'm11111.111.01110mPawmommomom-r. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 68 Friday, September 24, 1976 Mr. & Mrs. Dave Bachaiov Claire, Mark, Abbey & Sherri Southfield • wish all their family and friends a healthy, happy New Year WW1 FL= rain to our relatives and friends Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Feuer and Family A happy New Year to all our friends and relatives Mr. & Mrs. Maurice D. Fiekowsky wish their friends and relatives a happy Detroit New Year cO,r0x*:,04 -4,0;IN-u" I- wish all their family and friends a healthy and prosperous New Year extend best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year DR. & MRS. DONALD FREEDLANDER AND FAMILY Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year to all our rela- tives and friends wish their relatives and friends a very healthy and happy New Year Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Brenner and Family MR. & MRS. RAYMOND FREEDLANDER MRS. BERNARD CHASE Oak Park wishes all her friends and relatives a happy, healthy New Year 15320 Miller Rd. Oak Park wish all their !heads and relatives a healthi. happy New ) ('(Jr A healthy, happy New Year Sincere good wishes for a happy, healthy New Year to all our family and Mends GENIA & MORRIS FRIDMAN Southfield THE CUTLERS Arthur, Francis & Lena Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman and Family Best wishes on the New Year MRS. ALEX DORCHEN AND FAMILY Southfield I Wishing all my relatives, friends and customers a happy and healthy New Year MR. & MRS. SHLOMA DUBEN AND SARA Southfield wish all their family and friends a happy, healthy New Year SEDELLE GILBERT Edith, Ronald & Alan Ellis MR. & MRS. ISADORE GOLDFARB N. / / / fense against Arab attack Gaza Strip. Israel would rael has no desire to incor- a large Arab popu- new political storm and that it would reject continue to occupy the porate lation. He noted that his A in the making any attempt to impose a sparsely populated west- proposals would "leave seemed over publication of settlement inimical to Is- ern and eastern fringes of almost all of the Palesti- an article by Foreign rael's security require- the West Bank, up to the nian Arab population of Jordan River. The Arab Minister Minister Yigal Allon in ments. What appeared to be populated central high- the West Bank under Arab the American quarterly, Foreign Affairs, in which most disconcerting even lands would become what,, rule.' proposals con- The Allon presented detailed to moderates was the he described as a in the Foreign Af- proposals for Israel's fu- stress on territorial Palestinian-Jordanian proposals borders with its changes. Israel's political entity with a narrow cor- fairs article resemble to — - ture . some article extent resemble the unc to stance, which is expected ridor connecting it to the fairs Arab neighbors. cial Allon plan of 1 The appearance of the to be emphasized at the east bank of the Jordan which has been neither article on the eve of the General Assembly, is that River. Jerusalem and its envi- accepted nor rejected by opening of the 31st Un- the crux of the Middle ited Nations General As- East conflict is not ter- rons would remain part of differ in their sembly this week aroused ritorial disputes but Arab Israel. The city of Gaza the They government.' strong criticism from refusal to accept Israel as would be part of the stress on a Palestinian independent,Palestinian-Jordanian and an both "hawks" " doves" in Israel. The sovereign state in the re- entity and would have ac- Jordanian rather (Continued entity on Page 76) cess to the Arab portions Likud, which insists on gion. HAPPY NEW YEAR minimal pull-backs if any, According to that view, of the West Bank which it • • has demanded an im- if the Arabs reverse their would serve as a seaport. • Northland Glass & mediate debate in the position, territorial is- There would be no car- • •• Shower Door Co Knesset. sues could be settled with ridor, however, through • Originators of Israeli territory. Fine Shower Doors • Former Foreign Minis- relative ease. 7314 W. 7 Mile Road ter Abba Eban, whO has Allon's territorial In the Sinai, Allon • • • DI 1-0455 often stated that Israel proposals were