible instrument to thwart the spread of further terrorism which the release of terrorists like Abu Daoud obviously and openly encourages." In a related develop- ment, Dr. Joseph P. Sternstein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, rejected the president of France's "at- tempt to thrust blame on the West Germans and to portray criticism of his government as criticism of the French people," for the release of the PLO terrorist, Daoud. Dr. Sternstein, respond- ing to a press conference held in Paris by French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing, said, "he cannot whitewash the French ket- tle by calling the German pot black. The undue haste of the French government in releasing the professed murderer, Abu Daoud, was what prompted the anger and revulsion felt around the world." Dr. Sternstein said, "We are saddened and angered by the French government for its be- coming an accessory to murder by aiding and abetting the PLO and in- ternational terrorists who have left a trail of dead innocent men, wo- men, and children." . Some 1,000 members of the Synagogue for the Performing Arts, includ-' ing Red Buttons, dumped 500 bottles of French wine in a sewer in front of the French tourist office in Beverly Hills to protest .Daoud's release. The group said they would boycott French products.