'2.7ZWIIirmoitirwejlr ..WiNIMUNKWibaw ' THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6 June 18, 1976 ,5 Richardson Calls Boycott Legislation Unnecessary (Continued from Page 1) Administration-spon- sored bill was introduced by Rep. Edward Hutchinson of Michigan, the ranking Re- publican on the House Judi- ciary Committee. It is con- sidered much weaker than other bills now before Con- gress. The commerce secretary said the only new legislation needed is the Administra- tion-sponsored bill intro- duced by Rep. Edward Hutchinson of Michigan, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Com- mittee. It is considered much weaker than other bills now before Congress. Richardson repeated Administration claims that "passage of legisla- tion at this time might jeo- pardize our ability to con- tinue to work effectively with Arab nations to achieve a just and perma- nent Mideast peace, which is after all, he added, "the only realistic way to end the Arab boycott of Is- rael." Meanwhile, the Admin- istration's record on the Arab boycott against Israel was reviewed by a variety of supporters and defenders in statements to several Con- gressional committees last week. The principal defender was Treasury Secretary William E. Simon, who told the House International Relations Committee that "no addititional legislation is necessary or desirable at this time." He said new leg- islation "would be detrirnen- XXXXXXXXXXXXX tal to the totality of United States interests both here and in the Middle East." Administration policy, particularly in the Com- merce Department, came under sharp attack from Rep. John Heinz III (R.-Pa.), who assailed the Arab blacklist of American firms and individuals having deal- ings with Israel. He warned the committee that "we will invite Arab intimidation of every corporation, every re- ligious and ethnic group and every individual in our coun- try unless the list is fought now." Will Maslow, general counsel of the American Jewish Congress, and Sey- mour Graubard, national chairman of the Anti-Def- amation League of Bnai Brith, both testified before the House committee that the Administration policy of voluntary anti-boycott action had failed. They said that many business- men would be willing to defy the Arab threats if they had laws on the books backing their stand. Dr. Arthur F. Burns, Fed- eral Reserve Board chair- man, asserted that Ameri- can banks had a major role in the boycott and that Con- gressional action was needed if diplomatic efforts failed to solve the problem. Widespread compliance by American banks with an- ti-Israel boycott demands was also acknowledged by Rauer Meyer, director of the Commerce Department's Office of Export Adminis- tration, who reported that a department survey dis- closed that 119 American banks received 10,443 re- strictive requests covering 5,190 transactions during a four-month period that ended last March. At present, federal law requires only that compa- nies, including banks, re- port contracts containing Democrat Platform Pledges Strong Support of Israel leaders- to open their so- (Continued from Page 1) - and opposition to boy- ciety to a genuine inter- cott against friendly coun- change of people and tries — is fully and vigor- ideas." In an amendment to the ously implemented." In a section on U.S.-So- poli_cy statement, the viet relations, the state- drafting subcommittee ment urges support of So- declared, "We steadfastly viet Jewry although not by oppose any move to isolate name. The clause says, Israel in the international "Our stance on the issue of arena or suspend it from human rights and political the United Nations or its liberty in the Soviet Union constituent organiza- is important to American tions." self-respect and our moral in the world. We Shapiro Heads ./ FOUND IN x >< x stand 7. should continually remind Economic Unit x DETROIT the Soviet Union, by word THE LOST ART x and conduct, of its com- X' OF TAILORING mitment in Helsinki to the X Where? At Steve Petix, the free flow of people and home of the immaculate ideas and how offensive we fit in custom, tailored-to- and other free peoples find measure or quality brand X clothing. X its violation of the Univer- •,,, Open 9-6 daily A., sal Declaration of Human ,i, (to 5:30 Sat.) 9-9 Thurs. & Fri. Rights. As part of our Aniple parking .7,< Credit cards )< program of official techni- accepted cal, trade, cultural and 31455 SOUTHFIELD ROAD / 645-5566 ).‹ other exchanges with the 3 g I.,: INA,le Bpi XXXX XXX x x XX XX USSR we should press its GREAT LAKES LAWN SPRINKLER CO. Call 356-703 Rolex SPITZERS Has A Great Special For Fathers Day Nyzew "WORLD OF D aculk OUR FATHERS" $11.95 r GM OWNERS: Mr. Goodwrench Says . . . keep that great GM feeling with Genuine "Guardian Maintenance Service" from GLASSMAN Ad Must Be Presented at Time of Purchase TUNE-UP includes plugs, points, condenser, PCV valve, set timing & dwell, choke & carb. 75 Years Experience • Service • Repairs Installation • Design • • All work guaranteed The advertising agency boycott clauses to the De- partment of Commerce. serving the Kuwaiti firm, President Ford issued a di- Bird and Falborn, explained rective last November en- that the "Arab-American" joining American compa- specification was contained nies from engaging in in the ad as a result of "a business transactions that - completely innocent and in- Fredrick could result in discrimina- advertent mistake." The jewelers tion against American citi- agency said the mistake was .•,.,„ made because the job called zens. 869 West Long Lake Road .6460973 In New York, a Kuwaiti for "an Arab-speaking indi- firm has promised to com- vidual." ply with New York State's human rights law barring discrimination in employ- of Harvard Row ment. The pledge was made by Yusuf A. Alghanim and Sons after the Bnai Brith Anti-Defamation League filed a complaint with the New York State Division of Human Rights over a help- wanted ad placed in the New York Times for the firm last July specifying that the job applicant "must be an Arab-American." A statement signed by the president of the company advised the state agency that its hiring practices TT* JOUPJAEY Of THE were "based solely on their EAST EUROPEAN JEWS TO Irving Howe's Rest Seller AMERICA AND THE LIFE (the applicants') qualifica- THEY FOUND At4J. MADE tions for the specific posi- IRVING tions in question without re- HOVE Reg. $14.95 NOW gard to the individual's age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disability or marital status." Hebrew Book 8 Gift Center The policy complies with SPITZER'S 11 it.n.f.aahrsiejr,RS:uvtkififield the human rights law and the ADL has withdrawn 3564080 Open All Day Sunday its complaint, according to Arnold Forster, general counsel of the ADL. IRVING SHAPIRO Irving Shapiro of New York, chairman of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., was elected chairman of the Business Roundtable, a study group of 160 top- ranking corporate execu- tives. The roundtable, or- ganized in 1972, engages in studies of economic and social problems related to the nation's future. $38" AIR COND. 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