12 Friday September 3, 1976 •CARS TO BE DRIVEN TO ANY STATE M. C 125985 I.C.C. DRIVEAWAY SERVICE 4713 Horger at Michigan Ave. P.O. BOX 1264 Dearborn, Mich. 48126 Tel. 584-5000 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Soviet Jewish Activist Mark Abramovich of Kishinev Gets Long-Awaited Permission to Emigrate to Israel NEW YORK (JTA) — According to reports reaching the National Conference on Soviet ACE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 20461 Schaefer (nr. 8 Mile) We can furnish your office at a price to suit your budget. NEW & USED FURNITURE AND MACHINES _ . Make us the last Call and we will both be glad you did call MARVIN BILLET 342-1221 BACK-TO-SCHOOL SCHOOL SUPPLIES BARGAINS FREE GIFT WITH • v s " • JI $3oo DRAFIC OFFICE - ART & DRAFTING SUPPLIES PROMPT DELIVERIES • • PURCHASE OR MORE II • 7 • WEST SIDE EAST SIDE 968-2620 731-6200 26000 GREENFIELD OAK PARK LINCOLN CENTER Use 73 MUM SOIRAY 14)/A SMUT TVI ► Jewry, Soviet Jewish ac- tivist, and long-time re- fusenik IVIark Abramo- vich of Kishinev has re- ceived permission to emigrate to Israel, Eugene Gold, NCJS chairman, announced. Abramovich, a leading activist in the USSR, first applied for an exit visa in . 1972 and was refused in 1973. Since then he had repeatedly been denied a visa on the grounds of previous army service, though he had been de- mobilized in 1971. At the same time, the Greater New York Con- ference on Soviet Jewry received word that Shmuel and Raya Bronfman from Odessa were granted visas to Is- rael. Dying of leukemia, Raya was recently taken to the regional hospital in grave condition. She was denied an exit visa when an ovir official told Shmuel that the USSR "has the capa- bility of taking care of life and death." In a related develop- ment, Moscow au- thorities have refused to allow 80 families from the Soviet village of Ilyinka to emigrate to Israel on the grounds that they are not really Jewish. The families are descendants Of Russians who were converted to Judaism BORENSTEIN'S Your Holiday Headquarters MACHZORIM tell us which synagogue you attend and we'll give you the proper prayer book We Carry Israeli Newspapers Full Selection of Kosher Wines TALEISIM A large selection of sizes, colors & fabrics including hand woven NEW YEAR CARDS RECORDS., 8 TRACKS & CASSETTES Large selection including cards for relatives & friends. There is still time to order personalized imprinted cards including the latest Israeli hits, Hassidic, Yiddish Cantorial selections BORENSTEIN'S Your Jewish Supply House 25242 Greenfield (N. of 10 Mile Rd.) 398-9095 M-T-W 9:30 to 6 Thurs. 'til 8 Fri. & Sun. 'til 5 several centuries ago. Bronx Borough Presi- dent Robert Abrams, con- ference chairman, explained -that the au- thorities had earlier per- mitted the emigration of eight families from Ilyinka, which is located in the Voronezh region 1,400 miles from Moscow. However, in the past year, 109 invitations from relatives in Israel have not been delivered. The Ilyinka Jews are forced to have their in- ternal passports stamped with a false entry stating that they are Russian na- tionals since they have Russian surnames. According to Moscow ac- tivists, Abrams said, the Ilyinka villagers observe Shabat and Jewish holi- days, bake matzot on Pas- sover and give their chil- dren biblical names. On the birth of a baby boy, the child is taken 650 miles to Daghestan for circumci- sion. Meanwhile, it was re- ported that Dr. Benor Gurfel, 43, internation- ally known econometri- cian is in the midst of a hunger strike in protest of the Soviet govern- ment's policies of repres- sion against Jews who have applied for exit visas to Israel. The Kafka-like maze of bureaucracy in which Gurfel and his family have been enmeshed over the past four years since they first applied for emigration to Israel was related by Alvin H. Gi- lens, associate national campaign director and Western Region director of the United Jewish Ap- peal, who has just re- turned from a 12-day sur- vey of conditions being faced by Soviet Jewish "refuseniks," those de- nied exit visas to Israel. Gurfel, who works in a plastics complex in Tallin, the capital city of Estonia prior to being absorbed by the Soviet Union after World War II, co- authored a scientific paper for the Economet- ric Society of Europe in collaboration with - Dr. Ilya Zlobinsky, formerly of Kiev, who was allowed to emigrate to Israel. The excellence of their _work gained an invitation to both for the presenta- tion of their paper before the conference of the soci- ety in Helsinki which con- cluded Monday. Although Helsinki is 60 miles from Tallin, and the official con- ference program lists Gin-- fel as a participant, the Soviet