THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle coin meneing with the issue of July 20. 151:31 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association: Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co.. 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite S35, Smithfield, Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $10 zi year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Alan Hitsky. News Editor . . . Heidi Press, Assistant News Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 18th day of Tevet, 5737, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Genesis 47:28-50:26. Prophetical portion, I Kings 2:1-12. Candle lighting, Friday, Jan. 7, 4:59 p.m. VOL. LXX,No.- 18 Page Four Friday, January 7, 1977 Humanism for the Handicapped When the planners for community ac- tion in support of more than 60 causes, in- cluding the Israeli and the many local and national and local social and educational services, met a short time ago in an annual budgeting conference, there was evidence of a mounting concern over the needs that must be provided for the handicapped, for the retarded, for those who must have the assistance of their fellow men in guiding them to security and to a sense of dignity in confronting life's challenges. Concern for Israel retains priority in philanthropic planning and the United Jewish Appeal is the major beneficiary of the Allied Jewish Campaigns. The 60 causes in the drives are not being ignored. The Day Schools will surely receive increased sup- port. A new step in the direction of humanism is the appeal in behalf of the re- tarded in support of the handicapped whose dignity must be protected, whose sharing a good life must not be minimized, whose right to work, regardless of the accom- lishments they are able to achieve, must _lave encouragement and should be pro- vided for. Two agencies relate to f;ie task ahead in salving the co - .iscience of ',he citizenry in its relationships with the 1 , _:ss fortunate in its midst. The Jewish Vocational Service re- nders an important service and its role must be rated among the priorities in human ob- ligationS. The JVS Workshop provides activ- ity for the handicapped. It raises the spirit of many who would have suffered greatly from the indignity of unemployment and boredom. Those who are cared for by the JVS may produce the minimum, but the satisfaction earned from the opportunities to work provided by a responsible agency is the height of compassion. The JVS has opportunities to increase its services, to care for many more, to get into an Oakland County area for action additional to the JVS workshop in Detroit. The appeal for help in this sphere of activity must be given the highest consideration for a very vital program in dealing with human needs. The other movement that is related to the JVS in its needs is the Association for the Jewish Retarded. This association has the serious duty of assuring a good home life for the handicapped who depend upon it for guidance. There is the need for activity and employment, work opportunities being pro- vided by the JVS. A wholesome home life must be created for those who need the human touch. Construction of new homes for the adult retarded, planned by the As- sociation for Jewish Retarded, will need communal assistance. While JVS is a leading agency of the Jewish Welfare Federation, the association that cares for the retarded is yet to become such an affiliate. This can not come too soon. Both groups are involved in one of the most urgent tasks demanding the human and compassionate response. It is one of the major obligations for a community that cares. Federation Apartments: Progress A decision of great significance, marked communal need. by the announcement of the addition to be Expert supervision is being provided constructed to the Federation Apartments, the expanded project and the seriousness is heartening to all who are concerned with with which the entire undertaking has been the obligation to provide the best facilities treated deserves highest commendations. for the elderly. The leadership assumed for this work The already functioning Federation by one of the community's youngest leaders, Apartments provides comfort for so many Mark Schlussel, adds immensely to an ap- who are able to care for themselves without preciation of the great values inherent in the need of a home for the aged or a nursing the project. home that added provisions became a vital Many hundreds undoubtedly will file necessity. applications for admission to the new Fed- Now with aid of HUD, with the assis- eration Apartments annex. It is to be hoped tance that comes in such cases from the fed- that there will be a lessening of pressures in eral government, there will be an extention filling demands for admissions as a result of of the available housing and hundreds more availability of so many more apartments. will benefit from the efforts made by the The needs are treated with caution, and this Jewish Welfare Federation and its agency, is an aid to the applicants and a tribute to a Federation Apartments, to fill the great community that does not forget them. Quakers and PLO Absolution Is the absolution of the PLO for the many crimes which have stained their re- cord of terrorism a step in the direction of peace? Are those whose platform has called for Israel's extinction to be trusted prior even to the basic guarantee of Israel's un- challenged security? The American Friends Service Commit- tee — the Quakers — compel the raising of this issue with the call for a conference to impel President Carter to grant recognition to the PLO and to give it status in all tasks related to Israel's future. If this is to be the path on which the liberals are to direct consideration of the serious issues affecting the Middle East, there is cause for much concern. That a prominent Israeli should be the authority for such concessions is a matter calling for explanation by Israel's authorities and pub- lic opinion. For those anxious that Israel should not be harmed the Quaker move is cause for great apprehension. . rtv's 2,ftienoly ikem\n&ei- Mak we give yov ■ 6 months -io c'ecNiekhe pvob\eyr‘ )to ova' vien•Srae ∎ ontIci uoci. or e\tea.c.)c.iv Sah Historic Disputations Mark Notable Disputes Anthology ; Zeitlin on Good Will Tasks Editor's Note: This review was written before the death of Prof. Zeitlin in Philadelphia on Dec. 28. Through the centuries there have been many encounters between Jews and Christians which involved disputations and dialogues in the course of which the differing theologies were discussed. Many of the disputations called for Jewish refuta- tions of anti-Semitism and of antagonisms from Christians ranks. The history of such confrontations and the texts of decla- rations by leaders of the two faiths who espoused Judaism and Christianity are included in an anthology, "Disputation and Dialogue: Readings in the Jewish-Christian Encounter," (Ktav) edited by Rev. Frank Ephraim Talmage, member of the de- partment of Near Eastern studies of the University of Toron4o. An informative preface is appended to the book by the Rev. Edward A. Synan, director of the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies of Toronto. The new Ktav volume provides great significance in the names of the participants who represent both the Jewish and Christian notbales who were or still are among the most noted authorities en the question of famous disputes as well as the dialogues which made history in the most recent years. . The participants include such notables as. Martin Buber and the very important essay under his name, a never-before published document, "An Open Letter to Gerhard Kottel," and is a reply to a Nazi. Such eminent historians as Joseph Klausner, Moses Nahmanides, Solomon Schechter, Maurice Samuel, Judah Halevi (the Kuzari classic), Abraham J. Heschel and Moses Mendelssohn represent the Jewish scholarship. Among the Christians included in the disputations are Reinhold Niebuhr, Martin Luther, Augustine, Karl Barth, Frank Ep- hraim Talmadge, Francisco Machadl, A. Roy Eckard and others. The very names attest to the historicity of these collected works. In his scholarly introduction to his fifth edition of "Who Crucified Jesus?";•Prof. Solomon Zeitlin questioned the value of Christian-Jewish dialogues. He stated: "In the Guidelines, dialogues between Christians and Jews are strongly urged; this is certainly desideratum. The Jews and Christians live on one planet, are members of one human soci- ety, and have a common interest in the welfare of their country. There is a great need for discussion between Christians and Jews on moral and social issues besetting our civilizatio "Other problems which might be discussed by both are such issues as energy, unemployment, and sex. But not religion. On this the Jews and Christians remain divided. "However, originally, Christianity was essentially a sect of Judaism. Frank discussions on the essence that now separates the two could give offense fo one another, and this certainly is neither healthy nor desirable. Such a situation may lead to a monologue rather than a dialogue. "The Jews throughout their history have shied away from dip.logues with the Christians. It is true that during the Middle Ages there were dialogues between Christians and Jews, but these were forced upon the Jews, who were compelled to defend their faith. "Dialogue between Jew and _Christian on religion is con- trary to the history of Judaism. The Jews follow the maxim of the prophet Michah: "Let all the people walk each one in the name of his God, but we will walk in the name of Adonai, our God for ever and ever.' The words of the prophet are quite applicable to our own days."