2 May 28, 1976 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Recapitulation of General Smuts' Dedicated Labors for Zionism Which Earned for Him the Naming of Johannesburg Airport and the Ramat Yohanan Settlement in Eretz Israel in 1935 By Philip Slomovitz A Chapter in South African Zionist History: The Jan Smuts Story JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, at the Jan Smuts In: ternational Airport — Arrival here with the Pan-Am study mission commences with an opportunity to reconstruct an important chapter in Zionist history. This airport was named in tribute to Jan Christian Smuts, a one-time Boer leader who later became South African Premier, who was an architect of the Balfour Declaration and one of the ear- liers Christian supporters of Zionism and a most consistent defender of the Jewish libertarian ideal. A personal reminiscence deserves a spot in this recapi- tulation of a chapter in world Jewish history relating to Field Marshal Smuts. He was a leader among the demo- cratic forces who were re- sponsible for the formation of the United Nations. At the historic conference in San Francisco in May of 1946. The great hope for peace was then centered in what was origi- nally referred to as UNO — United Nations Organization. General Smuts addressed one of the sessions attended by this reporter. A group of us were deeply concerned with the status of the Jewish Na- tional Home, with what was then Palestine, with the Zion- ist hopes. We confronted him with a question regarding the status of our movement. He wore his traditional red cap and carried the short cane for which he became famous. He GEN. JAN SMUTS then replied abruptly. He would not commit himself but followed the same line as Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg and the British and French leaders. The gist of his curt reply was that we must abide by time. Certainly, he could not speak for the UNO and for the Western European and American leaders. Among the latter were many, like Edward Stettinius, who did not even hide their antagonism to Zionism and the Jewish hopes for na- tional redemption. Nevertheless, he remained a strong sup- porter of the Zionist ideal. The Smuts saga began a long time ago, before Balfour, and it retained its honor during the peace conference after World War I, through the years of trials and tribulations and on the eve of Israel's rebirth as a sovereign Jewish state. Let it be noted at the outset that the Jewish pioneers knew how to honor his name. When a settlement was about to be established in 1935, his name was chosen for it. Ra- mat Yohanan remains the imperishable Jewish tribute to Jan Christian Smuts. The establishment of Ramat Yohanan in the Emek Ze- bulun area in May of 1935, and the naming of the new set- tlement in tribute to the South African leader was an occa- sion for special ceremonies in Pretoria on July 8, 1935. At the Palace of Justice in Pretoria, L. Braudo, a one-time, president of the South African Zionist Federation, made the presentation to General Smuts of the Scroll of Dedica- tion of Ramat Yohanan Smuts. The scroll was signed at the inauguration ceremony on May 15, 1935, in the presence of the then president of the World Zionist Organization, the late Nahum Sokolow. Mr. Braudo, presenting the scroll which was in Hebrew and English, stated in part: The new settlement is situated in that historic region of Kfar Usha where in former years the Jewish Sanhedrin enjoyed autonomous powers. On this area of 2,500 dunams which have been as- signed for this purpose by the Jewish National Fund, forty families are already in occupation. They are still housed in barracks; but from the funds supplied by the contributions of South Afri- can Jews to the Keren Hayesod in the campaign of last year which you, together with Mr. Sokolow, the President of our organization, personally inau- gurated, we hope that, within the next six or nine months, these and many further families of settlers will be housed in more adequate buildings, and will develop as the other settlers in the neighbor- hood have done. I should like, in conclusion, to quote to you a few words of our veteran leader, Mr. Ussishkin, the head of the Jewish National Fund, in the course of his speech at the dedication ceremony: `We are glad to have in Palestine the beautiful and lasting monuments of the fathers of the Bal- four Declaration — Lord Balfour, Mr. Lloyd George, and General the Right Hon. Jan Smuts.' Ramat Yohanan, which developed into one of the very important kibutzim in Israel, has a special interest for De- troiters. Meyer Harrison and several other Detroiters were among its pioneer settlers. For General Smuts the recogni- tion given him by the use of his name for a developing Pales- tinian settlement was among the highlights in his career as a statesman. From 1919 — and even earlier — through his entire career, General Smuts propagated Zionism and defended the ideal against all odds. Example: On Nov. 1, 1941, he delivered a powerful ad- dress glorifying the Balfour Declaration. He gave this em- phasis to the Declaration's importance in that widely quoted speech: The Balfour Declaration was not a mere acci- dent, a mere eccentricity of the Great War, but in its large historic setting and in its solemn legal form is one of the greatest acts of history. To the oppressed Jews it opened up the fulfillment of the visions which their poets had embodies in immor- tal language. Think of that poignant Psalm of ex- ile: "If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem, may my right hand forget her cunning." Think of that still more moving Psalm of return: "When the Lord turned again to the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream." The promise of a National Home — the Pales- tine Mandate — seemed to be the answer to the prayers and the tears of a people who had suffered as no other, who for long ages had become the scapegoat of history. In November of 1942, Smuts addressed both houses of Parliament in London and again it was occasion for him to reiterate his support of the Zionist principles. It was an oc- casion to review his deep interest in the Bible and in Old Testament teachings. A writer in a London paper then quoted his views, thus: "The older I get," he said, "the more of a He- braist I become. They knew God, those old Jews. They understood the needs of the soul. There is no literature like the Psalms. Then comes Isaiah. I put the Bible above Shakespeare, who has to me the deficiency of being without religion." His constant admonitions to the Jewish people were: "Do