THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 8, 1976 13 Sifrei Torah Buried Following Hebron Clash (Continued from Page 1) Jewish area in shambles, ripping Sifrei Torah and prayerbooks and smash- ing and scattering the furnishings. Those acts followed what local Arabs charged was the deliber- ate desecration of the Ko- ran, the Moslem holy scriptures, by Jews from the nearby Orthodox township of Kiryat. Arba. Jewish worshippers ar- riving at the cave later Sunday for prayers to usher in Yom Kippur, were greeted by the scene of destruction. According to eye-witnesses, they were stunned and then infuriated. One eye- witness reported that a fist-fight developed be- tween two Jews and sev- eral Arabs inside the shrine when Jews discov- ered that an altar cloth had been torn. Soldiers intervened to keep the clash from spreading. But tempers were already running high because of an incident the previous day when Israeli soldiers prevented Kiryat need to calm tempers. The Moslem leaders, however, prepared a memo condemning the act which was broadcast by radio throughout the Arab world. Thus, accord- ing to Jewish sources, some sort of sanction was given the Arab youths who entered the cave the following morning to de- stroy Jewish religious ar- tifacts. The Moslem leadership published a condemnation of those acts. But the grief and anger of Orthodox Jews was boundless, Israeli milit- ary sources said the Arab invasion of the cave and desecration occurred too quickly to have been pre: vented. Security sources re- ported that more than 50 Arabs are being held in custody on suspicion of having participated in the desecration. The events in Hebron over the Yom Kippur weekend have brought into sharp focus the long smoldering problem of Jewish-Arab relations on the West Bank. Carter Would 'Respond in Kind' If anything, they have hardened opinions among those Israelis who believe to Future Arab Oil Embargo the government must be SAN FRANCISCO — fected in secrecy. Reply- scrupulously even-handed Democratic Presidential ' ing to Carter's charges, and others who insist that candidate Jimmy Carter Ford said that Carter Jewish rights are said Wednesday that if contradicted himself paramount and that the the Arab countries ever since he would "hold 'un- Arabs must be dealt with initiated another oil em- publicized . talks with the harshly, in effect, "taught bargo against the U.S., Mideast nations." Ford a lesson." The wide gap between he, as President, would said he submitted every "respond" equally and in document of the Sinai II "hawks" and "doves" has kind. agreement, and averages serious political ramifica- He said the embargo one meeting per month tions, especially with na- Would be considered "an with responsible groups tional elections due to be economic declaration of on current foreign policy held next year. The gov- war" and he would not moves. ernment has been walk- ship participating na- Carter was critical of ing a tightrope, firmly tions anything. what he called a reduction putting down Arab riot- Asked about the Arab in arms to Israel. Fordre- ing on the West Bank boycott against Ameri- sponded by saying that while at the same time, can businesses dealing "we are dedicated to the restricting Jewish access with Israel, Carter said survival of Israel" and to towns like Hebron he would not permit the said that during his Presi- which contain shrines United States to tolerate dency the U.S. has sold the holy to religious Jews and such a boycott against Israelis more than $4 bill- Moslems alike. American Jews. The government's hope ion in military hardware Carter called the and has done a good job of is to avoid violence be- boycott , of American helping "our good ally Is- tween Jews and Arabs. businesses by Arab coun- rael. - The recent failure of tries "an absolute dis- Criticized on the moral- the military authorities grace - and said he "will do ity of his foreign policy to enforce their arrest of everything I can as Presi- program,- Ford said "this Kiryat Arba's leader and dent to stop the Arab administration will follow prime agitator, Rabbi boycott of U.S. companies . ' a high moral principle in Moshe Levinger, who en- dealing with Israel. He foreign policy, especially tered Hebron in direct criticized President Ford in the Middle East. The violation of the Military by saying that it was a Arabs and Israelis trust Government's orders, is "disgrace that the Ford the U.S., and the U.S. will cited as a case in point. Administration blocked have a comprehensive The continued presence legislation" on the boycott leadership role'in moving of Gush Emunim squat- issue. toward a Mideast agree- ters at Kadum in the President Ford re- m en t • • heart of Arab populated sponded by saying "I was Samaria is another. The the first President to cabinet decided last May Crisis Threatens order the executive that the squatters would branch to order action Israeli Phosphates be removed to an alterna- that no_ U.S. company tive settlement site ap- JERUSALEM (ZINS) proved by the govern- should boycott firms deal- — A crisis threatens Is- ing with Jews and Israel." ment. But so far, no Ford said that this week rael's phosphate industry