THE DETRO IT JEWI SH NEWS Woman Newscaster to Speak at Shaarey Zedek Town Hall TV newscaster and re- porter Sand _ e Drew. will address the Cong. Shaarey Zedek Sister- a hood closing Town Hall program 10 a.m. Wednes- 1. day in the synagogue. Ms. Drew will -speak on "The Woman and Television." Ms . Drew ha,s been a writer, producer, political and crime investigative reporter, researcher and broadcaster. She was honored by the California Associated Press Television-Radio A.ssoci- r'n for a program, "The d of the Deaf," and S earned other honors SAN-DE DREW from the American As- sociation of Univeisity ramento Press Club. Women and the Sac- She is credited with a . s .$" "Where Price Tells & Quality ell FREE Deliveries 547-0140 $10 Minimum MEATS OSCHERWITZ SALAMI OR BOLOGNA Reg. — Jumbo — Mild $1 29 JARLSBERG STYLE MA COHEN'S PACKAGE LOX $ 1 49 3 oz. pkg. WONDER BREAD COUNTRY STYLE Diet Only $100 19 GREENFIELD NDLES OO bottle Med. Fine Wide reg . 394 ea. D'ANJOU Man of the Year PEARS , . 87' 25 _ 7-UP DIET 16 oz. "r 0 3 for 100 59 COOKIES LARGE VARIETY SOUPS . $1 00 3 for $1100 COCA COLA or • TAB 8 pk. :I s c h ;r n roid:' t e 3 for FRESH 100 RADISHES APPLES 16 oz. N.R. 8 pk. • $159 254 lb. pkg. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF KOSHER-IMPORTED WINES FRUIT BASKET FOR ALL OCCASIONS also lb. 1 49 lb. 3 for ROKEACH KOSHE R Reg. N.R. Delicious lb. MALLMARS KOSHER CHOPPED LIVER . MANISCHEWITZ TAM TAM 4 ALL FLAVORS 139 MA COHEN'S -- $2 59 LOX 8 oz. jar NOVA or BELLY 4 9,. GROCERIES 3 for • 3 for . 7 SOUP MIX TUBES Horowitz Streits Manischewitz lb. Diet or Reg. 16 oz. N.R. Psychologist, columnist and TV personality Dr. Joyce Brothers will be the guest speaker at the 10th annual . Heart of Gold a-ward luncheon 11:45 a.m. Feb. 8 in Cobo Hall. The public is invited, and there is a charge. TEL AVIV (ZINS) — In a poll by the PORI Insti- tute, Prime.Minister Yit- zhak Rabin was elected man of the year with only 5.3 percent of the vote. Henry Kissinger and Jimmy Carter each re- ceived 3.5 percent, fol- lowed by Arik Sharon, 3.4; Golda Meir, 2.9; Shimon Peres, 2.7; and Menahem Begin, 2.2 - 1/2 gal. IMPORTED CREAMY lb. DANISH HAVARTI $199 CHEESE Sliced or Chunk • Sliced or Chunk ROKEACH BORSHT Mb SLICE or-CHUNK $129 - - FAYGO POP Joyce Brothers Due at Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Bert Loewenstein, of Wellesley Dr., West Bloomfield, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Lori Ann, to Bruce Elliot Fi- , dler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Fidler of Winchester Ave., West Bloomfield. Miss Loewenstein is a junior at Michigan State University majoring in pre-school education. Her fiance attended Western Michigan University An August wedding is planned.- 24 oz. jar lb. . DORMAN'S AMERICAN CHEESE MA COHEN'S • HERRING $119 CREAM or WINE - 12 oz. jar $ 1 59 - All Kinds Sprinkle _meat with spices. Brown meat,. on- ions, mushrooms, and potatoes in oil. Add wine. Simmer over low heat, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours or until meat is tender. Serves 5. MISS LOEWENSTEIN DORMAN'S NATURAL MUENSTER CHEESE $179 lb. ROKEACH . GEFILTE FISH Homo Lo-Fat Skim 2% all BREYER'S ICE CREAM ALL NATURAL FLAVORS $149 /2 gal. 4 4 4 SEALTEST MILK 3/ $1 all flavors . Kindless Swiss 2 lbs. kosher tenderlin strips meat tenderizer, unseasoned garlic powder 1 /2 lb. fresh mushrooms, whole 2 tblsps. oil 7 medium potatoes, thinly sliced 1 /2 cup red wine lb. DANNON YOGURT 04 • - doz. IMPORTED NORWEGIAN the evening meal. This is a different taste you might enjoy. $1'35 DEAN FRESH SLICED KOSHER WHITE CO TURKEY 0 7 ROLL DAIRY SEALTEST SOUR CREAM PINT Tenderloin Strips au Vin , QUANTITY RIGHT RESERVED \ OSCHERWITZ HOT DOGS Leaders of the Women of Jewish National Fund at the culmination of their donor drive for a youth camp in the American Bicentennial Park in Israel, are, from left: Betty Silverman, fund-raising chairman; Shirley Kraft, program chairman; Diane Levine, president of Women of JNF; Esther Jungreis, founder and president of Hi- neni; and Belle Levin„past president and a donor co- chairman. New JNF projgcts were announced at the af- fair. More than 800 persons attended the event held at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Store Hours Mon-Fri 8-6 Sat 8-7 Sun 7-5 Specials Thru Fri., Sat., Sun. EGGS EXTRA LARGE West Bloomfield Miss to Marry Phyllis Billes 559-4343 1.3701 W. 9 Mile Rd. corner of Ridgedale Farm Fresh (Copyright 1977, JTA, Inc.) •invitations --centerpieces •stationery - BOB'S REMODELING SALE BOB'S Indoor Traveling Market lb. pkg. Homemakers \some- times get tired of the "old dependable" dishes and would like to try some- thing a bit different for Off THANK YOU AGAIN FOR HELPING US GROW • JNF Women Complete Donor Efforts for Israel Youth Camp 'BY NORMA BARACH 20% sire Invited Feldman, Alice Ragins, Rhea Brody, Sharon Fleischman, Hilda Gage and Joan Provizer. Continental breakfast will precede the lecture. Thei-e is a charge. For in- formation, - call the synagogue, 357-5544. series on plastic surgery and documentaries on India. Marge Saulson is Town Hall chairman, and Rose Berman is co-chairman. Their committee includes Mettie Baron Golub, Ceil Kliger Ruda, Beth Friday, January 28, 1977 33 - LOWEST PRICES ON DAIRY & MEAT TRAYS