56 Friday, July 30, 1976 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Ancient Treasures of the Holy City Are Found in the Historic, But Hidden, Jerusalem Archives By KAREN HOFFMAN Municipality of Jerusalem JERUSALEM — The existence of archives devoted to Jerusalem during the last 100 years is probably one of our city's best kept secrets. Housed in a basement, on a quiet tree-lined street in the Talpiot quarter, documents in the Jerusalem Archives that are stacked on 600 yards of shelves, tell the colorful story of Jerusalem as it is today. Life in the city under the Turks, the sprouting of Jew- ish neighborhoods outside the Old City walls, 30 years of British rule, minutes from meetings of the City Council un- der Jordan when the city was divided from 1948-67 — all this and much more you find among the 25,000 photos, 18,- 000 negatives, 1000 posters, maps and etchings and in the library of 2300 books. Acquiring these documents is often like stumbling on hidden treasures. Who would have thought that one of the best photo collections of life in Jerusalem in the years 1900-1905 could be bought for the ridiculously low sum of half a Pound a photo (in 1968), after it was discovered on the floor of the attic over the souvenir shop in the American Colony Hotel? Building up the archives is not left to lucky chances. Menachem Levine, the director, and his assistant, Tommy Lamm, an immigrant from Australia, comb the city systematically for the private collections of Jerusa- lem notables, neighborhood committees, public institu- tions, industries and hoteliers. Once they get on the track of a valuable find, they don't weary of long nego- tiations in order to secure new material. This may go on for years until the new treasure lands in the archives. Levine is appalled at how otherwise sensible people, ei- ther throw out or hold back documents. Such was the case of a Jerusalem lawyer and one-time city councilman. From Menachem's first contact with him, until his death 10 years later, this lawyer insisted that he had discarded all material of any historical significance. Only after he died, when the family allowed Menachem to go through his files, did he find the original contract and plans for the installation of Jerusalem's first modern water, electricity and railroad systems (including plans for a trolley car). This contract between the Turkish Municipality and a Greek contractor, Mavromatic, was never carried out because of the war in 1914. It is the seemingly trivial item that often proves to be invaluable in depicting life in Jerusalem's past. Food and water coupons from Jerusalem under siege (1948) are rare finds, probably because no one thought to give up his day's rations for posterity's sake! Files of lawyers' correspond- ence give evidence of educational institutions, yeshivot, banks, building contractors, insurance companies that no longer exist. Like pieces of a puzzle, these bits of informa- tion fit together to give a more complete picture of the cul- tural and commercial history of the city. In addition to pictorial and printed evidence there is an oral history project. Under this project, recollections of historical events and life in Jerusalem are taped from the records of living eye witnesses. In cooperation with the Institute of Contemporary Jewry of the Hebrew University, 30 old-time Jerusalemites have so far been interviewed. Half hidden though it is, the archives serve a host of visitors — TV and film producers looking for documentary material; journalists; architects working on the urban plan- ning and renewal of Jerusalem; and university students doing research. Just the casual tourist is missing. Only when the archives will find their place in the new city hall to be built on the Russian Compound, can the general public be expected to enjoy some of the documented highlights of their city's history. 