A9, 1976 Invited lw Parley 4-1 ,,ADELPHIA — ,dpraham I. Katsh, -.Inguished professor Hebracia research at he Dropsie University here, is the only scholar from the United States invited to participate in the Congress of Linguis tics and Hebrew Scholar- ship to be held at the Uni- versity/of Vienna, Au- stria, Nov. 2-5. The other participants will be scholars from Eastern European coun- tries behind the Iron Cur- , tain and heads of Hebrew Departments in Western European countries. The congress has been convened by the World Association for Hebrew Language and Culture (Brit Ivrit . Olamit) in Jerusalem, Israel, in cooperation with the Academy of Science of Austria and the Institute for Judaic Studies .at the University of Vienna. Dr. Katsh, who is also president emeritus of Dropsie University, will read a paper at the Con- gress detailing his six vis- its to the Soviet Union, starting in 1956, during .which time he was able to microfilm and catalogue thousands of rare Heb- raica fragments and manuscripts never before available to scholars in the Western world. 7 Plans Are Dropped for Co-Opting Eban TEL AVIV — Efforts to co-opt former Foreign Minister Abba Eban into the Cabinet have report- edly been dropped for the time being, as both Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Eban appear unin- terested, according to a recent Jerusalem Post ar- ticle. Attempts to induce Eban to join the Cabinet were apparently de- signed to eliminate com- petition for the premier- ship. Eban has clearly in- dicated his intention to compete for the post. (De- fense Minister Peres is also keeping his options open.) Observers also noted that while Eban may not necessarily win his par-. ty's backing, he may at- tract enough of Rabin's support to make a victory possible for Peres. (Rabin and Eban would compete for the "Doves" while Peres would get the "HaWks.") Allon Surgery Is Successful MONTREAL (JTA) — Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon left here Monday to return to Is- rael after a week of con- valescence following a successful operation for the relief of a facial spasm. The operation was per- formed at Notre Dame Hospital by Dr. Jules Hardy, a Montreal neurosurgeon. Circumstances determine the cause. —The Tarl-rn ud ur. entreastols cal.. elt4... - Otott for inter reservations to Florida. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Beat the crowds to the seats you want. Beat the crowds to the free champagne. Delta has seats for more than 2,600 people a day this winter to Florida. And Delta la.ofes- sionals like Reservations Sales Agent Jan Newton are ready to take your reservations. "More champagne?" asks Flight Attendant Maureen Hogan, another Delta professional. It's free to adults in Tourist on all our winter nonstops to Florida. Beat the crowds to the Wide-Ride L-1011 TriStars. We've got these S21 million superjets nonstop to Ft.Lauderdale and Tampa/St.Pete. Also one-stop, straight thru to Orlando/Walt Disney World. All 256 seats are two-by-two : Winter schedules, effective December 15. ' Leave Detroit Arrive Miami Arrive Ft. Arrive West Lauderdale Palm Beach 8:50a 9:30a TriStai- 10:00a 12:31p NS 10:05a 1:20p 2:55p 4:40p 8:47p Thru 5:50p 9:49p 10:00p NC 12:31a NS 10:30p NC • 1:53a gu 2:45p 12:01p NS WWNV\ .1:38P 5:28p Rru 8:34p Thru 9:41p 1:51a 9:55p 1:01a NS One-way fares: Miami/Ft.Lauderdale — Day Tourist and Night First Class $109. Night Tourist $87. West Palm Beach — Day Tourist and Night. First Class $105. Night Tourist $84. Beat the crowds to the bargain nights. Every night is bargain night on Delta. You save 20% off the regular Day Tourist fare on Delta's Night Coaches. They leave around 10:00pm and include nonstops to Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, and Tampa/S t. Pete. If you'd rather take a daytime flight, you „ can save 15% on round-trips to Florida, effec- tive Dec.19, with Delta Freedom Fares. There are advance purchase and reservation require- ments, restrictions on travel duration and times. but they're worth it. Check for details. No other airline beats Delta's low fares. Leave Detroit St.Pete 7:45a 8:50a 10:05a • 10:15a 1:20p 11:46a 11:44a 11:23a 1:41p um,. 1:46p costar 1:20p 12:19p NS 12:26p.Ns 5:07p 7:11p Thru 2:55p 4:40p 5:50p Arrive Orlabdo/ Walt Disney Arrive • Jacksonville World Arrive Tampa/ Choose from dozens of thrifty Delta Dream Vacations!' Miami Beach 8 days, 7 nights and a car for a week. Only $132.50 to $209.50 plus air fare. You get a room for 8 days and 7 nights plus car for 7 days with unlimited mileage (gas and collision waiver extra). And you get complimentary tennis. admission to track. other extras. It's nonstop fun at a price that says "go:' E.ff.Dec..18.1976 to April 26,1977. ITDLISITVV3 Let your Travel Agent take the work out of play, handle all the details for you. Or call ' Delta at 355-3200. You can charge your tickets on American Express or any other major general-purpose credit card. &me -T-A. -,...- • .. . L __,-..:,... 7 : 3 0 P Thru 10:00p ivc 10:00p No 9:28p 9:29p ThStar • 12:13a mt„, 1:50a tit sTt r r " 1:25a One-way fares: Tampa/St.Pete. Orlando/Walt Disney World — Day Tourist and Night First Class $97, Night Tourist $78. Jacksonville — Day Tourist and Night First Class $86, Night Tourist. $69. NC: Night Coach. NS: Nonstop. OS: One-stop. Except for nonstops and thru-jets, service is via connection. Fares, schedules and tour rates subject to change without notice. Rates are per person, double occupancy. Delta is when you are. c=