attempt has been made to he signed into law a tax at the Dead Sea clue to implement that edict. bill preventing U.S. com- diminished demand from The Gush, supported by panies complying with agricultural users, and religious and nationalist also because of stiffer the Arab boycott from elements, insist that the taking tax deductions. He competition from Ameri- West Bank belongs to Is- said he will announce to can producers. rael by divine mandate and Israel's largest cus- that Jews have the right to the Department of Com- tomer for phosphates was merce that it reveal the settle anywhere in that names of companies that the European market, territory and, especially, comply with the boycott. which is now -being satu- to worship freely at Jewish Carter was highly criti- rated with U.S: products shrines there. Although cal of the Ford Administ- selling for considerably Kiryat Arba is a separate ration's foreign policy lower prices. township, its residents have been demanding the and said it "excluded the Danger is next neighbor establishment of a perma- American people and to security: Congress - and it was ef- nent Jewish presence in Arba Jews from conduct- ing Sabbath services at the old Ohel Avraham synagogue a few yards from the Machpela Cave. At about the same time, rumors spread like wildfire among Hebron Arabs that Jews had torn and trampled the Koran in the Machpela Cave. The Military Governor, Gen. David Hagoel, vis- ited the scene. According to Military Government sources, a Koran was found on the floor though not dam- aged. Nevertheless, "the sight was definitely pro- vocative,", a military source said. It was viewed by Mayor Fahed Kawassme of Hebron, Sheikh Holmi - Al Muhatassib, head of the Moslem Council in Jerusalem and Hassan Tahbub, director of the Waqf, the Moslem reli- gious organization which is the legal owner of the cave. The Jewish officers and Moslem digintaries re- portedly agreed on the Arab Moslem Hebron. They say they are merely reclaiming Jewish property destroyed by Arab rioters in 1929 when 63 Hebron Jews were massacred and the rest driven out of town. While for many Jews their initial sense of bit- terness, the Gush have seized on the episode to castigate the government for alleged "appease- ment" of the Arabs and to demand "iron-fisted" measures against the lat- ter. They are pressing their demands for access to the Ohel Avraham syna- gogue and for total Jewish control of the Machpela Cave where Jews and Moslems are permitted to worship at different times. The Gush now insist that the cave be closed to Moslem wor- shippers until after the Sukkot festival after which the government should review the entire matter of dual prayer rights. Order Your 1977 BUICK Now at lowest competitive prices See MORT FELDSTEIN or ROSEMARY HARLING MORRIS BUICK 14500 W. 7 Mlle Rd. at the Lodge X-Way OPEN TR. 9:00 MON. and THURS. 342-7100 COMPLETE SUPPLIES AT EXTRA SAVINGS DESKS-CHAIRS FILES - RUBBER STAMPS DRAR PLASTIC SIGNS OFFICE-ART & DRAFTING SUPPLIES PROMPT DELIVERIES WEST SIDE EAST SIDE 968-2620 731-6200 26000 GREENFIELD WOW CENTER OAK PARK 8186 23 MILE RD. StIFIBY PLAZA SNELSY 1W?. Maxwell House Coffee Honors Famous Jewish-American Patriots BENJAMIN NONES 1757-1826 Major in the Continental Army M lived in Bordeaux, France at the time the American colonies were seething against the repressive British. "Liberty, independence, rights of man...cre- ated equal..." these were heady words for the idealistic Nones, heard from across the ocean. He was deeply impressed and, influenced by the example of young Lafayette who had out- fitted his own ship in Bordeaux for sailing to the aid of the revolutionaries. Nones followed and soon after landing in America, found him- self in uniform. He fought in nearly all the battles of the Caro- lina campaigns, including the sieges of Charles- ton and Savannah. His behavior in action, his bravery and gallant conduct were officially recognized and in due course he was rewarded with the rank of Major. ,k Legend has it that Nones commanded a battalion of 400 men, fancifully called the AJOR BENJAMIN NONES , A tradition in American-Jewish homes for half a century K CERTIFIED KOSHER Good to the Last Drop* 1.1.41 111.411 . CUMIRM FOOOS "Hebrew Legion" either because of its leader or its large number of Jewish enlistments. Other legends have the major as serving on the staffs of Generals Washington, Lafayette, DeKalb and Pulaski. After Yorktown and the end of war, Major Nones settled in Philadelphia where.he became active in masonry and Jewish communal affairs. He served as president of Congregation Mikvah Israel before and after the turn of the 19th century; and was official interpreter of French and Spanish for the Board of Health for the U.S. Government. SEND FOR EXCITING BOOKLET Honoring 1776 and Famous cws in J American History You and your children will be thrilled to read the fascinating stories in this booklet about profiles of many "historic" Jews who made notable contributions in the creation and building of our nation. Send 50e (no stamps) with name and address to: JEWISH-AMERICAN PATRIOTS Box 4488, Grand Central Station New York, N.Y. 10017 your Jewish heritage in America—the