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January 21, 1977 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1977-01-21

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

18 Friday, January 21, 1977

Physicians Will
Hold Israel Parley

The American Physi-
cians Fellowship, Inc. for
the Israel Medical As-
sociation, an organiza-
tion of 8,700 physicians
from all over the U.S., will
conduct an Israeli tour
and medical seminar on
"Recent Advances in the
Diagnosis and Teatment
of Neurological Disor-
ders," May 4-19.
For information, write
APF, 1622 Beacon St.,
Brookline, Mass. 02146.


NY High Schools Teach
Classic Jewish History Translated
The late Prof. Michael of an organized commun- sometimes it beats strong
English to Soviet Emigres Avi-Yonah's
and clear, and sometimes
distin- ity.

cold winter's night 100
Soviet Jewish refugees
brave the weather to
gather at a local public
high school. Like so many
previous immigrant
groups these refugees, all
brought to the United
States with the help of
HIAS, the world-wide
Jewish migration agency,
are beginning the study
of English.
The program at Grady
Vocational and Technical
OMPLETE ALTERATIONSI High School in Brooklyn,
N.Y. is designed primar-
Reasonable Prices
ily for those without the
equivalent of a high
school diploma. Once they
Cleaners & Tailors
have mastered English,
Expert Drapery Cleaning
school officials hope the
immigrants will complete
Knits & Sweaters
their education.
Suede & Leather
Classes are held three
nights a week. Together
with the Soviet Jews are
24709 Coolidge at 10 Mile
other immigrants speak-
ing Italian, Spanish and
Across from Dexter Davison
Yugoslavian. Teachers in

the program use no lan-
guage other than En-
"The classes are divided
into both beginner and ad-
vanced," explained
Samuel Arbital of the ci-
ty's Auxiliary Services for
the High Schools.
Most of the Russian
Jews are referred to the
program by NYANA, the
New York Association for
New Americans, a
cooperating agency of




Alice Peerce Will
Head Bond Board


Seating Up to 400

Call Our Banquet Manager

Shenandoah Country Club

•••••••• •••••••••4••••••••••••••••••••..
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• •

• •




863-2388 1

As Long As You Own Your Car

10520 W. 7 Mile Rd. at Mendota
• •


le•• •• •• • •-e •• • o• ••••••• ■






The classes at William
Grady concentrate on
basic reading, writing
and conversation. The
advanced class utilizes
audio-visual materials.
HIAS brought about
5,700 Soviet Jewish ref-
ugees to the United
States during 1976.
Smaller numbers found
new homes in Canada,
Australia, New Zealand,
Latin America and West-
ern Europe.

NEW YORK — Alice
Peerce has been named
chairman of the board of
governors of the
worldwide Israel Bond
Organization, it was an-
nounced by Sam
Rothberg, general
Mrs. Peerce, who has
been closely identified
with the Israel Bond
campaign on the national
scene and in New York
from its inception, suc-
ceeds the late Louis H.
Boyar, the nationally
prominent Jewish leader
who died last month.
An officer of the na-
tional campaign cabinet
of the Israel Bond drive,
Mrs. Peerce is its im-
mediate past national
women's division chair-
man, a post she held for 18
years. Prior to that she
also served as chairman
of its Women's Division in
Greater New York. Mrs.
Peerce is the first woman
to serve as chairman of
the board of governors
since the inception of Is-
rael Bonds.

guished 1947 historical
work on the history of the
Jewish people from 135- -
640 CE has been trans-
lated into English and
published by Schocken
"The Jews of Palestine:
A Political History from
the Bar Kokhba War to
the Arab Conquest" re-
flects the updatedwork of
Prof. Avi-Yonah before
his death in 1974. The
Hebrew edition (Bi-yimey
Roma u-Vizantion — In
the Days of Rome and
Byzantium) has gone
through four printings.
In his preface to the
English edition, Prof.
Avi-Yonah points out
that ."The original Heb-
rew text was written for a
public well versed in
Jewish history but less
familiar with the general
course of events in the
Roman or Byzantine em-
pires. This historical
background needed,
therefore, a somewhat
more elaborate treat-
ment than seemed neces-
sary for educated English
or American readers.