de- proposed a boundary ex- • would have to make sub- lineated in a-map accom- tending from a point 13r,1 Ht.sla.., to a II stantial territorial con- panying the 14-page arti- north of El Arish to the far a happy. bra !!h cessions to achieve a cle in the October issue of Red Sea, allowing Israel Neu. ) ear Foreign Affairs. While Is- to control Sharm el- peace settlement, raeli leaders have often Sheikh and the strategic CHARLIE ROBINSON'S strongly publi- SHELL SERVICE cation of criticized the Allon prop- spoken of territorial con- Straits of Tiran to fore- 8 Mile Rd. and Mark Twain osals at this time as a tac- cessions in the close the possibility of a any future Arab blockade 864-7915 of framework tical error. • negotiated peace, they of the port of Eilat. The He said the proposals have carefully refrained ' Golan Heights border r Holiday Good Cheer themselves would not en- from publishing maps. would run just west of the courage Arabs to 1967 lines to protect set- SERWER'S Allon himself disavowed negotiate for peace and tlements in northern Is- would weaken Israel's pos- the map in a message to WHOLESALERS ition in Washington. A Foreign Affairs. He said rael from shelling by Sy- rian guns. 4646 Michigan Ave. spokesman for Premier he had not seen or ap- Allon stressed that Is- 894-3444 it before publica- Proved Yitzhak Rabin said the tion and that it does not ac- chief executive had not - been consulted prior to curately reflect his views. William P. Bundy, editor . publication. Affairs, con- Wish to extend greetings for a year of Health, Allon himself appeared of Foreign that the map was on television over the firmed Happiness and Prosperty to not Allon's but originated weekend to stress that Is- with the magazine's all our customers and friends ._ rael would never return editors and "was intended KE 7-4339 to its pre-June 1967 boun- only to be illustrative of daries because they were the general outlines of Mr. estbegumNIM indefensible. He said that Allon's proposals." Best Wishes For A $ • his proposals made clear Happy, Healthy New Year • Allon proposed in his • that Israel intended to remain permanently ' in article the creation of • : • control of strategic ter- demilitarized zones on • ritories vital to its de- the West Bank and in the • : . RACHELLE DRAPERIES wish all their relatives and friends a healthy, happy New Year ••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••• • • )•.•,<"r0,e0. / Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year healthy New Year / JILL & JULES GOLDMAN DAVID & JENNIFER qaarker V,/ GALILEE . urciataa Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Green and Family of New Baltimore wish all their family and friends a healthy and happy New Year DISMOWInalt Acrenent Linz AIELTrEASANEAN SEA to I Best Wishes to the Community 1. on the New Year y rP4P--, MANNY MITTELMAN KRAFT Wishes All His Customers and Friends Makers of SINAI PENINSULA "Perfect Sleeper” • A Very Happy, Healthy & F'rezgperous NEW YEAR , T,rar .1",c '.e.4e a& WHOLESALE BEEF 237-0087 Licensed Heating-Cooling & Electrical Cont. 4eAle.64,4,V.,0 PRIMEAT PACKING CO. e .INN■ isA, N. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Feldstein and Robbie wish all their family and friends a happy, healthy New Year - _ __ ___ Best Wishes to‘All for a Happy New Year MA Or N. N. N. • REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT CORP. • .. _ .: : LEsa 40.,40 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Emery and Family wish all a happy, .11/4 • wish all their family and friends a healthy and happy New Year Detroit extend best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year / , Mr. & Mrs. Paul Frank And Family Mr. & Mrs. Frank Berman and Family Oak Park I Allon Article on Borders Stirs Israel on Eve of General Assembly Meeting JERUSALEM (JTA) — SHIRLEY & FRED BARON I I i 7P.IPT -- o Annistla Lint of 1949 CAW' Filk UPOILS of 1967 ..;A, .10nieliatt-Fidestiniet Unit :j .1 (illusturthe) / (7 .: lands soistalic °daze zstors — (attatortig) 1.-/ SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESSES F Of Ao:06•I. Foreign Affairs magazine's map of the Allon Plan. *caw It LA•Aasii you sleep ON it . . . not IN it!