THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of Inly 20,19.51 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, Nation a l Fditoriztl .\ssocizttion. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield. Mich. -18075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Alan Hitsky. News Editor . . . Heidi Press. Assistool News Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 12th day of Kislev, 5737, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Genesis 28:10-32:3. Prophetical portion, Hosea 12:13-14:10. Candle lighting, Friday, Dec. 3, 4:43 p.m. VOL. LXX, No. 13 Page Four Friday, December 3, 1976 'Pressure' as an Act of Vengeance? As if it were a diabolic scheme_deliber- ately organized to harass Israel, the post- Lebanese civil war hours that might have been utilized to enhance the spirit of humanism that was introduced on Israel's border began to experience a new wave of terrorism, Israel's enemies renewed their venom at the United Nations, the UNESCO meetings in Nairobi, Kenya, again man- ifested the hatred of Israel and the question could well be posed whether the daggers poised at the heart of Israel are not again 'sharpened with an intent of destroying the Jewish state. It is because there is talk of peace re- ported from Cairo that this question may well be posed now, with an intent for realism in a period of serious danger to the au- tonomy of Israel. Egypt's president was heard avowing peace in several declara- tions, in one of which he said there were no conditions to his proposals, but only hours earlier he reiterated demands for Israeli withdrawals, abandoment of East Jerusalem and related aspects of Arab at- titudes. Since even the remotest hope for peace must depend on deliberations during which Arabs and Jews would come to terms on all of the issues involved, and since any possible agreements must depend on direct contacts between the contending parties, it is not enough to yield either to Egypt or to the Soviet Union or to any other parties in their demands for a return to the Geneva conference for a resumption of discussions about the Middle East situation. Regard- less how prejudiced one may be on the is- sues relating to public discussions of the events occurring in the Middle East, the Is- raeli fears that any such public forums, whether at the United Nations or in Geneva, would merely mean the granting of a platform to Israel's enemies to renew and to repeat all of the nonsensical accusations against the Jewish state. It could mean only one thing: resumption of the venomous at- tacks on Israel for public consumption. That, certainly, is not a move for peace. Vigilance in Operation Proof that eternal vigilance is truly the obligation in the quest for justice was pro- vided in the deliberations that were con- ducted by the American Jewish Congress with the Alitalia airlines. A shocking distortion of truth was con- tained in a pamphlet for tourists that was distributed by the Italian airlines. It omit- ted any reference to Israel and to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and resorted to such negations of geographical truths that it was an insulting and misleading brochure. Alitalia recognized the error, proved it to be the machination of a tourist bureau and proceeded to correct the error. Had the American Jewish Congress failed to act, had the senseless charge often made by some people that "we are too sensi- tive" been heeded, the insult and the distor- tion would have subsisted. The AJCongress action corrected an injustice. More power to the vigilant. Meanwhile, there is new talk about peace being possible if Israel will withdraw to the 1967 borderlines, and the El Fatah are smacking their lips because that would enable them to repeat what they have been saying — that there should be a return to the 1948 lines, and the brazen among them relish an idea of a Jewish state being limited to Tel Aviv. While these talks, heard so often, ap- proach the ridiculous, isn't it conceivable that those who forget Israel's humanism during the Lebanese war as quickly as has become apparent in the last few days will not hesitate to stoop to anything at all, as long as it is anti-Israel? Why, then, the talk in some diplomatic circles, in commentaries in the press of the free world, among politicians visiting Is- rael, about speedy Israeli concessions, without giving emphasis to the need for ra- tional approaches and honorable negotia- tions to deal with all of the issues at a con- ference of the peoples who are involved in the serious disputes? Is it possible that, once again in the experiences of animosities against Israel, there is a desire for ven- geance, of unforgiving attitudes towards Israel, expressed in pressures that are al- ready felt and heard in Washington and are reverberating elsewhere? 