"In preparing the Ger-
man (and now the English
text) various passages
could be omitted as redun-
dant. Moreover, several
paragraphs which no
longer reflected the au-
thor's opinion, or which
contained statements dis-
proved by later dis-
coveries, have been either
deleted or modified. Other
pa$sages have been added,
reflecting recent work in
the appropriate fields.
"Two longer descrip-
tions of the art and ar-
cheology of the Jews in
the Roman and Byzan-
tine period have also been
"In this edition various
mistakes pointed out by
reviewers have been cor-
In the original preface
to the Hebrew edition, Dr.
Avi-Yonah of Hebrew
University, Jerusalem,
explained, "We are deal-
ing here with political
history, that is with the
complex of facts, prob-
lems and tendencies,
which we are used to cal-
ling 'politics' and whiqb
are focused upon the life

MDA Support Unit
Cites Year's Gains

NEW YORK — Opera-
tion Recognition, aimed
at gaining full acceptance
of Israel's Magen David
Adorn by the- Interna-
tional Red Cross, has is-
sued its first annual re-
It cited the U.S. State
Department and Ameri-
can Red Cross open advo-
cacy of MDA recognition,
the support of the Inter-
national Committee for
the Red Cross, and the
growth of Operation Rec-
ognition to include more
than 30 countries.
Free information kits
are available about Oper-
ation Recognition from
Rabbi Rubin R. Dobin,
Operation Recognition, 1
East 42nd. St., New York

"This is not always the it is difficult to catch —
case; recent history has but there is not life with-
shown that a political will out it.
"The national strivings
can serve as a substitute
of Israel, the manifesta-
for a state.
"In the period dealt tions of which have var-
with here the Jews of ied from time to time,
Palestine had no state, existed at all times
but they still kept their through Jewish history."
The volume is divided
political will; the book
ends at the moment when into the following chap-
that will became tem- ters: the era of recon-
porarily extinct.
• struction, a political com-
and promise: the Jewish prob-
spiritual matters have lem from the Roman
been dealt with only as point of view, the com-
far as they affected politi- promise between the
Jews and Rome from t
cal history.
"We are, of course, Jewish point of vi
aware that this period .Palestine Jewry and t
was one of an enormous crisis of the empire in the
spiritual activity and saw Third Century, the politi-
the final edition of the cal results of the crisis,
Mishna and the compila- Judaism and Christianity
tion of the Gemara, which to the accession of the
were of vital importance Emperor Constantine.
Also, the beginnings of
for many centuries of
Christian rule in Pales-
Jewish history.
"This work is based tine, the Emperor Julian
upon the assumption that and the Jews, the great
the Jewish nation as such assault on the Jews and
and not any metaphysical Judaism, 363-439, division
force, has been the main in the Christian camp:
factor in shaping Jewish two generations of peace
history in all periods, from and strengthening for the
the time of Moses to the Jews, the Emperor Justi-
nian and the Jews and the
present day.
"National conscious- Persian invasion and the
ness is like a pulse — end of Byzantine rule.

On Behalf Of

My_Husband — Children & Myself
may we take this opportunity to thank my
dearest family, relatives and friends including
business associates for their many kindnesses
during my husband's surgery and hospital stay.
All our prayers didn't go unanswered and Thank
God in time Bill will be completely well again.
Also thanks to the surgeons, medical men and
nurses at Beaumont who gave extra time on their
own during these crucial months.

Most Sincerely
- Mrs. Bela Reinitz


P 4

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• 10



that bear your name

Long after you have gone, forests in Israel
renewing themselves in the cycle of sea-

• sons, will keep your memory ever green.
When making your Will; provide that a-
forest in Israel be planted in your name or

in that of someone dear to you, handing
down your last wish from generation to

A bequest to the J.N.F. is a bequest to the
entire Jewish people. linking the name
of the "Testatorwith Israel in perpetuity:

For information and advice

in strict confidence apply to

Jewish National Fund
22100 Greenfield, Oak Park, 48237 (968-0820)


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