THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Political Tactics 1 ) WASHINGTON (ZINS) — Political observers point out that only a few years ago, the word "peace" was taboo among Arab leaders. Israel, on the other hand, was always giving voice to its yearning for peace. But now there is hardly an Arab leader — with the possible exception of the intractable terrorist figures — who does not speak of "peace". As paradoxical as it may seem, however, say the ex- perts, the new Arab tactic has succeeded in convincing the world that the peace ini- tiative is now in the Arab camp. Speer's Book on Spandau a Diary of Incarceration BY JACK SIEGEL (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) SEICA101LIER. KAPLAN and Co. Albert Speer, former minister of armaments for Hitler's Third Reich, has written the second install- ment of his "Al Het." It's called "Spandau" and is a relentless detailing year by year of his 20-year impris- onment after the Nurem- berg trials. (The Book is published by Macmillan.) He was not alone during this time. He shared impris- onment with such former colleagues as Baron Von Neurath, Wilhelm Funk, Rudolph Hess, Baldur Von Schirach, Admirals Doenitz and Raeder, the pretty boys of the Hitler regime. While they were impris- oned, they received special treatment, special in the sense they had the run of the jail and there were no other common criminals with them. They could be to- gether, if they wished, or they could be alone and sep- arate from one another. Their personal relation- ships are outlined in this IMPORTER AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS JOE MILLER SAVE! SAVE. BUY DIRECT FROM THE I M PORTER 30555 Southfield, Suite 100 645-9200 and HIS ORCHESTRA Music For All Occasions LI 5-1244 WZFOT HT6Wo isessiirmsmtmes/ wi th ihtfa' otesewoftk cifrwx.) cup a, coffee attdd . "Call-A-Maid" 5574008 ... aim/ /et someone eke do the stark TRANSPORTATION INCL. °Trained 11111 o Bonded 11111111111 0 Insured 11111111111\ \*:;. HONEYMOONING*** large book and the charac- ters of the other inmates come clear. They share one large characteristic and that is they seem to be imprisoned by an intangi- ble, the failure of Hitler. Speer himself is an ad- junct case. He recognized Nazism was doomed and he staked out his self-preserva- tion. He admitted guilt and so stated at Nuremberg. He began his disaffection in sufficient time to be accept- able as a proper penitent. But he reflects doubts about this position; he reflects doubts about his adherence to Hitler, wondering what it was which initially at- tracted him. But apparently there was something which did, because Speer was an "Alter Kaempfer," old fighter, having joined the NSDAP in 1931, when there Federal Unit Bars Hasidic JeW for Refusal to Shave His Beard BY BEN GALLOB (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) A New York Hasidic Jew, believed to be the only one ever .to join the Federal Protective Service, a special U.S. unit which provides security personnel for fed- eral facilities, is fighting to get back his FPS job which he lost for refusing to shave off his beard. A complaint was filed on his behalf with the Equal Employment Opportunity Office of the federal Gen- eral Services Administra- tion by the National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs. Sidney Kwestle, COLPA president, said the complaint is the essential first step leading to a court proceeding if the issue cannot be settled at the administrative level. At issue is the validity, as applied to the Lubavitcher Hasid, a man of about 30, of an FPS employment regula- tion which provides that "the face will be clean shaven except for a mus- tache, if desired." In accordance with FPS regulations, the Hasidic Jew was named to the FPS after scoring 100 in the required examination and was assigned to armed guard_ duty at the federal building in lower Manhat- tan in April 1975. He was given a reprimand for wearing a beard and brought a letter from his rabbi testifying to the reli- gious requirement for the beard. r is memorable - Call 879-2100 for a free color folder was no compulsion to do so. In review, one can under- stand that Hitler, or Naz- ism, expressed Speer's so- cietal position, as a member of the middle class, and an architect with ambitions closely tied in with prevail- ing bourgeois cultural atti- tudes. His objections to and distance from the Bauhaus or other innovator archi- tects stamped him as a reac- tionary. He admits here and there the fascincation Hitler held for him and his con- tempt is only retroactive. But he is a man of steel who, just as he figured out his physical salvation, implements it in jail. He works up a program of education and reading, he figures out a world tour by measuring the distances he walks in the jailyard. This he does with the help After he had served in Manhattan for about five months, he was scheduled, under FPS rules, to report to a FPS base in Marietta, Ga., for additional training over a six-week period. When his file arrived in Marietta, containing infor- mation on his beard, the base commanding officer rejected a request for a waiver on the beard. An application for a waiver was then made to the FPS office in Washington, and again refused. He was given the option of shaving off the beard or quitting as a guard. However, he was assigned to a typing-clerical job at the same pay but rejected it on grounds that he was un- likely to gain advancement on that job and because he wanted to be a guard. While awaiting the out- come of the complaint ac- tion, the Hasidic Jew has taken a job as an investiga- tor with the New York City Health and Hospitals Corp. BB Lodge Helps Los Angeles Aged LOS ANGELES (JTA) — More than 500 residents of the Pico-Robertson section of Los Angeles, an area of some 60,000 Jews most of them elderly and poor, come each month to a store-front senior citizens center set up two years ago by a Bnai Brith lodge. Almost half of them are making their first visit, ac- cording to Peter Getzhoff, president of the Beverly Hills lodge. The lodge de- cided to set up the center for the Pico-Robertson Jews, of whom 20 percent have an- nual incomes of less than $2,000, because the munici- pal and private social service agencies they need are scat- tered throughout sprawling Los Angeles and Pico-Rob- ertson residents either did not know about them or had trouble getting to them. of Hess who turns out to be the most interesting char- acter of them all and hardly crazy or if so, crazy as a fox. As Hitler's architect, Speer was also Hitler's re- fuge from the world of poli- tics and mass murder into aesthetic considerations of how to build and rebuild Germany. As Hitler's min- ister of armaments, he exe- cuted Hitler's real side. Hess is the only major Nazi still in prison. May 21, 1976 31 Caricatures for your party By SAM FIELD Call 399-1320 Sat* Ibittaust Is Proud to Announce U r U r U r He Is Now With The Harvard Row Barber Salon 21704 W. Eleven Mile at Lahser Rd. Southfield For more information and appointments call 357-0234 r- t OPEN SUNDAY NOON TIL 4 OAK PARK Our Collection Has It All for dinner or day time wear .. . from $29 to $128 Less 20% of course sizes 6 to 16 daily till 5 Sat till 6 Sun 12-4 CORNER COOLIDGE AT NINE MILE A & P CENTER DAILY to 5 FINE FURS In Our Modern FUR STORAGE .VAULTS Safe—Scientific—Temperature Controlled- Fur-Life Cleaning Repairing and Remodeling Designers of Fine Furs HARVARD ROW CENTER 21742 W. 11 Mile Road, Southfield