'Hanuka Anthology' Newest Goodman Holiday Volume Rabbi Philip Goodman has earned the gratitude of English-reading Jews for a veritable anthological treasure that has just grown in immensity with another important volume. Author of the "Sabbath and Festival Series" of the Jewish Pub- lication Society, his newest work, "Hanuka Anthology," is another immense collection of prose and poetry, history and fiction, dealing with the Festival of Lights. His earlier works in the series published by the JPS include, in addition to the Sab- bath book, anthologies on Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Shavuot, Purim, Sukkot and Simhat Torah, Passover and Purim. The eight-volume series provides such a wealth of literary material, games for the festivals, culinary and other subjects that the Goodman works fill the need as guides for observance of Sabbath and Festivals in the homes and schools and as relevant research material for those studying the experiences relating to and regulations for the occasions dealt with. Every conceivable theme concerned with Hanuka is to be Soon-to-retire President Gerald Ford found in the splendidly conceived volume on the festival, obser- may or may not have been responsible for vance of which will commence on the night of Dec. 16. It is no the anti-Israel resolution at the UN Sec- wonder, therefore, that the contents are listed on a dozen pages urity Council two weeks ago. Secretary of and it took nearly four solidly-packed pages to list acknow- State Henry Kissinger may or may not be ledgements of sources for material in the Goodman volume. correct in his assertion that the latest re- No wonder, also, in view of the authoritative sources used solution of rebuke was a mildness in anti- by Rabbi Goodman, that he should have quoted the Hebrew Israelism, to avert a much more damaging "Mikol m'lamdai hiskalti" — I have learned from all my resolution and to provide means for earlier teachers — on the prefatory page of the book as a dedication to peace talks. President-Elect Jimmy Carter Solomon Grayzel and A. Allen Steinbach, eminent scholars. Humor intermingles with seriousness in this anthology. made some strong assertions while seeking the highest office of this nation. The fact Talmud, Mishna, Bible, Zohar, world literature, writings by remains that the Middle East issue is hot non-Jews as well as Jews as long as it is on Hanuka and is traditionally representative, the literary product belongs in again. Perhaps there is a new road to peace. this volume and has been included by Rabbi Goodman. The President-Elect, perhaps' more than The volume also includes readings from modern writers, anyorfe else, is and will remain under chal- stories and poems for both children and adults, and music, lenge because of the boldness of his cam- dances, and suggestions for activities and programs. paign pledges. - There are selections by, among others, Samson Raphael If pressures are the result of ven- Hirsch, Judah L. Magnes, Herman Wouk, and Chaim Potok; geance, indeed, there will be accumulation short stories by Sholom Aleichem, Isaac Loeb Peretz, and How- of more pressures. Israel's defenders, Jews ard Fast; poems by Emma Lazarus, Hayim Nakhman Bialik, and others, will be under such serious chal- Saul Tchernichovsky, Charles Reznikoff, and others. lenge that perhaps the most urgent needs The section devoted to descriptions of Hanuka celebrations for wisdom in providing guidance for action in other times and places includes Heinrich Heine's portrait of leading to justice for Israel and Jewry will the Frankfort ghetto; Bella Chagall's childhood memories be on the agenda in the year ahead. kindling the Hanuka lights in Vitebsk, Russia; descriptions Hanuka in the Warsaw Ghetto and Auschwitz; and the proud President-Elect Carter is certain to be celebration of young Jews in the Soviet Union recounted by under pressure more than any other living emigrant Alla Rusinek. person because of his pledges prior to last A chapter on Hanuka cuisine by Hanna Goodman offers November, because of hopes pinned on his appropriate recipes. views and also because of demands from in previous volumes, the eminent Detroit authority on Arab rulers that he provide leadership in art, As Prof. Joseph Gutmann, has an essay in this volume on dealing with the Arab-Israel issues. Surely, "Hanuka in Art." a single person can not solve so danger- Dr. Goodman renders an added service with his anthology laden a problem. But with a determination by making the work suitable for the family, for young and old, for justice and with the guidance from for parents and children: Not only the games but the short fair-minded Americans there is always the stories and the poems that are geared for the youth give this hope for a nearer-to-peace escape from the work status as an informatiiTe work and as a guide towards the horrors that have marked the Middle Eat fullest appreciation of all the observances related to Hanuka. and America's relationships with that area "Hanuka Anthology" is a totally superb work enhancing of the world. the literature on the Jewish festivals.