, 1 • I. f, , 4 I I Friday; Deeembei. 24; 1976 - - , THE' DETHOlt JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Privacy of People in Public Life in Their Religious Affiliations A person's religious affiliation is his/her private affair and preference. Nevertheless, it has become a matter of public interest. When a biography of a nota- ble is written upon the announcement of an important appointment to a public office, or when his or her emi- nence is listed in a Who's Who or in an encyclopedia, the religious membership or heritage is mentioned prominently. If he or she is an agnostic, that, too, becomes a matter of interest, even ifthe emphasis is not of serious concern' or only of a curiosity. Therefore, there were the emphases on the religi- ous links of Alfred Smith, John F. Kennedy and Jimmy Carter in the presidential campaigns in 1928, 1960 and this year. That is why there was so much interest in the fact that James Schlessinger had observed his Bar Mitzva at 13, that he had a Christian church affiliation when he was Secretary of Defense, his brother having re- tained Jewish loyalties, being to this day a synagogue affiliate. That is why Henry Kissinger was an object of interest because he had a son by a previous marriage who became Bar Mitzva while he was Secretary of State, his parents are observant Orthodox Jews and he chose a non-Jewess for his second wife, their marriage having been solemnized on the Jewish Sabbath. The whole business may be immaterial to Ameri- can political life and to statesmanship. As long as the people chosen for high public offices render their best in the public interest there will be curiosity over the religious affiliations Of people in public life. We are enjoying Separation of Church and State, and in spite of it Richard M. Nixon introduced prayer meetings in the White House. Gerald Ford did not pursue such a practice. President-Elect Jimmy Carter has given an assurance that he will not trespais on the Separation Principle which his church has supported, but he has indicated a readiness to continue his passion for con- ducting Bible classes in his church even when he is President. Any wonder, therefore, that there should be an interest in the religious views of Werner Michael Blu- menthal who is to be this nation's Secretary Of the Treasury for the next four years, especially since he has benefited from the Joint . Distribution Committee while a refugee from Nazism? Bill Haber's .Recollection and a Blumenthal-Ball Dialogue The views of_ Prof. William Haber as excerpted from his experiences with "Mike" Blumenthal when they were neighbors were already quoted in the Blu- menthal story in the last issue of this newspaper. The Haber statement, made to this commentator some 15 months ago, contains,other matters that have a spe- cial interest in relation to Blumenthal and Israel. The value of Dr. Haber's comments are in the ex- change of views on Israel in which he and Blumenthal and George Ball played their roles. It will be recalled that. when President-Elect Carter was planning his Cabinet there was concern over Mr. Ball's position on Israel and he was ruled out early in the presidential campaign. Prof. Haber, in his impressions of that dialogue and in his comments on Blumenthal's background stated on Oct. 29, 1975, when he replied to this com- mentator's inquiry: First, as to your inquiry with regard to Michael Blumenthal. Michael is a refugee from Germany and, I believe, of Jewish ancestry. He fled in the late 30's through Siberia and his family and he were quite a while in the JDC camp in Shanghai. He knew the late Charles Jordan who ran the camp for the Joint. Blumenthal who, until a few months ago, was a neighbor of mine in Barton Hills remembers the JDC 'period well and Jordan personally. He came to San Francisco quite penniless and eventually ended up with a PhD at Princeton, a top job as Economic Advisor to the State Department and also an as- signment to the European economic community. Blumenthal Kissinger Schlessinger Whose Business Is It That Politicians Have Religious Preferences? . . . The Jewish Meeting With PLO 'Moderates' and the Approach to the Issue of an Impending Peace George W. Ball, the former Undersecretary for Economic Affairs, is a very close friend. Quite recently I met Ball at Blumenthal's home where the discussion was on the latest Kissinger agreement. Ball is opposed to it because he is not certain as to where the Step by Step is leading. In addition, he fears that taking Egypt out of the dis- cussion for the next year or two immobilizes the moderates and gives the floor to the extremists. I quizzed him- rather strongly and wished to know whether he thought a Geneva conference would do any good at this stage. His reply was that it would do a lot of good providing that we and the Soviets worked it out in advance together. It was quite a show and I was not persuaded. Perhaps the entire .discussion over the religiosity of political figures would have proved a mere tempest in a teapot had one basic fact been recorded at the outset. Blumenthal wanted to be recorded as a Pre- sbyterian. In an announcement about three months ago about a speech he was to deliver to the Rotary Club here he was listed as a Presbyterian. A Jewish member called to inquire about the notice, "Isn't Blumenthal a Jew?", the secretary was asked, and the latter explained that Dr. Blumenthal asked to be listed as a Presbyterian. When a Southfield high school reporter interviewed the next Secretary of the Treasury about two years ago and the story was headlined something about "a Jew succeeds . . .", Blumenthal called to pro- test and then said he understood the impression gained by the interviewer. The implication is that - you can't deny your Jewishness but you can have the choice of an a preference for a religious affiliation. That's that! Step by Step Proposals in. Plot on Israel's Life Lots of naive people seem to be lulled into a sense of complacency and over-confidence by pretty clever Arab propaganda. They have stopped talking about Israel's destruc- tion, except when a platform is given to the extremest of them all, Dr. George Habash. But Yasir Arafat is shrewd: he says he will abandon demands for a secular Palestinian state. Lebanon has taught him a lesson. Instead he now asks for a mini-Palestinian state on the Jordanian border, the West Bank of Israel. But the cat is out of the bag in the Associated Press article from Damascus. Quoting him on the sub- ject, the AP report states: ' Arafat's softening line stems from dramatic rever- sal in the Lebanese war, where Syrian forces pum- meled his guerrillas and brought them