6. A Bicentennial Feature Solomon Etting: EarlyAmerican Merchant By MORRIS SCHAPPES Editor, Jewish Currents When independence was declared in 1776, Solomon was only 12, living in York, Pa. with his father Elijah Etting, who had emigrated from Frankfort, Germany, and his native-born mother, Shinah Solomon. He became a prominent merchant and entrepreneur, being a director of the Union Bank in Baltimore (1791), Maryland represent- ative of the federal Bank of the United States (1796), an organizer of the Baltimore East India Company (1807) and then a director of the new Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Yet his beginnings were humble. At 19, he married the 19-year-old daughter of Jo- SOLOMON ETTING seph Simon, Rachel, with whom he had four children. A year after she died he married the 27-year-old daughter of Barnard Gratz, Rachel, with whom he had eight children. Both fathers- in-law were prominent mer- chants. Marrying Rachel Gratz in Philadelphia, Solomon returned soon to Balti- more, ran a hardware store for a few years and then went into shipping and commerce. While liv- ing in Lancaster with the Simon family he had founded a Masonic lodge there, and in 1784 in Phila- delphia he belonged to Lodge No. 2 with Haym Solomon. In 1794, Etting was also a member of the executive committee of the Jefferson- ian Republic Society of Bal- timore. To call him an aboli- tionist, as some have done, is to exaggerate. The 1820 census lists him as owning four slaves and employed two freemen. It is ti.*, e that in 1831 he was a it, -,.der of the Mary- land State Colonization So- ciety, which advocated es- tablishing a state in Africa to which freed Negoes could be sent, 'but of this move- ment Carter G. Woodson, the black historian, writes that it "was no longer a means of uplift for the Ne- gro but rather a method of getting rid of an undesirable class that slavery might be thoroughly engrafted upon our country." Etting was, however, the initiator of a 30-year strug- gle to get the Maryland Con- stitution of 1776 amended so as to abolish the discrimina- tion against Jews that pre- vented them from holding office at a time when that meant Jews could not even be lawyers or serve on ju- ries. On Dec. 13, 1797, the Maryland House of Dele- gates received a petition from Solomon Etting "and others" objecting to the con- stitutional restriction against Jews. Not until Jan. 5, 1826 was the constitution finally amended — after decades of struggle that had to defeat snarling and open anti-Sem- itic propaganda, with the non-Jewish Jeffersonian Presbyterian Thomas Ken- nedy leading the debate in defense of the "Jew Bill." cA 154S! – ockl, ,V2:44 04 L tAk 1L.s, 4„.4?4, t A5,1,4 A 4 S. x."—S 'R.. 0J1.,..Q.. A..2p,„C._ ., 0'44 - .hrz;.)-0.- --t..N . , 1 f•N\ _ 0 'IA ' 0 Ala.. v :04 . -'"At.ii... (..L.Lkirk. l*t 1 nPfk k. w.t Citt ;CIA. WIS._ t& ‘1."-(6,,t_ 1 VA H.:t. - c) .c,v,1 5(A. t v,$)› fyykk-k,,,A....N. Aly16s, N..k.c1.1.„, - kIck.A.N. Ao kio 0-w, C y. ) ..6....tAti.4„, --- iN ,5 il, ) tt • \- l'; \(11 ' Shown above are two of the treasures in the Jerusa- lem Archives. The top photograph is the typical costume of the Turkish "kavas" who guarded the consulates in Jerusalem. The bottom photograph shows a letter from Jewish boy scouts in Russia which was found in the attic of an old Jerusalem school. Thomas Jefferson Would Have Been Proud of Israel's Raid on Uganda By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) Three Hollywood compa- nies are reported rushing pictures dealing with Is- rael's action in rescuing the hostages in Uganda. One man who certainly would have approved the Israeli action was Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independ- ence. Jefferson knew all about these hijackers. In his day it flourished in the same sec- tion of the world as today. It was highly popular among the so-called Barbary states — Algeria, Tunis, Morocco and Tripoli. Any ship going through the Mediterranean faced the likelihood of its crew and passengers being kidnapped and held for ran- som unless regular tribute was paid to the Barbary states. Daniel Moynihan, for- mer U.S. ambassador to the UN, has proposed in- ternational action to deal with hijacking. Jefferson proposed such action. He was ambassador to France at the time and he pro- posed to his fellow envoys the establishment of an international naval unit to combat this piracy. The plan, approved by all the powers, fell through because of Jefferson's own country. Congress did not go along although it was sym- pathetic. But at this time — the period before the Consti- tution was written — Con- gress had little power. It could only recommend to the states that they appro- priate for a given purpose and Congress did not believe the states would make the appropriation. The Jefferson plan re- quired that the U.S. contrib- ute one frigate for the inter- national naval unit. Had it been adopted, the country would have saved itself some 30 years of trouble. The Barbary hijackings were not ended until 1815, when Commodore Decatur paid a visit to Algeria and taught it the kind of lesson Uganda has just received. THOMAS JEFFERSON