not despair" and "Stick to your course," and his consist- ent adherence to the Balfour Declaration pledge. In April of 1946 he made this statement to the Anglo-American Com- mittee of Inquiry on Palestine which was formed by the United Nations to study the Palestinian problem. The in- Israel Showing Concern Over Her Ecology By DAVID FRIEDMAN (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) NEW YORK — For the first 25 years of the exist- ence of Israel its leaders were busy with the develop- ment of the Jewish state and gave no thought to the problems of the environ- ment. As a result, according to Yosef Tamir, a Likud member of the Knesset, all of Israel's rivers are filled with sewage and air pollu- tion has begun to appear in some cities. Tamir, who is chairman of the Knesset Committee on State Control and its subcommittee on the envi- ronment, said Israel does not have the money to clean up its polluted areas. But he said it is determined to pre- vent any further pollution from occuring. The Israeli legislator has been in the United States along with his wife, Naomi, for a month on behalf of the Jewish Na- tional Fund. Tamir said he first be- came involved with the JNF when officials of Keren Kayemet testified before his subcommittee on environ- ment two years ago. He said the KK is the one organiza- tion that has been doing the most to help improve Is- rael's environment through its reforestration program and its developing recrea- tional areas throughout Is- rael. He has long been inter- ested in the environment and founded the Commit- tee for the Beautification of Israel. He noted that Israel's older leaders know nothing about ecol- ogy and that former Pre- mier Goda Meir had once called him in to explain the meaning of the concept. This resulted in the im- proper planning of the cities with sewage being spilled into the rivers and the Medi- terranean, Tamir noted. But he said there is awareness now by the government and the people that a better en- vironment is needed to im- prove the quality of Israeli life. He said there are many pressure groups being formed to promote a better environment. One pollution problem is international, that of the Mediterranean. Any tourist who swims along Israel's beaches often finds his feet covered with tar. Tamir said this is caused by the some 400 oil tankers that cross the sea. Recently Tamir was a delegate to a conference of Mediterranean countries which was called to help protect the sea. He said at this conference the Arabs were willing to work with Israel on a common prob- lem. quiry was one of the steps that led to the partition and the eventual rebirth of the state of Israel. In that statement he declared: Now I am quite clear that the Declaration was meant to be a statement of long-range policy for the future. Of course, all human policies are sub- ject to change of circumstances, and to revision in the light of such change. But there is no doubt in my mind that the Declaration was meant to affect permanently the future course of events in Pales- tine, and was so conceived by those who took part in its formulation. It was no mere temperary expe- dient in view of some pressing and passing problem of the time. It was a policy for the future intended to shape that future. In that sense I have always understood the Declaration and repeatedly de- • Glared it to be the expression of a permanent policy to be carried out through the course of the yea In a statement to a deputation of South African Jews, in March of 1943, also in Pretoria, relating to the British White Paper which stymied Jewish immigration to Pales- tine, General Smuts strongly assailed the detrimental Bri- tish-Palestine policy. In the course of his statement he declared: The Jews must have a national home of their own where they could live out their own life with- out interference from anyone. This did not mean that the whole of Jewry would live in Palestine. There would always be a dispersal since the Jews were a universal people. Every people must have its focal point as its homeland. The Jewish problem was a world problem. The Jewish problem must be solved not only for the sake of the Jews, but for our own sakes. General Smuts had a moment of doubt. On the occasion of Dr. Chaim Weizmann's 70th birthday the South African leader despaired a bit. He then stated in his message to Dr. Weizmann: The greatest Jewish leader before him failed to enter the Promised Land and died on the moun- tains of Vision and Disappointment. This is a hard world, hardest for its greatest sons. But whether he sees the fulfillment of his vision or not, he him- self has been a vision and a revelation to all those who have known him intimately. He was worthy to be the leader of a great and just cause, and his figure will not be less, even if like Moses he does not himself see the full ripe fruit of his immense labors. His mark is made on time and will not be washed out. May this anniversary celebration be a refreshment to him in a very thir- sty time. All my warm good wishes to a true friend and a great man. His faith was soon restored and his Zionist fervor was re-affirmed in constant advocacy of the Jewish national ideal. This story merits narrating in the process of anticipat- ing some studies of the South African Jewish conditions. South African Jewry, numbering some 120,000, is among the most interesting of world Jewish communities. Jewish settlement in that land commenced at the beginning of the century. It was a Lithuanian Jewish migration and it is tra- ditionally asserted that the South African Jews are Lit- yaks. Their interest in Israel is immense. Many of the Is- raeli leaders are South African Jews. Their future, in view of Apartheid threats, may be somewhat precarious. Therefore the interest in that com- munity grows in scope and is especially challenging on a visit to that fascinating land. Tots Fill JNF Blue Boxe Little children, 3-4 years old, attending United He- brew School nursery classes at Temple Emanu-El are following the tradition of their parents and grandpar- ents. Every Friday before the blessing of the candles, the children put coins into the Jewish National Fund Blue Boxes, following a custom begun 75 years ago when the Blue Boxes were insti- tuted and became the univ- ersal symbol of land re- demption. Twice a year the tots par- ticipate in the clearing of the Blue Boxes. On Tu b'Shevat, the nursery school pupils are bused to the JNF office to turn in the coins they have saved and ge tificates attesting to their planting of trees through JNF in Israel. GABRIELLE FLEISCHER •