THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 2 June 18, 1976 Purely Commentary Jimmy Carter, Evangelism, Jewish' Interest in Dramatic Role of Popular Georgian Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter, the new star on the American political horizon, now appears assured of the Democratic nomination for President. Only a month ago there was consternation, there was a "stop Carter" movement, people were concerned about his alleged Evan- gelism. A new image has developed. Those who feared the Georgian have jumped on his bandwagon. The GOP fears the new political constellation and a hot presidential cam- paign is in the offing. Without partisanship, the Carter role demands serious attention. He has come forth with a strong pro-Israel pol- icy. It is taken as seriously as the traditional Gerald Ford pro-Zionism which, the President insists,, is unchange able. His friends unravel the Baptist traditions for religious fair- ness which may become a vital part of an interesting politi- cal platform. Before the certainty of Carter's impending success at the forthcoming Democratic National Convention in Madi- son Square Garden in New York, next month, Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, the American Jewish Committee's expert ana- lyst of Jewish issues, posed the question of Carter's Evan- gelism and the effect of his thinking on Jewish voters, and he made this comment: Most northern Jews and Christians have no personal experience with evangelical Christians and base their perceptions on historical and lit- erary images, which are overwhelmingly nega- tive. Historically, evangelical Christianity dom- inated American nationalism for the -first 100 years of our country. In that "evangelical em- - pire," as Dr. Martin Marty called it, in order to be regarded as a patriotic American, you had to be an evangelical Christian. Neither Catholics, Jews, nor dissenting Protestaiits were allowed to vote or hold public office. So one of the unanswered "Yankee ques- tions" is whether a President Jimmy - Carter would help resurrect a mentality of second-class political status for non-evangelicals. But what most northerners do not understand is that there is today a pluralism of theologies as well as social visions among evangelicals as there is among Catholics and Jews. The traditions of religious liberty in Amer- ica began after all with Roger Williams, a Bap- tist as is Jimmy Carter. And there are new evangelicals who are committed to social justice as passionately as any northerner. Rabbi Tanenbaum's admonition was for people not to judge the forthcoming election on the basis of prejudice, theologies and stereotypes. The emerging questions of Evangelism, Carter the Bap- tist, prayer in the schools, interested many people. It eli- cited comments and support of Carter's role by many of his friends. Thus, Morris B. Abram, prominent New York lawyer, a native Georgian, a loyal Southerner, a former president of the American Jewish Committee, who was chairman of the Moreland Act Commission on Nursing Homes in New York, wrote a piece on Carter and the Baptists on the Op-Ed page of the New York Times and saw fit to include this reference to Carter and his association with Jews: Governor Carter told me that he was ac- quainted with very few members of the Jewish community outside Georgia and he 'asked if I would help him meet others. I said of course, and I did so without hesitation because I knew a good deal about Governor Carter's record. For example, he had appointed a Jewish friend of mine from Ocilla, nine miles from Fitzgerald, as the chairman of the Board of Regents of the uni- versity system of Georgia. This action was par- ticularly significant to me because I had once wanted to serve on that board but under pre- vious governors I never had a ghost of a chance. I do not claim that Jimmy Carter knows all the nuances of American pluralism. But on his record, and knowing him, I believe he wants to learn. Nothing that has happned in the months of his Presidential campaign has changed my mind. The entire Carter episode in American politics is devel- oping into an interesting experience. The Georgian's advo- cacy of justice for Israel, his religious candor, his smile and his courage in having undertaken a campaign against some of the best known names in American politics combine to Make the new political chapter a very interesting one for all Americans. Adolph Rosenberg, the popular and able editor of the - Southern Israelite of Atlanta, boasts a long friendship with `Jews in Russia' Highlights Pre-Revolutionary History By ALLEN A. WARSEN Numerous books were written on the history of the Jews of pre-Revolutionary Russia. Foremost are S. M. Dubnow's "History of the Jews in Russia and Poland," J. Gessen's "The History of the Jewish People in Rus- sia," and S. M. Ginsburg's "Historische Werk." (This work is particularly valua- ble because the author, a recognized Russian-Jewish historian, spent thirteen years in the government archives studying original documents made available to scholars after the Revolu- tion of 1917.) A recent addition to this vast library is Louis Green- berg's two-volume history "The Jews in Russia," subti- tled "The Struggle for Emancipation," published by Schocken Books. It cov- ers the period 1772-1917 and includes the story of the Khazars who ruled the ter- ritory extending from the Sea of Azov to the Volga be- tween the Seventh and Tenth Centuries. A considerable portion of the book is devoted to the history and philosophy of the Haskala (Jewish En- lightenment) movement whose origin historians trace to French Enlighten- ment and Positivism. The French Positivists believed, "The first and essential condition of the good life on earth is the freeing of men's minds from the bonds of igno- rance." Similarly, the leaders of the Haskala were confident that the establishment of a system of schools for Jewish children of both sexes whose curriculum would include Jewish and secular subjects would rid the Jewish masses of superstitions and igno- rance. The Maskilim were in fa- vor of founding theological seminaries for training competent preachers and teachers. They faced, however, the hostility of the traditional- ists and the Hassidim who accused them of being her- etics ("apikorsim"). . But the real deterrents that thwarted the Haskala's progress were - the policies of Czars Alexander I and Ni- cholas I. For instance, the education statute of 1844 which provided for the es- tablishment of elementary schools and seminaries to train rabbis and teachers also provided that their di- rectors be Christians. The statute also con- tained a secret clause that stipulated, "The purpose of educating the Jews is to bring about their gradual merging with the Chris- tian nationalities, and to uproot those superstitions and harmful prejudices - By Philip Slomovitz The Political Scene and the Glory of