THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July .20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. -18075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ DREW LIEBERWITZ Business Manager Advertising Manager tlan Ilitsky, News Editor . . . Heidi Press, tssistont New, Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 26th day of Kislev, 5737, is the second day of Hanuka, and the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Genesis 37:1-40-23; Numbers 7:18-23. Prophetical portion, Amos 2:6-3:8. Hanuka Scriptural Selections Sunday, Numbers 7:24-35; Monday, Numbers 7:30-41; Tuesday, Numbers 7:36-47; Wednesday, Rosh Hodesh Trvet, Numbers 28:9-15; 7:42-47; Thursday, Numbers 7:48-53; Friday, Dec. 24, Numbers 7:45-8:4. Candle lighting, Friday, Dec. 17, 4:44 p.m. VOL. LXX, No. 15 Page Four Friday, December 17, 1976 Road to Geneva Strewn With Venom Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat now is portrayed as the moderate, as the amenable-to-peace Arab leader who is anx- ious for renewed discussion about the Mid- dle East situation, depending upon a return to the Geneva talks that were interrupted in 1973. Other conditions in the Sadat program have not been spoken about loudly enough. They are a repetition of the demands — sheer demands! — that Israel withdraws from occupied territory, without signifying a recognition of Israel's sovereignty and her right to national existence; that East Jerusalem be abandoned, that the estab- lished settlements on the Jordanian border be scrapped, etcetera, etcetera. In the process of making the assertions for peace, playing the role as the great as- pirant for peace, the Israelis are again de- picted as the warmongers, as the bellige- rent, as the untrusting. Which raises the question whether those who give currency to the Arab posture for peace retain an ac- knowledgement of a given certainty, that Israel always is in danger of utter destruc- tion unless she has assured borders, and that unless Israel is strong enough to resist the combined Arab threats there will re- main the danger to her security regardless even of signed treaties which become use- less the moment the enemy gains the power to crush the victims. This is a corollary that needs substanti- ation to support the suspicions of the flow of assertions about Arab sanctimony for peace. Footnotes to the glorification of the Sadatian peace role are: King Khalid has told a million Moslem worshippers in Riyadh that Israel must be driven out of Jerusalem. Does Sadat act, in the long run, without Khalid, who is one of his financial backers? PLO spokesmen have not stopped threatening Israel, maintaining that the ultimate aim is the crushing of the Jewish state. Meanwhile, Syrian President Hafez Assad is doing business with Yasir Arafat. Isn't this another tongue-in-cheek form of diplomacy? Although the Libyan leaders are. not trusted by anyone, including the Arab com- petitors for power, the threats stemming from Muammar Qaddafi, as told to the Italian newspaper La Stampa, are indicat- ive: "In my opinion, the reason that Arafat and many Palestinians are today favorable to the idea of a mini-state is explained by the fact that they think it could bring about the end, the destruction of Israel. "An accord that would create two sepa- rate states — one Palestinian, one Israeli — between Jordan and the sea cannot have a permanent character," Qaddafi said. "One or the other of these two states would disap- pear one day. "My opinion, taking account of the forces sustaining the Palestinians, is that it will be Israel that is destroyed," he said. "And for this reason Arafat and other Pal- estinians accept the principle of a mini- state_ " • The villainy in the planning and prop- agating for a return to the Geneva confer- ence is explicitly marked by Arab aims to include the PLO. This is a condition so unac-. ceptable to Israel, and hopefully also to the United States, that if another stalemate re- sults from current talks it should not be surprising to anyone. Not to be forgotten is the role the Soviet Union aspires to in a return to the Geneva conference table. There is venom on the road to Geneva. This must not be overlooked or forgotten. Resurging Nazism Demands Alertness That Nazism is not dead was de- monstrated anew at the Munich beer hall rally at which the hunter of the Holocaust criminals, Serge Klarsfeld, was beaten when he protested against the repetition of the Hitler-minded hatemongering. There was a specific endorsement of Nazism at the Munich meeting that marked a repetition of Hitlerite propaganda in evi- dence in the ranks of the bigots throughout the world. The new form of anti-Semitism is