THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS May 21, 1976 23 New Face on the Problems of Intermarriage `Ecumenical' Weddings in New York NEW YORK — The chapel at the United Na- tions Church Center has in- creasingly become a place for inter-faith marriages in New York. According to a recent New York Times ar- ticle by Shawn Kennedy, more than 60 percent of the more than 400 hundred marriages performed there annually are between men and women of different faiths. According to Rev. Melvin Hawthorne, chaplain at the UN Church Center, "The chapel offers a neutral set- ting. Some couples find they can't be married in church, in a temple or synagogue be- cause their religions don't recognize or permit mar- riages outside the faith there, and come here." "And often," he contin- ued, "they don't want just a civil ceremony or there is family pressure for the marriage to be some type of religious ceremony or serv- ice." Though the Church Cen- ter, built in 1965 by the United Methodist Church, serves as headquarters for various religions that have "official observer" status at the United Nations, the affililation between it and the United Nations is more spiritual than official. And even though it is called the UN Chapel, it is not part Ecuadorians Learn of Israel History, Zionism From Envoy BY JIM REIBEL (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) QUITO — On April 12, the second day of the Catho- lic holy week that falls be- tween Palm Sunday and Easter, the Women's Club of the International YMCA sponsored a discussion and series of films on the Holy Land. The meeting, at- tended by more than 100 people, was held at the Evangelist Lutheran Church and featured Itzhak Sheffi, Israeli Ambassador to Ecuador, as the keynote speaker. Sheffi opened his remarks by explaining that, "ac- cording to an "old proverb, Israel is the center of the world and Jerusalem is the center of Israel." The am- bassador's free ranging dis- cussion was the latest at- tempt on the embassy's part to take the story of Israel's history and culture to the Ecuadorian people. Just the day before he presented an 18-volume set of the Encyclopaedia Ju- daica to Dr. Armando Pe- santes, chancellor of the Ministry of Foreign Rela- tions, who accepted the gift on behalf of the Ecuadorian government. The presenta- tion fulfilled one of the con- ditions of the recent cul- tural and • scientific exchange program signed between the two countries in February of this year. Sheffi's verbal tour be- gan with a quick summary of Jewish history and led into an explanation of Zionism. He said that, "Zionism began with the birth of our people and cul- minated in the establish- ment of the state of Israel in 1948. It (Zionism) was a movement of dispossessed masses, a positive move- ment . . . that was and is the defense of our people's culture and history." The talk turned to the kibutz system, which was described as a voluntary cooperative form of commu- nity where everything de- pends on its members. • The audience asked many questions ranging from how does a student arrange to study in Israel to what limi- tations does the government place on Jewish immigra- tion. Sheffi's answer to the last question was greeted with much favorable com- ment when he said, "The first law passed in 1948 was The Law of Return.' We say any Jew who comes to Israel returns home to his country because his leaving was in- voluntary." of the United Nations com- ernoon ceremony, for exam- plex. ple, between a Catholic and Marriages between Ro- a Jew, a priest and cantor man Catholics and Jews are officiated in the service that the most common, Dr. Haw- included the blessing of the thorne said, followed by rings, a Roman Catholic marriages between Jews tradition, and ended with and Protestants, Catholics the traditional wine cere- and Protestants and finally mony of the Jewish faith. marriages between Chris- Scripture readings from the tians or Jews and members priest, the Rev. John Porter, of various Eastern religions. were intertwined with an Dr. Hawthorne considers invocation by the cantor in the unions between Jews Hebrew. and members of Islamic Such marriage ceremo- faiths to be "among the nies are no longer forbidden most sensitive performed by the Catholic Church, but here." the joint ceremony would While marriages of any not be recognized by the sort were not part of the Jewish faith. The cantor chapel's original function, had agreed to co-officiate interfaith marriages have because, he "believes" in become somewhat of a spe- such marriages. "This type of service is not cialty. Interfaith couples, desperately searching for a allowed in even reform syn- place in the city to be mar- agogues," said the cantor, ried, kept coming to the who did not want to be iden- chaplain for help and even- tified. "But I personally do tually the "special" services not feel that they are wrong. were added to his regular I believe they are a trend that can't be reversed or ig- duties. nored." Besides the ceremony it- self, which can cost $125 to $175, depending on when it Hadassah Hospital is performed, Dr. Haw- to Have Dedication thorne offers premarriage NEW YORK (JTA) — counseling. "There have been a lot of Visitors from the United tears shed at this table," Dr. States and Europe are ex- Hathorne said the other pected in Jerusalem June day. "Very often, by the 12-28 for a two-week double - time a couple comes to us to dedication conference of the be married, they have run Daniel and Florence Gug- into snags elsewhere. There genheim Rehabilitation are family tensions or prob- Pavilion at Hadassah Hospi- lems with their religions. tal on Mt. Scopus and the We try to iron out these Siegfried and Irma Ullman Building for Cancer and Al- difficulties." "We don't run a conveni- lied Diseases at the Had- ence service here," he con- assah-Hebrew University tinued, defending the three- Medical Center at Ein Ka- month waiting period and rem, it was announced by counseling sessions. "There Hadassah President Rose E. are no package deals or Matzkin. Faye L. Schenk, chairman quickie marriages. In fact we do turn down couples of the Hadassah Medical Or- who seem too anxious." ganization, said that The chapel has a pool of "Hadassah decided to allo- clergy — Catholic priests, cate the entire eastern wing rabbis, cantors, Hindu pun- of the revived hospital on dits, Islamic sheiks — who Mt. Scopus to the Guggen- will perform interfaith serv- heim Rehabilitation Pavi- ices, though many religions olion, with 49 beds for inpa- do not allow them. tients, 12 beds for intensive The services are reli- care, a gymnasium, a thera- gious and the liturgy of peutic pool, 'quiet' work- both religions is combined; rooms, 'noisy' workrooms, often clergymen from two treatment rooms with the religions join to take part most sophisticated ultra- in the same service. sonic and short-wave treat- In a recent Saturday aft- ment and electrotherapy." oar ROGER PENSKE CHEVROLET IS The All American Winner At Saving You Money STOP IN AND SEE WHY TODAY OPEN MON. AND THURS. TILL 9:00 CHEVROLET SERVICE SUPREMACY DEALER OGER PENSKE cnEvreokr.r, 28111 TELEGRAPH ROAD opposite Tel-I2 Mall 355-1000 a 0 ■ u • Kam 13lItikiag and Cowytaidaiime DADDY Audi dove and 9