under Assad's control. The Syrian moves were endorsed by most Arab regimes at an October summit, leaving Arafat with little choice but to go along. His aides have been hinting that they are pre- pared to accept the ministate idea as at least a tem- porary solution to the Middle East conflict. This is a key concession from earlier insistence — in public, at least — that only a lay state is what is now Israel could solve the 28-year-old crisis. Arafat himself told a recent interviewer that such a solution would be possible. But he added that he still has a right to dream of creating a Palestinian lay state in place of Israel. One would have to be awfully dense not to recog- nize in the admittedly "temporary" scheme a way of getting a foot into Israeli territory. It would then be easy for Arafat, Habash and their ilk —with Sadat and Assad conceding under pressure — to pursue the real aim of the new display of a Dove of Peace by the enemies of Israel. - Hasn't Arafat said that if he is not welcomed at Geneva he will renew his "guerrilla warfare" against Israel? True: the U.S. must play a leading role in the pres- sures for peace. Not all the talk about the nearness -of a peace agreement, even if it is emphasized by Kurt Waldheim, Yitzhak Rabin, others in official circles and by news commentators, is sheer bunk. Unless the Arabs— and those participating must be the official spokesmen for Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, and others will concede later — are prepared to meet Israelis face to face in a quest for amity, there will be trouble galore for a long time to come. Arafat has another antagonist: the Jordanian king and his government who will not permit the in- trusion of the sort of neighbor (Arafat and his planned mini-state on the West Bank) whose very presence would be a threat to Jordanian sovereignty. Therefore, any attempt to entice Israel into a suic- idal state with the "change in attitude" reports from Arafat represent talk that no sensible person will take seriously. Waskow's Concessions to Arabs, the Speculation with Extremists Arthur I. Waskow is known as a leftist in Jewish ranks and as such he is ready to make concessions to By Philip Slomovitz Arabs. As such he is a natural in the ranks of the "Breira" movement which is being accused of being appeasing. He hopes for peace and he merits respect for views- with which there have been differences but which are nevertheless unquestionably sincere in the quest for better conditions for Jews and Israelis in relation to the problems that have mounted in recent years. It might have been expected that a meeting with the PLO would include Waskow. When five Jews met with PLO "moderates" in Washington, unofficially al- though several were from leading Jewish organiza- tions, it was inevitable that Waskow should be one of the Jewish quintet. That meeting was described in a New York Tir. Op-Ed Page article by Waskow and its conclusions vite consideration. After his brief report on the dis- cussions between Jews and Arabs, with a resultant admission that there were "enemies" among the dis- cussants, Waskow concluded: But some of the Jews present pressed him further about Palestinian attacks on Zionism. Then he raised his voice to say: "Yes, the UN resolution against Zionism was our resolution. We are against. Zionism. We believe Zionism is our enemy. But you make peace only with your enemy, not with your friend." And he paused, looked around the room, and with great intensity said again, "We are ready to make peace with our enemy." I thought to myself: But since they are enemies, what could Israel do without risking its survival? Is- rael could make a clear public offer that it is willing to conclude a peace treaty, including guarantees of Is- raeli security, with an independent Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza, and is ready to begin negotiations for such a peace treaty with the PLO Such a statement would strengthen Palestinian doves like Mr. Jiryis and Mr. Sartawi. It would force the PLO as a whole to choose: Accept a decent peace or lose the sympathy it has won in much of the world. I thought to myself: Israel too could say, "We are ready to make peace with our worst enemy." Then we would see. The speculation is admissible. Even in the bit- terest of wars enemies soon met in an accord. Some eventually became good friends. But the enemies had first to meet face to face before they could wipe put hatreds. Perhaps the extremism of a Qaddafi or an Idi Amin can be overlooked in the long-run process of seeking peace. But the emphasis on the temporariness of a solution, the constant refrain about limitations of Israeli territory to Tel Aviv, the transformation of UNESCO into a war camp — is it too much to expect that some gesture will come forth giving an assurance that an olive branch need not be placed in a pistol holster, must not be accompanied by a gun? The PLO_and their supporters in all Arab coun- tries have much moderating to do before there can be a possible acceptance of peace offerings as well-mean- ing and trustworthy. Barbara Jordan's Repudiation of Anti-Semitic Trends Texas Congresswoman ,Barbara Jordan adds im- mensely to her logical interpretation_of political and social developments in the attitude she has shown on Israel, the Middle East and Zionism. Because some black Americans have shown antagonism to Israel and to Zionism, in their desire to be Third World advocates, Mrs. Jordan's rejection of prejudice in dealing with Israel gives comfort to the hope that the fair-minded black Americans, in whose ranks Rep. Jordan is both a leader and among the most _ highly respected, will not go all out on a crusade of destruction, and perhaps some succor for justice will emanate from their ranks. In a recent speech in Houston Mrs. Jordan sa_ "As a black American, who understands racism, I know that- it makes no sense to equate it with Zionism. "The dream of Zionism and the existence of the state of Israel will °not be swept into the dustbin of history because a (UN) resolution was passed in an ill-considered way," she declared, adding: "If the United Nations is a place where the birthright of a fledgling democracy will not be protected, where in this world will that birthright be protected?" Lashing out against last year's General Assembly resolution equating Zionism with racism, she said: "The only thing missing about that day in that 30th General Assembly of the United Nations was the band playing "The World Turned Upside Down.' " She called that resolution "blasphemous." Hope for fairness from Americans must never be abandoned. Mrs. Jordan is among the hope providers.