.=MIPIMISIMINFAIMPRIIIMMIPPOW , April 2, 1976 5 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS IIE CAN FIT YOU! GOWNS '29 tos129 •.;, 1 FRUIT BASKETS NEW YORK (JTA) — The Committee for Rescue of Syrian Jewry has filed a complaint with the National News Council over the fol- low-up broadcast on Syrian Jewry on the CBS-TV "60 Minutes" program con- ducted by Mike Wallace. In a letter addressed to the council, Rabbi Joseph Harari, executive director of the Rescue Committee, said "We deplore the new CBS * * * , $13.95 Syria Jew Claims Discrimination End LONG, SHORT STYLES WEDDINGS BAR MITZVA0 3. r1 PARTIES SIZES 6 to 44 SHANDELS 154 SOUTH WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM MI 2-4150 Daily—Hospital Sympathy 3 Times Daily ,Nation-Wide DeliVery RODNICK- McINERNEY'S 779-4140 772-4350 It's SURWIN'S For Style and SAVINGS sot • t o, Ivo ' ( eIb L. LE Att M ogi Co 4 MARCH SA —WORTHWHILE SAVINGS- 2199 • • • • • • Single Breasted Double Breasted Polyester/Cotton Weather-Proofed Wanted Colors Sizes 10 to 18 Charge it at Surwin's Master Charge • American Express BonliAmericard • Surwins Own OPEN OPEN NIGHTS SUNDAY I PARIS (ZINS) — Salim Tatah, introduced by French radio as "head of the Jewish community in Syria" said in a Paris interview that he received an audience with Syrian President As- sad who told hirr. that in the very near future the author- ities will no longer require an individual's religion to be listed in a Syrian passport. Tatah further declared that the ban of emmigration from Syria applies to all cit- izens of that country with- out regard to their religion. The "spokesman" added that the Syrian President had given him assurances that in the very near future there will be do discrimina- tion between Jews and non- Jews in his country. • NORTHLAND and EASTLAND broadcast in which Mike Wallace has once again failed to portray the true picture of the sufferings of the 4,500 Jews forced to re- main in Syria." Harari con- tended that Wallace's fol- low-up showed "more concern" with defending the original broadcast on Syrian Jewry 13 months ago which was condemned by many Jewish organizations as a distortion of the facts. Harari wrote, "We are dismayed by Wallace's ada- mant refusal to retract his irresponsible statement that 'Jews are suspect in Syria as a possible fifth col- umn' even though President Hafez Assad admits that Syrian Jews are loyal citi- zens." He charged that Wallace "has even gone further this time by stating that 'most governments, even our own, would consider these people as potentially dangerous to the national security' " and by observing that " 'Jews are Jews and Israel's guns are only 40 miles away.' " OM E GA Electronic chronometer, water resistant offset crown, integral stainless steel bracelet. $175,00. Other Omega watches from $87.50 GEORGE OHRENSTEIN JEWELERS, LTD. Creative Jewelers, Diamonds Precious Stones Precision Time Pieces Harvard Row Hall 11 Mile Rd. 8 Lahser Southfield, Michigan 48076 Phone: 353-3146 7717"1". \ '"'s.f"xx•si' x r.' , ...... - • . Carey Approves Kashrut Ruling The requirement also applies to the use of "type" or "style" or any other expression used in conjunction with "Jewish" or "Hebrew." The law appli,s to non- kosher food sold at hotels and restaurants and any place where food is sold for consumption on or off the premises. The new law also extends the same protective require- ments for the use of the term "kosher" to the use of the term "Kosher for Pas- sover." **Stsrt • vism2forfevzs.scow.--ss-- ALBANY, N.Y. (JTA) — Governor Hugh L. Carey of New York last week signed into law a bill strengthening the kashrut laws in relation to the sale of non-kosher products bearing an inscrip- tion "Jewish" or "Hebrew" style or type. The new law restricts the sale of any non-kosher meat or meat preparation or food product which is labeled or advertised with the words "Jewish" or "Hebrew" un- less the word non-kosher is displayed. The words non- kosher must be displayed in English, the same size let- tering as the words Jewish or Hebrew. ri• SPECIAL PURCHASE! • • Group Scores Revised Syrian Show Anii‘10.36aga s- --x4sRk' ;4— - SHIFMAN'S Is LONG ON LEISURE! 38 Short to 56 Long Shifman's carries Michigan's largest collection of leisure looks to make sure we have the right style, size and color for you. Leisure Suits range from 38 to 46 Short; to 48 to 56 Long. Our prices are sure to be the right size, too: $85 to $165. Come in and try on a few. Use your Shifman's or other major credit card. shifmar& Olympic Security LINCOLN CENTER MONTREAL (JTA) — 16,000-member security force will be deployed at the Montreal Olympics opening July 17 to guard against a repetition of the 1972 Mun- ich tragedy by Arab terror- ists. Greenfield at 10'/2 Mile Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise organized the Reform Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations. ALSO EASTLAND CENTER AND THE LIVONIA, MACOMB AND BRIGHTON MALLS