14 Fijilay, January 14, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 'Kissinger Urged a Strong Israel' WEDDING INVITATIONS -- 1 N 11 95 (Complete Line) • Accessories • Napkins o Matches • Decorative items •'Yarrnulkes H & L SALES CO. 557-1240 or eves 837-1555 NEW YORK (ZINS) — According to Shmuel Segev, Washington cor- respondent of the Israeli newspaper, Maariv, on Oct. 13, 1973, Abba Eban, who was in America at the time, mef with Henry Kissinger. Eban told him that in spite of Israel's previous position of agreeing to a cease fire only if Syria and Egypt would with- draw to the pre-Yom Kip- ) pur war lines, Israel was ready to agree to a cease fire in light of the fact that she was not able to drive the Egyptians back across the Suez Canal. Kissinger, however, categorically opposed Is- rael's approach, which he felt would imply a conces- sion of her own defeat. He felt that Israel should conduct negotiations from a position • of strength. mi THIS COUPON GOOD FO • _ ill AT !line Ci ty OFF III z.." 29030 Northwestern at 12 Mile Rd. ,&\, Adjacent to Total Station ON Phone: 352-9230 Bearer .entitled to a Special Introductory Discount of $2.00 on car cleaning I and hard wax finish. GOOD MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ONLY I 1495 I value, save $2 w/coupon (ONE COUPON PER CAR) expires: Jan. 21, 1977 111 IIII 1111 1111 MEN Mill =IMO ORT Enrollment Is Reported Up NEW YORK (JTA) — A record breakingenroll- ment for 1977 of almoit 75,000 students in ORT schools. in Israel and 20 other countries through- out the world will be pro- jected by Harold Fried- man, national president, in his report to the 55th national conference of the American ORT Fed- eration to be held at the Hotel Americana Jan. 21-23. In announcing this forecast, based on cur- rent trends, especially in Israel, Friedman will warn the 600 delegates expected at the conven- tion that ORT's spiraling financial needs keyed to growth of ORT services in practically all areas of operation, compounded by currency destabliza- tions, will trigger a mas- sive rise in the 1977 budget. ORT spent ap- proximately $48 million in 1976. Admitting that he is talking about possible de- ficit. financing, Friedman will report that "greater needs and an unpredicta- ble but ever-increasing in- flation effecting every line item in the ORT budget will cause highly critical problems. "We must build up in- come in $77 to cover in- creased costs and the cer- tainty that they will be even greater in '78. I-can see no predictable situa- tion in the Jewish world 'where our work will be less necessary . . ." Elegant china... and the first place-setting is yours-FREE , • Now you can get a complete set of fine-quality.china by W. M. Dalton. And the first four pieces are yours free.when you open a'new,checking or savings account for at least $100 or add $100 to your present savings account. Offer is limited to one checking and one savings account per household. And once: you have started your new collection, you can add to it with additional place-settings and accessories at greatly reduced prices each time you add $25 to your savings account. Right now, we-have all the _ piecesfrom this fine-quality pattern, waiting to grace your table. There is also a second setting in stoneware for you to choose from. So come in and see your friendly DETROIT BANK-er and get your beautiful setting of fine china for your special guests. DETROIT BANK SOUTHFIELD MEMBER FDIC American Center Port Workers Take Courses JERUSALEM (JTA) — Four three-day courses held at the Hebrew Uni- versity in Jerusalem this winter were attended by some 150 longshoremen from the port of Ashdod. Lectures were given in History, Jewish studies and psychology. 9:30-4:00 Monday-Thurs. 9:30-6:00 Friday 9:30-4:00 Monday-Thurs. 9:30-7:30 Friday 9:30-1:00 Saturday Town Center Building . Hours: 10:00-5:00 Monday-Thurs: 10:00-6:00 Friday 9 Mile-Beech and, 9 Mile-Lahser 4 --- -,44fOr-- • Israel-S. Africa Worries Young WASHINGTON (ZINS) — In a conversation with the Washington corres- pondent of the Israeli newspaper, Maariv, An- drew Young, the newly appointed American Am- bassador to the U.N., de- clared that he was very *worried over the rela- tions between Israel and South Africa. Young, who is black, stressed that black Americans "will not jus- tify such politics." „.:: .. .. ... you ought to know a DETROIT BANK-er better •