THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14 May 21, 1976 ZOA's Kfar Silver Compound Celebrates 20th Anniversary For Custom Drapery Cleaning, Call the participants in the mis- the home of the Kfar Silver gram was a reunion of Kfar and treasurer of the Jew- sion also attended a celebra- Agency, Leon Dulzin, ish Agricultural and Technical Silver graduates. tion of the United States Bi- Last Thursday partici- spoke on "Israel-Diaspora High Schools as well as the centennial at ZOA House in Relations." home of the Mollie Good- pants in the study mission In addition to briefings Tel Aviv. gathered at ZOA House in man Academic High School. The study mission was led the mayors of Tel Aviv DRAPERY CLEANERS It is also the base of the Tel Aviv to be briefed by with and Jerusalem and meet- by Dr. Joseph P. Sternstein, ZOA-MASADA Summer the Israel Minister of De- ings with leaders of the Lib- ZOA president, Milton Gold, fense, Shimon Peres, on Youth Programs. eral Party at the Knesset, chairman of the ZOA na- "All That The Name Implies" The opening convocation Israel's security situation. tional executive committee; on the campus was ad- The president of the World and Leon Ilutovich, ZOA Union of General Zionists Christian Clergy dressed by the Speaker of national executive director. - We Also Kissinger, Kin the Knesset Yisrael Yeshay- Wash & Finish to Study in Israel Drip Dry Curtaini Minister of Culture Israel's Boys Town Are Still Alive ahu, BACKGAMMON Professionally and Education, Aharon NEW YORK — Dr. Sid- The Jewish News incor- Yadlin, and Dr. Joseph P. Feted at Dinner beginner & strategy ney Hoenig, Jewish educa- WE DO ALL THE WORK rectly stated last week in Sternstein, president of the NEW YORK (JTA) — The tor and political scholar, is REMOVE AND INSTALL the story on Secretary of ZOA. Included in the pro- need for Israel to develop as heading a 14-day inter-reli- State Henry Kissinger's a Jewish State that com- gious study mission to Is- speech in Baltimore that Israel Accident aft. or eve. classes bines the law of the Torah rael, sponsored by the 891.1818 Kissinger's father had been and modern technology was American Zionist Federa- Suburban Can Colk. Kills 14, Injures 40 stressed at the 27th annual killed by the Nazis. tion. *verse Charges Kissinger had stated that The study mission con- TEL AVIV (JTA) — A dinner of Boys Town Jeru- his grandfather was killed truck carrying Lag b'Omer salem. sists of 22 Christian clergy- Trade Member by the Nazis. Kissinger's celebrants overturned on a Dr. David W. Weiss, men and scholars from American Society of parents, Orthodox Jews, are steep road Tuesday killing chairman of the department throughout the United Interior Designers still living. In all, Kissinger 14 and injuring 40 of the 58 of immunology at the Lau- States, who have been in- Backgammon (A.S.I.D.) lost 14 relatives in the Holo- persons aboard. The acci- tenberg Center for General vited to Israel to study the sets caust. dent occurred on a sharp and Tumor Immunology at important role of the Chris- downgrade leading to Tiber- the Hebrew University, told tian community in the de- 626-4643 the 1,000 persons attending veloping state of Israel. ti ias on the Sea of Galilee. The truck was one of four the dinner at the Americana Buy or Lease An that was taking about 200 Hotel that this is what Boys Ashdod residents to Miron Town Jerusalem accom- for Lag b'Omer festivities. plishes since it provides The victims were treated at both religious and secular TRUSTEE O.C.C. various hospitals in north- studies as well as special- ern Israel. Medical teams ized scientific and technol- VOTE JUNE 14 and blood plasma were ogical training. Boys Town Jerusalem, rushed to the area from Tel which conducted its first Aviv. The tragedy marred an classes in a refugee camp Follow The Tracks To otherwise joyous holiday for a handful of students, that sent thousands of Is- now is located on a modern raelis to the seashore and campus in the Bayit Vegan woodlands under warm, suburb of Jerusalem. The school has some 1,200 stu- I sunny skies. Lag b'Omer is tradition- dents, ages 12-20, enrolled ally a day of weddings and in junior and senior high ALL OUR hundreds were performed school as well as a College of OLDSMOBILES HAVE all over country Tuesday. Applied Engineering and a SAKS APPEAL The newlywed couples in- Technical Teachers College. I cluded Yuval Rabin son of / 35300 GRAND RIVER FARMINGTON HILLS Premier Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Plans Offices I I his bride, the former Eilat in Turkey, Iran 478-0500 I Sengor. PARIS (JTA) — The Turkish government has FIXTURES granted the PLO permission / DIAMOND IMPORTERS FOR to open a permanent bureau .in Ankara and enjoy a semi- SALE I IST diplomatic status, according to French press reports / from Turkey. The Turkish government I decision was taken on the / eve of the "Islamic Confer- ence" which held its seventh I session in Istanbul May 15. NEW YORK — A study mission of 150 members of the Zionist Organization of America were in Israel last week on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the ZOA Kfar Silver Educational Center. The Kfar Silver camptis is LESSONS 20% OFF OLDSMOBILE I DR. SHELDON ABRAMSON Immediate Delivery LAST WEEK EVERYTHING MUST GO 30%To70% OFF GOODBYE OAK PARK aum's • Drive your diamond out of the showroom and increase its value with the mileage! That's the marvelous thing about a beautiful piece of diamond jewelry. It keeps its worth. In fact, chances are its value will increase with age! We have a knowledgeable staff of diamond experts ready to assist you in purchasing an exquisite gem. And if its ever needs remounting, polishing, or any other servicing, we've got all the facilities. Make us your one-stop diamond center and start enjoying a lifetime of beautiful wear at top trade-in value! 0 12. so' t. MAY SALE 1 /2 Carat Pear Shaped DIAMOND PENDANT BRAND NAMES Retailee of ttte crew' SALE $547 t422011-JFB Reg. $599 Compare Value to $975 SOUTHFIELD 27065 Greenfield Rd. 11 Mile & Greenfield MT. CLEMENS 37555 Gratiot Ave. 16 Mile & Gratiot The conference, at- tended by the representa- tives of 42 Moslem coun- tries, unanimously adopted a resolution ex- pressing its support for the Palestinians and calling on Israel "to withdraw to its 1948 borders." This is the first time in recent years that an interna- tional conference spoke about the partition fron- tiers. On the conference's open- ing day, May 15, the Iranian government announced that it, too, has granted the PLO permission to operate a bu- reau in Teheran. Israel and Iran have had close and con- fident relations since the creation of the Jewish state. SI: ERES ASeiS lard,saa2 11111111MHABIIII ItPt. • I • • SUITS • SLACKS • SPORT COATS • ALL WEATHER COATS • LEISURE SUITS • SHIRTS & I I ACCESSORIES • PORTLEY AND • CADETS NEW & USED TUXEDOS AT BARGAIN PRICES • I I I I • I Walkathon Aids Ohio Jewish Fund I CLEVELAND (JTA) — More than 2,500 persons participated in the sixth annual walkathon to raise funds on behalf of the Jew- ish Welfare Fund Appeal. • I I PARK CLOTHING formerly Radom I COOLIDGE RD., OAK PARK I MON. & THUR. 10-9 DAILY 10-7 I I I OPEN THIS SUNDAY, MAY 23rd. 12 TO 5 P.M. 1 master charge MASTER CHARGE • BANKAMERICARD 111 —. VG=1:31