THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 14, 1977 35 Battle Against Prejudice in Dictionaries Continues By RABBI JACK GOLDMAN In the wake of recent efforts to expunge anti- Semitic slurs in the "Ox- ford English Dictionary," anti-Semitic canards and distortions in "The Courtis-Watters Illus- trated Golden Dictionary for Young Readers," is- ANKERS the MAGICIAN ° SPECIALIZING In Children's Parties r 968-0038 . sued by the Golden Press, should also be disclosed. The "Golden Dictio- nary" made its first ap- pearance in 1951. It was authored by two indi- viduals whose back- ground and experience qualify them for produc- ing a text expertly suited to the needs of children. They are Stuart A. Courtis, professor of edu- cation at the University of Michigan, and the au- thor and compiler of a wide variety of educa- tional materials for chil- dren, and Garnette Wat- ters, for more than a quarter of a century the director of the language department of the Ham- tramck, Michigan, Public School System. The most objectionable aspects of the "Golden Book Dictionary" are that in spite of the fact that the dictionary is intended for general use and is overtly non-sectarian, it lays a very heavy emphasis on Christian life in America, specifically upon Roman Catholicism, and is con- spicuously silent or dis- torted in all matters per- taining to Jews, Judaism, Israel, Zionism, or any phase of Jewish life in America. Furthermore, com- monplace words that enjoy a non-religious usage are given a specifi- cally Christian or Roman Catholic meaning, either through the presentation of a very narrow defini- tion, or a highly re- stricted example of word usage, or through an il- lustration in which the Christological implica- tions are unquestionable. The overall impression is that the authors — con- sciously or unconsciously — contrived an educa- tional instrument marked by the fervor of missionary zeal to Chris- tianize, wherever possi- ble, in an age group most vulnerable to that kind of influence. Under the word "al- tar," the Golden Dictio- nary offers "A raised place at the front of a church." The accompany- ing illustration shows a monk, kneeling before a crucifix. "Belfry" is illus- trated by the steeple of a Gothic church. For "choir" the dictio- nary offers, as an example of the use of the word, "The choir will sing Christmas carols tonight." The illustration shows 10 boys and girls, wearing BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS & POULTRY FRESH FRYERS • • •96 0 lb. YOUNG BEEF LIVER ... • • .89 4 lb. CASH & CARRY ONLY 13500 W. 7 Mile Rd. WE DELIVER of Schaefer DI 1-2345 ItatOlLstyle is as easyasyklef del froRphef clioy-ar-dee Invite Chef Boy-Ar-Deet' to cook for you when you crave luscious Iukshen. In 12 minutes flat, you'll be enjoying his delicious Complete Spaghetti Dinner. its all in one package. The spaghetti, Chef's marvelous mushroom sauce and the Italian-style grated cheese. What a mychel! With home-style flavor that's sure to please everyone in the family. Especially you ...when you discover how easy and economical a good hearty meal from the Chef can be! NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS AT LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES! 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We clean, bone, skin and grind all fish free of charge. For special service call Jo 6-4640 RABBI GOLDMAN robes of purple and white, singing in a choir loft of a church. Cathedral win- dows are in the back- ground. In illustrating the in- nocuous word "emblem," one of the emblems is a large cross. For "peak," the "Gol- den Dictionary" provides a simple definition: "The very top point." To illus- trate usage, the dictio- nary offers "The peak of the mountain is covered with snow." But in the il- lustration, we see the snow-capped mountains and, in the valley, the in escapable Church, with its Gothic windows and the cross on its steeple looming over the Ameri- can flag. The word "town" comes with a three-inch illus- tration of a town, in which the most prominent posi- tion is given to the church. The "Golden Dictio- nary's" desire to impose Christian images is al- most obsessive. For "approach," the dic- tionary offers this exam- ple: "Christmas is fast ap- proaching." For "bazaar," we read "The church is having a Christmas bazaar." This engrossing preoc- cupation of the lexicographers Courtis and Watters with Chris- tian definitions and illus- trations is sharply offset to other faiths. There are entries and illustrations for Jesus, cathedral, Christ, chris- ten, Christian, Chris- tianity, Christmas, church. However, there is no listing for Moses, Mohammed, or. Buddha. There is no entry for Jew, Jewish, Judaism, or .Hanuka. The words "syn- agogue" and "mosque" are also absent from the 7,500 listed in the dictio- nary. "The Golden Dictio- nary" was revised in 1972, after being reprinted in 1961 and in 1965. The 1972 edition contains rnortlian 10,000 listings and "over 3,000 helpful illustration- s. ,, However, the overrid- ing concentration upon expamples and pictures with Christian themes remains the same, al- though there have been some changes such as the inclusion of a flag of Is- rael. The definition for "rabbi" is somewhat im- proved: he is now "A pas- tor of the Jewish faith." But,there is still nolist : ing for Israel, Judaism, Hanuka, (or any other Jewish holiday), Moses, or synagogue, and entirely too much of an emphasis upon Christian themes in a dictionary which is in- tended for general use by American children of all faiths and nations. In the meantime, there is an alternative: "Webs- ter's New Elementary Dictionary" (G. & C. Mer- riam Co.). While it is not perfect, it is unbiased, unprejudiced, and scholarly in its attempt to meet the lexical needs of the grade school child. * * * A letter by Alex Faulk- ner in the London Times of June 12, 1976 recalls the detailed discussion of the word Jew and its var- iations by H. L. Mencken in "The American Lan- guage." — "I have only the fourth edition, corrected, en- larged and re-written , which was published in 1936, but even at that late date it makes odd reading for the contemporary Englishman to find him saying: ". . . They con- tinue to use the word Jew freely, and even retain the verb to jew in their vocabulary." In the U.S. he recalls, certain Jews petitioned the publishers of Webs- ter's and Worcester's Dic- tionaries as long ago as the early 1870s to omit their definitions of to jew. "I see that Webster's `New Twentieth Century Dictionary,' 1963, nevertheless includes the verb, but describes it as a `vulgar and offensive ex- pression', while the more recent 'American Heri- tage Dictionary,' first published in 1968, ducks the problem by omitting both verb and adjective. "Its editor in chief, William Morris, in his `Harper Dictionary of Contemporary Usage' says firmly that `to use jew down to mean bar- gain for the purpose of reducing price is to be of- fensive not only to people of the Jewish faith but to anyone of good taste..: " HURRY! Last 2 Weeks MOVING SALE 50% to 75% OFF Winter Merchandise see our Fabulous RESORT WEAR no charges or layaways all sales final Jewish Agency Budget is Down' JERUSALEM (ZINS) — Aryeh Dulzin, Jewish Agency treasurer, re- ported that the budget of the Jewish Agency for 1976-77 will be reduced from $502 million to $450 million. He added that the original budget was based on a projected aliya of 35,000, but it appears that this year only 20,000 immigrants will come to Israel. Another reason for the reduced budget is based on the difficulties that the Agency encoun- ters in collecting money overseas. In reply to the question about the veracity of the rumors that he will pre- sent his candidacy for Mayor of Jerusalem, Dul- zin said "I was surprised to read these rumors; my public plans are in another direction al- together." - . 13721 W. 11 MILE RD. Next to Shari Lynn Cleaners 11 'MiLE 11=1111 ErZ33 HOURS: Monday-Friday 70-4:30 Saturday 10-4 \1:1 ■ :::7 Nr. \17 V7r