Georgians Who Adore A New Star on the National Horizon . . . Anniversary of Brandeis University and Recollection of Two Pioneering Presidents which are instilled by the teachings of the Talmud.", The memorandum sub- mitted by the minister of the interior to Nicholas I said "that in a secret Jewish book called Rambam, it is ordained that Jews must steal Christian children, murder them and drink their blood." Despite czarist bigotry and anti-Semitism, Russian Jews made important con- tributions to their country's civilization. Baron Evzel Gunsburg (1812-1878) estab- lished the first private bank- ing institution in Russia. Samuel _ Poliakov (1836-1888), the "Railroad King," built several rail- roads and established the first railroad schbol. Albert Harkavy (1835-1919) con- tributed to early Russian history, an,d in 1875 "created a sensation in the world of Semitics when he exposed as forgeries some of the Biblical manuscripts the Biblical library had bought." Interesting are the book's sections on the Jewish Socialist and Zion- ist movements in Russia. Louis Greenberg's "The Jews in Russia" is a schol- arly, well-documented and comprehensive social his- tory of Russian Jewry under czarism. Carter. Georgians speak of unanimity in Jewish ranks in professing admiration for the man who is certain to give good battle to Gerald Ford, if the latter, as expected, is nominated by the Republicans. In deciding on preferences at the polls, the first Tues- day in November, the voter will at least be fortified by rec- ommendations that assert that a Baptist can be as trus- tworthy in 1976 as a Catholic was in 1960. This factual report sums up several questions: Will voters ask whether Ford and Carter equate, and how will the more conservative judge Reagan, the most ex- treme conservative? Is the 1976 presidential election threatened with cyni- _cism? Is there the danger that many will say: what's the use? What's the choice? What's the difference in candi- dates? Why waste the vote? The latter is the challenge of the year. Four months are left to study the controversies, the candidates, the ultima- cies. The duty for the voter is clear: he has a lot of home- work to do before casting his ball& in November. * * * Brandeis U. Anniversary The 25th anniversary exercises of Brandeis University were an occasion last month to review important historical developments relationg to the struggle for academic free- dom and rejection of the numerous clausus that affected Jews for many decades. Brandeis University symbolized the struggle to assure educational -opportunities for students and teaching rights for Jews aspiring to faculty positions. In the main these aspirations were attained, with Brandeis University as a medium for such libertarian ideals. In the process the result was even greater. Brandeis University has become a leader in obtaining just -rights for blacks as well as whites. It may, therefore, be rightfully judged as the medium for justice in the highest ranks of learning and teaching. The Brandeis University's anniversary of graduations has earned its high role among American colleges. It is an occasion to recall the pioneering efforts of Dr. Israel Gold- stein, the school's first president; the eminent Abram L. Sachar, whose presidential role gained for him top status in cultural spheres, and their successors and associates who helped give high status to what has become a great univer- sity. Anti-Semitism's Numerous Forms Provide Ironies and Little Humor I don't know if anyone has written of the humorous Joe was telling of his angle of anti-Semitism, but bright son. Someone asked even in Shakespeare's the young fellow about anti- "Merchant of Venice" his Semitism. He replied, "I picture of Shylock insisting have an Aunt Hannah and on a pound of flesh is really an Aunt Sarah but I have no funny when you think about it. What in the world would Aunty Semitism." Funny. Sometimes I a staunch Jew, as Shake- think anti-Semitism, tragic speare depicts Shylock, though it is, has its funny want with a pound of flesh side too. Think of this that is not kosher? Maybe if (Spiro) Agnew fellow. Shylock wanted a pound of Thrown out of office, barely gefilte fish or some matzo escaping jail, he comes out ball soup, we could under- now with a book charging stand. They tell a story about that the Zionist media con- Oscar Straus, a member of trols America. What could be more a very prominent Jewish funny? To be sure, we can family in America at the understand the purpose. He turn of the century. Straus tries to divert attention was Ambassador to Tur- from his own sins by throw- key and later a member, if ing mud at others. Also, the I recall correctly, of Theo- media helped to expose him, dore Roosevelt's Cabinet. so calling it Zionist will One time he decided to lessen the impact of the case take a little vacation at against him. Nowadays, of opv.of those swank resorts course, one doesn't say anti- *filch did not accept Jews. Semitism. It is more in the It was in the days before spirit of the times and helps the automobile and he the Arabs to say anti-Zion- went there on his horse. The resort managers were ist. Basically there is the in a dither. They did not same technique as in the admit Jews, but they feared Dreyfus case. The Jew it would create a stench if Dreyfus was charged with they turned out a man with selling out French military so much prestige. They de- secrets, but at the end of cided to admit him but to the case it was found that discourage any return visits, Dreyfus was innocent but they doubled the charge. that the people behind his When Straus saw the bill, prosecution had sold out he said, "I see you charge the military secrets. me double the rate of oth- By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) - ers. I can understand that, but why do you make the double charge for my horse? He isn't Jewish." Almost every kind of ac- cusation has been levelled against Jews, but the favor- ite, I suppose, is that Jews love money and are trying to bilk everyone. In that connection, I am reminded of the case of a brother of mine who was a lawyer and had a non- Jewish partner. When the case- was won, my brother proposed a fee, but his partner proposed a higher fee which the client paid. In the 'words of Shake- speare, said my brother to his partner, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a • Christian." And speaking of crazy charges, in my early days as a newspaper reporter, I en- countered a fantastic one. Going to interview the art- ist, Joseph Pennell, I found that his pique against the Jews was that they hatt - sense for art. There wer‘, great painters among Jews, he said. I knew very little about painting in those days, but this I do know to- day, that while Pennell is al- most completely forgotten, Modigliani, Pissarro, Sou- tain and Chagall, and other Jews who were his contem- poraries will not be so quickly forgotten.