THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8 June 18, 1976 Welfare of Man LAW N Sprinkling Systems Expert repair & Installation 541-0903 He who carries evil re- ports from one to the other, though they be true, de- stroys the welfare of man. —Talmud PLACE, announces Saturday SUMMER HOURS EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, JULY 3 THROUGH LABOR DAY SAT. 9:30a .m. -1:00p m North Park Plaza , Room 120 17117 W. Nine Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48075 (313) 559-6140 Congressmen, Jewish Groups Protest Soviet Restrictions on Packages for Oppressed Jews NEW YORK (JTA) — The Greater New York Confer- ence on Soviet Jewry as- sailed the "harsh new re- strictions the Soviet Union put into effect on the size and value of parcels which may be sent into the USSR." The GNYCSJ will conduct an intensive drive to pres- sure the Soviets to rescind these restrictions. Hoenlein, Malcolm GNYCSJ executive director, pointed out that the new regulations will raise the as- sessed value of some items sent into the Soviet. Union by eight or 10 times their normal value. This will have the effect of raising the im- port duty, already at 70 per- cent of assessed amount. In addition, limits will be placed on the quantity and types of goods which may be sent. A group of Congressmen a and other public officials THE GOLD PLACE Is the consistent place for Incomparabic Diamond ntly- NI 1 By taking full advantage of our considerable purchasing resources, we at The Gold Place can acquire diamonds of all sizes, shapes, weights, and colors at the lowest possible price and can therefore offer you diamond values that are nothing short of incredible! Youll be trripre8ed with our Selection of stones, ranging from diamonds for as little as $150 to for as much as $15,500 . . . in stock in an unlimited number of mountings, including the most current high-fashion styles, and designed for both young and mature taste. You 'II appreciate our truth-m-8elling policy which accurately describes to you every characteristic of your diamond, clearly and honestly. And you'll shop with con- fidence because you'll know that .. . YOU CAN RETURN ANY DIAMOND YOU PURCHASE FOR A FULL CASH REFUND . . . NOT A DUE BILL. North Park Plaza , Room 120 17117 W. Nine Mile Road 'Southfield, Michigan 48075 (313)559-6140 held a press conference Monday on the steps of New York City's Main Post Office to protest new Soviet restrictions. Rep. James Scheuer (D- N.Y.) said that the action was a viol a tion of the Hel- sinki agreement. He and other Congressmen said they would seek legislative action. Richard Rosenbaum, Republican State Chair- man, said the New York Republican Committee has asked Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and Treasurer Secretary Wil- liam Simon to intervene. A similar protest against the new Soviet tax on par- cels was held in San Fran- cisco last week by the Ad Hoc Humanitarian Com- mittee, which maintained a one-hour vigil outside of the Soviet Consulate. Meanwhile, a group of "refuseniks" associated with an unofficial Moscow scientific seminar and who are under pressure from the KGB Dave issued a call for strengthened American scientific efforts on behalf of their Sovi'dt Jewish col- leagues. According to the Stu- dent Struggle for Soviet Jewry, 50 scientists from 12 cities in the USSR, who have been dismissed from their jobs for applying to leave for Israel, regularly attempt to reach the semi- nar, held weekly at the apartment of 44-year-old physicist Prof. Mark Az- bel. In a related development, the SSSJ said that a simul- taneous hunger strike was held at the Western Wall in Jerusalem by former Kiev- ites and in the Ukrainian capital by young activist Peter Kriksunov on behalf of Yakov Vinarov, a student sentenced to three years for refusing a punitive Soviet army draft as punishment for applying to leave. Imme- diately after the hunger strike Kriksunov received an exit visa. In Leningrad, 26 year-old Vladimir Sverdlin was at- tacked by a group of KGB wants who sought to take his internal passport. S-ver- dlin fought back, kept his passport, but was jailed for several days. The SSSJ has learned from the Detroit Committee for Soviet Jewry that Sver- dlovsk activist Isaac Zlotver, already ill with high blood pressure and a heart condi- tion, has been hospitlized with a bladder tumor. Iso- lated because of. their Zion- ist activities, his wife Dina stays with him alihost con- tinually, fearing for his life. In Jerusalem it was re- ported that Andrei Sak- harov, the Soviet Nobel Laureate and a prominent dissident and critic of the Soviet regime, will be awarded an honorary doc- torate by the Hebrew Uni- versity at its annual con- vocation next month. Leon Dulzin, treasurer of the Jewish Agency, has re- ported that 60 percent of the ,\/ As an act of open defiance, top Soviet Jewish activ- ists march through the streets of Minsk carrying the tal it-covered open bier of martyred Col. Yefim Davidovich, hounded to death by .the KGB for his eloquent denuncia- tions of official anti-Semitism. Hundreds of Jews, some displaying Davidovich's numerous war medals, followed the coffin to the cemetery. Jews presently leaving the Soviet Union are going to countries other than Israel and if this rate of "neshira" (drop : out) continued, the future of Russian-Jewish emigration to Israel would be in jeopardy. Dulzin said that of the 130,000 Soviet Jews who em- igrated in recent years, 12,- 000 went to countries other than Israel and 8,000 who came to Israel subsequently left for other countries. Meanwhile, two Israeli scientitists from the Agri- cultural Research Institute at Beth Dagon have been invited to attend a scientific workshop at Samarkand, in Soviet Central Asia, later this month. In London, the recent Passover celebration in the Moscow apartment of Prof _ . Alexander Lerner was seen on British televi- sion Monday evening. It is part of a. color film taken secretly in the Soviet capital dealing with the struggle for emigration by Jews and Volga Germans. Urge Israel Role in Nazi War Trials TEL AVIV (JTA) — Tuvia Friedman, head of the Nazi Documentation Center in Haifa, said last week that either the Israeli govern- ment or the Jewish Agency should have an official ob- server at all Nazi war crimes trials. He said the absence of such observers is inter- preted as a lack of interest by the victims of the Nazis and may be the reason for light sentences or acquittals in German and Austrian courts. Friedman was comment- ing on the acquittal in Ham- burg of Karl Streibel, a for- mer death camp com- mandant, and five former guards who were accused of being responsible for the death of a million Jews. Felix Aronovich of Len- ingrad has received sev- eral Soviet exit refusals, according to the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry. His wife Alla was recently given a visa to join his mother and brother who have already reached free- dom, but the 45 year-old mechcnical engineer won- ders if he will ever see his child, who is expected shortly. French Arrest 5 in Bank Bombing PARIS (JTA) — Five sus- pected terrorists were ar- rested in connection with a bomb explosion that sev- erely damaged a branch of the Rothschild Bank in cen- tral Paris May 29. An elderly Woman and a child were injured by flying glass. According to police sources,• the suspects have admitted responsibility for the bombing and more ar- rests are expected. One of the suspects Evelyne Barge, 32, who was sentenced in Israel to 14 years imprisonment in 1971 for smuggling explosives into the country on behalf of Arab terrorists. She and other members a group known as "T Easter Commando" admit- ted at their trial that they had intended to bomb sev- eral Tel Aviv hotels. All were released in 1975 on humanitarian grounds. Since returning to Paris, Ms. Barge is known to have been active in leftist and an- archist circles.