government has denied him the right to participate on the basis that he had not received a formal written invitation. Gilens pointed out that every time Gurfel has applied for an exit visa he has been refused because of possessing "secrets." The alleged "secrets, - Gi- lens observed, are availa- ble in numerous scientific journals which circulate freely throughout the world. Compounding the plight of Gurfel's family, which includes his wife, Soroti, 40; a physicist, and son, Eliezer, 17, who will complete high school in the near future, is that time is running out for them. Eliezer will apply for an exit visa on his own prior to his 18th birthday. If it is denied, he. must serve in the Soviet armed forces. If this happens, it will all but eliminate the chances for the Gurfel family to emigrate to Is- rael, since the regula- tions state that one who serves, or any member of his family, cannot be al- lowed to leave the USSR for a period of five years after discharge from the military because of "sec- rets, - according to Gilens. In Chicago, Dr. Vitaly Rubin, noted Soviet Jewish authority on an- cient Chinese philosophy, addressed the Public Af- fairs Committee of the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago held a press conference and appeared on TV. Rubin and his wife were permitted to emigrate to Israel last June after a 41/2-year struggle. Speaking at a press conference sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, he expressed the opinion that "almost all -Russian Jews want to emigrate — Jews are insulted every day. - The primary vic- tims of the Soviet policy of "locked borders," Rubin said, are the Jews and Germans. Rubin thanked the American Jewish com- munity and academic community, without whO'se efforts he is con- vinced he would not have been permitted. to emig- rate. Rabin Charges That Soviets Hamper Peace Conference JERUSALEM (JTA) — Premier Yitzhak Rabin charged that the Soviet Union prevents the re- convening of the Geneva peace confer'ence on the basis of the original invi- tations extended to the parties in the Middle East conflict by the Secretary General of the United Na- tions following the Yom Kippur War. The Ru .ssians have adopted a. policy of total support for the most ex- tremist Arab states, Rabin said on a television interview. - He made his remarks when asked if Israel's ap- parent interest in keep- ing_the Soviet Union out of Middle East diplomatic Peres.: Israel's. Only Choice to Re-arm activity might not make that country a sworn enemy of Israel. Rabin said, "To the best of my knowledge, it is the Soviet Union which, through its policy, decided that Israel Would be its sworn enemy, not Israel that decided this." The interview, con- ducted on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Israeli-Egyptian interim agreement in Sinai eli- cited from the Premier an acknowledgement that there had been Egyptian violations of the accord during the year. "These are of second- ary military signifi- cance but we should see that they are corrected, - he said without elaborat- ing on their nature. How- ever,,Rabin said that the Egyptians appeared to be interested in observing the agreement and were likely to continue to do so in the foreseeable future. TEL AVIV (JTA) — De- fense Minister Shimon Peres declared that be- cause of the continuing supply of Soviet arms to the Arab states, Israel Sharon to Address has no choice but to ob- ZOA Conference tain new combat aircraft, assault helicopters, artil- NEW YORK lery, missile boats and Brigadier General Ariel "Arik ." Sharon, the Israel missile systems. He said Israel would military hero who mas acquire part abroad and terminded and led th crossing of the . Suez produce the rest. Peres, addressing Canal by the Israel De- graduates of the Com- fense Forces during the mand and Staff College, Yom Kippur War, will ad- stressed that Israel will dress the opening session not be frightened by of the 79th annual na- threats or pressure. He tional convention of the said Israel will instead Zionist Organization of persist in the slow move- America. Sharon gained ment toward a peace set- tlement with its Arab worldwide fame for his military exploits in the neighbors. Peres pledged that Is-• Six-Day War and Yom Kippur War. The crossing rael would allow Lebanon to restore itself after the of the Suez Canal by Is- present conflict without rael forces completely iso, any interference from Is- lated the Egyptian Third rael. He said that instead Army. of the fence between Is- rael and Lebanon being a barrier it could develop I am a Jew because the like the Jordan River faith of, Israel demands no bridges into a means for abdication of my mind. furitful contact.