,aniumpimimpowompippornmpoinkupai,. . Boris Smolar's 'Between You • • • and Me' Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) JEWISH TAXES FOR UN: Jews in this country may not know that they contribute $12 million a year,to the up- keep of the United Nations and to its various programs. This little-known fact is now evident from a report just made public on the contributions which the United States made last year to the United Nations. The American contributions totaled $416 million. The report points' out that this sum amounts to about two dol- lars per capita — two dollars for each man, woman and child. Jews numbering close to 6,000,000 people in the United States are thus contributing — through federal taxes — the sum of about $12 million annually to the UN and its agencies. This is more than the participation in the UN budget of some of the countries which constantly vote against Israel. The United States carries a major part of the financial burden of the United Nations — last year its contribution reached more than 27 percent of the total contributions from all member states — yet its influence in the UN is conspicuously declining. More and more the UN General Assembly is being used as a form to vilify the U.S. More and more the American delegation must use its veto right at the Security Council to assert its stand. U.S. PROFILE ON PLO: The admission of the Pales- tine Liberation Organization to the session of the Security Council last month is considered a victory by the Arabs, but it served to reduce even lower the prestige of the United Nations among the American people. A poll conducted recently among the Americans in all spheres of life about their sentiments with regard- to the PLO established that more than 50 percent of the popula- tion in this country have heard of the PLO and that 73 per- cent of them consider the PLO a body of terrorists. More than 79 percent considered the PLO members as being anti- U.S.; 76 percent consider them "undemocratic"; 60 percent expressed the belief that "people will not be able to get along with them." Among the black population 79 percent consider them anti-U.S. A readjustment of the U.S. policy in the UN is now - especially demanded by a prestigious group of scholors pro- fessionally concerned with international affairs, former U.S. delegates to the UN and leaders of non-governmental organizations. The group has submitted its views to the State Department and to the Senate and the House Com- mittees on International Relations. The group also plans to meet with William Scranton, the new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. RECOMMENDATIONS ON UN: In its memoran- dum to the State Department, the new group is urging a "redefinition" of the U.S. relationship to the United Na- tions. It does not recommend total withdrawal from or non- participation in the UN system, but suggests that our gov- ernment participate selectively. It also recommends a policy of delaying payment of dues to UN agencies that persist on discriminatory or other improper actions. It cites UNES- CO's acts against Israel as one of such actions. The 15-page document enumerates a lot of grievances of general nature which have intensified American disen- chantment with the UN and its agencies. They include the extremist rhetoric over economic issues; the campaign to delegitimatize Israel by branding Zionism as racism and calling on states to desist from economic aid to Israel; the failure to deal with international terrorism; the vilifying of America from the UN forums; the votes against Guam bases and for Puerto Rican independence; and the seating of the PLO at the Security Council. Its recommendations chart a path which could contrib- ute much to preventing, or at least reducing, the gross abuses in the UN system which have been increasingly visi- ble during the last years. Mexico Friendly Despite Principle TEL • AVIV (ZINS) — Mexico, Arizona and Utah. "Mexico cannot alter its po- On principle, Mexico cannot 3ition with respect to the justify any seizure by force Palestinians; but Israel of the territory of others would be well advised to ig- even where the circumst- nore this point, because it ances are completely differ- will not affect the tradi- ent. tional friendly relations On the other hand, Mex- which exist between our two ico does not expect Israel to countries." This statement commit national suicide in was made by a ranking order to honor "Mexican Mexican minister during principles," said the anony- Israel Foreign Minister mous minister. Yiga,1 Allon's latest visit to Mexico. He who hath compassion According to this Mexican official, his country's his- on his fellow-men, will re- tory includes the U.S. sei- ceive compassion from God. —Talmud zure of California, New THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Hitler, Lindbergh Learned Prophecy's Not Profitable BY DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) A number of books have appeared lately about Charles A. Lindbergh, in- cluding the diaries of his wife, Anne Morrow. Christopher Columbus didn't get the ovation discov- ering America that Lind- bergh got when he crossed the ocean by air. Others had made the air trip, across the ocean before Lindbergh, but he was the first to do- a solo flight. It was a creditable feat for which he merits praise, but he did some things not so creditable. In World War II, he identified himself with the Nazis. His wife sor- rowfully admits that he was used by the Nazis, but says he personally had no anti- Semitic feelings. Whether he had or not, he helped the anti-Semite side. He as- sumed the role of a prophet warning Americans that they would not be able to successfully fight against the Nazis. Perhaps if he had stud- ied the Talmud, he would not have made the mis- take. There is a talmudic saying that since the destruction of the Temple, prophecy was left to fools. The papers report the death of Field Marshal Montgomery whose victory at El Alamein in the Egyp- tian desert proved Lind- bergh wrong and gave Hit- ler his first major setback. No one would have pro- phesized that the powerful Hitler would get a setback in this desert of all places. Somehow now it just seems the right place. It was not very far from the place where it was commanded: "Thou Shalt not murder," the crime in which Hitler excelled. The Jewish settlement in Israel — it was not yet a state — had a part in the victory. The Israeli Briga- dier Kisch of the Allied Engineering Corps ar- ranged for a network of pipes to bring water for the British troops. Thirst played an important part in- the waterless desert fighting. Many of the Ger- man troops are said to have gone mad drinking salt water. Hitler prophesied that the Nazi order which he intro- duced would last 1,000 years, but within a few years, it was done for. Moses is reckoned the greatest of the prophets, but he did not prophesize — not in the ordinary sense of that term. The Hebrew word Navi, prophet in Hebrew, means speaker. Egypt was full of fortune tellers, soothsayers of all kinds. The Mosaic code was stringently against them. Man can't do a good job even foretelling the weather a few hours ahead. We make too much of the evil Hitler. He was evil, of course, but above all, he was stupid in think- ing he could determine his- tory a 1,000 years ahead. It is important to make this distinction. The troubles of the world are due more to stupidity than evil and this idea that we can de- termine the big future ahead is one of the most stupid. One can't deter- mine the hour ahead. Life, Emerson wrote, is a series of surprises. We are talking of American inde- pendence. That was a sur- prise. A fellow, Tom Paine, is fired from his job in Eng- land, comes to America and % writes "Common Sense" and everyone begins to think of independence. America might have remained an- other Canada. "Every day," says the Midrash, "God creates the world anew," so who can foretell? Israeli Tourists Expected to Rise TEL AVIV (ZINS) — Bar- uch Lilo, deputy director of El Al Israel Airlines, esti- mated that the number of Israelis traveling abroad this year will increase de- spite regulations limiting foreign currency that an Israeli can take abroad to $450., and the heavy travel tax on airline tickets. Last year approximately 240,000 Israelis traveled abroad. The Ultimate in Recovery Of Convalescent Care . approved by: Joint Commission, Blue Cross Medicaid Skilled, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Complete Occupational Activities Physicians on 24 hr call, Special Diets . 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