to deny that Six Million had died and to admit to some 200,000 victims of the Nazis, and even in that instance the 200,000 are called political criminals upon whom justice was meted by the German government. These falsehoods have been heard in this country and in England, as well as in Ger- many and in France. While the Six Million tragedy is often reduced to a figure like 5,500,000 or 5,600,000 officially admitted vic- tims of Hitlerism, the terrible loss of lives has never been a secret, and the figures are from 'official quarters. The severest fact is that in the Six Million figure are included a million children. In spite of such horrors, the haters of Jews keep repeating their lies and their challengers are beaten! There are serious responsibilities devolv- ing upon local and national protective or- ganizations to be on the alert and to keep refuting the lies from Nazi quarters. The fables are from Nazis, not neo-Nazis. Yet our defense agencies are weak in tackling the issue involved in the renewed spreading of the anti-Semitic lies . Maccabean Valor Persists Maccabean valor remains undimmed. How else could a nation under stress, con- stantly harassed, remain so dedicated to the will to live? The enemy is still there, on the borders and the shores of the 'embattled na- tion, but the spirit of the Hasmoneans keeps rising high, keeping the lights lit, insisting that life is sacred and is therefore defensible in the Maccabean tradition. This is the courage inherent in the wish to all for a Happy Hanuka. 'History of Jewish People' Hebrew U. Scholars Produce Harvard-Published History Six Hebrew University (Jerusalem) scholars have combined their labors to produce one of the most comprehensive Jewish historical compilations. In "A History of the Jewish People" (Harvard University Press), they have collected the basic re- cords covering every aspect and every age of Jewish history. Commencing and continuing with the religious, covering the political and social aspects, they have drawn upon archeological findings and have gone to the core of available details for com- pleteness in their massive 1,200-page book. Prof. Haim Hillel Ben-Sasson, the editor of this encyclopedic history, had one of the six specific assignments and he dealt with the history of the Jews in the Middle Ages. The other five participants concerned themselves with the following eras in Jewish history: Dr. A. Malamut, professor of Bible history, "National Origins." Dr. A. Tadmor, professor of ancient Near Eastern studies, "The First Commonwealth, the Babylonian Exile and the Re- . turn to Zion." Prof. M. Stern, "The Second Commonwealth," his specialty in Jewish history studies. Prof. S. Safrai, "Era of the Mishna." Prof. S. Ettinger of the department of modern history, "The Modern Period." Thus, there is continuity in Jewish experience in the tasks assumed by the scholars of the Hebrew University. While this immense work is not a Heinrich Graetz or Shimon -Dubnow product by a single author, the links between the periods in history are firm and the authoritativeness of the historians is .unquestionably firm in establishing a unit of purpose in the evaluation of Jewish historic occurrences. Every aspect of Jewish life is accounted for here and the events enumerated affirm the completeness of a task that was pursued to cover all of Jewish history while taking into account the ancient and the modern, the global and the national and the events marked by redeemed Jewish statehood 30 years ago. There are 28 maps to supplement the gathered data and to give the volume the significance of historic research, and the 48 pages of photographs illustrate the events and perpetuate basic illustrations that are vital for an understanding of that marked the experiences of the many eras under considera- tion. There is much value in the photographs because they in- clude reproductions of cartoons relating to the Dreyfus Case and the Rothschilds and there is a copy of a poster condemning anti-Semitism in Russia. Talmudic and mishnaic lore are gleaned from historic sources to define the period dealing with the Talmud and the Mishna and the earliest periods in Jewish history. Hasidism and Zionism, the messianic and other movements in Jewish life receive thorough analyses, and the most recent discoveries, archeologically as well as in archives that had been untouched before, give the new history an aspect of such com- pleteness as had not been touched upon by earlier historians. The new history is available until the end of this month at $32.50 and thereafter at $40 a copy. It first appeared in Hebrew and is now available from Harvard University Press in its En- glish translation.