18 . *at& 26, .1976 IHE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Allied Jewish Campaign Divisions Slate Events The proposal will amend Forum begins at 9:30 a.m. The program includes a Article VI Section 1 to read A brunch for workers and "Play for Jewish Living" fol- that the Division's nominat- contributors in the Social lowed by a group session ing committee shall consist Service Section of the Pro- fessional Division of the Al-. with Margaret Weiner, a su- of five members of the lied Jewish Campaign-Israel pervisor at the Jewish Fam- board and two members-at- , Emergency Fund will be ily Service and president- large. Currently the by-laws held 9:45 a.m. Sunday at the elect of the Michigan So- new Jewish Community ciety for Clinical Social state that the committee will consist of four board Center. Work. Speaking at that meeting The afternoon speaker members and three women will be Dr. Zvi Gitelman, as- will be Rabbi Joel E. from the membership-at- sociate professor of political Poupko, Bnai Brith Hillel large. Foundation director at the science at the University of Michigan. Gitelman, an ex- University of Michigan. pert on Soviet issues, will His topic will be "Lone- talk on the adjustments liness and Solitude: This needed by Soviet Jews emi- Moment in Jewish His- grating from the land of tory." MOSES SCHONFELD HOWARD STONE MILTON GOLDRATH There is a charge. For res- their birth and the corre- sponding adjustments on ervations, call the Women's Appeal and the newly- shenson, Lawrence S. Jack- Division office at Federa- the part of their new neigh- _Jewish Appeal through Leadership Develop- s ier, Emery Klein, Thomas I. tion, 965-3939. bors, whether Israelis or Detroit's Allied Jewish formed ment Committee of De- Klein, Henry P. Lee, Donna Campaign-Israel Emer- Meanwhile, a change in Americans. troit's Jewish Welfare Fed- Maddin, Edie Mittenthal, the by-laws of the Women's The Social Service meet- gency Fund. eration. Allan Nachman, Jane Sher- Donald Fox is chairman ing will be in the Aaron man, Donna Slatkin, Phillip Division will be proposed at DeRoy Studio Theatre of of the campaign section Robert latkin is chairing Stollman and Shelby the annual meeting `May 26, the Center. Alvin Kushner which includes all contribu- the evening's program com- according to Division presi- Tauber. will chair the meeting.tors in the pharmaceutical mittee. The film, "Let My- Arnold Faudman heads dent Shirley Harris. field. William Bobrin, Rob- People Go," will also be y At 6:30 p.m. Wednesda the new Leadership Devel- there will be a dinner at ert S. Dunsky, and Jerome shown. opment Committee of the Sobel are his co-chairmen. the new Center for Food IF YOUR CHILD IS * * Stone was the UJA na- Federation, and Michael W. Division members and Maddin is the regional tional young leadership Jewish Survival their wives. chairman for the UJA director from 1971-74, dur,- Program is Set Guest speaker that eve- Young Leadership Cabinet. ing which time he greatly ning will be journalist Howard Stone, overseas expanded and strength- For information, call Mi- Moses Schonfeld, a corre- operations director for the chael Berke at the Federa- the activities of the ened spondent at the United Na- United Jewish Appeal, will tion office, 965-3939. tions who has covered the be the main speaker at an UJA Young Leadership * * * AtSi*St GIVE A GIFT Cabinet. The Cabinet TO CHERISH FOR ALL TIME. Israeli warfronts and the evening program on Jewish Women's Division sponsors missions to Israel Send your 13 and 14 year olds on a Bat and Bar White House. survival 8:30 p.m. April 10 Spring Forum April 6 Thomas I. Klein is chair- in the Jewish Community and retreats which focus Mitzvah Pilgrimage to Israel for six weeks. ■ Pro- There are still luncheon on improving the quality man of the Food Division. Center. gram includes: Tour of Israel; stay at a children's reservations available for of Jewish life. His associate chairmen are camp; recreational, educational, and athletic ac- The program, to which the Spring Forum educa- Henry Dorfman, Harold community leaders have On Slatkin's committee tional program of the Wom- tivities. ■ The highlight of the program is a special Haas and Morris Fenkell. Bar Mitzvah Reception in the Old City of Jerusalem special event are Jer- been invited, is sponsored by for the- en's Division of the Jewish Professional Division the Young Leadership Cabi- ome Acker, Burton and Welfare Federation. . . . an event that your child will remember and chairman Dr. Milton H. net of the United Jewish Suzy Farbman, Joel D. Ger- cherish for all time. Forum is set for April 6 at Goldrath will be the speaker For turthor Information and an application write or call the new Jewish Community at a caucus brunch 9:45 a.m. Center. Chairman is Rob- WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION April 4 at the Jewish Com- Department of Education & Culture erta Stulberg. munity Center for members 515 Park Avenue, N.Y.C. 10022. Registration for the of the Division's Pharma- (212) 752-0600 ext. 386-387 * * * cists and Pharmaceutical Suppliers Section. speech, Jewish Welfare Fed- Harwood Studying (Continued from Page 1) Goldrath has just re- eration President Martin Israeli _Energy turned from the Detroit Wednesday evening Gen. Citrin stated that although Campaign Mission to Is- Rosolio said that Israel had Gen. Herzog was unable to Julius J. Harwood, direc- rael where he and 20 other never done anything in the be at the gathering, "we are tor of the Materials Science Detroiters, led by Dentists administered territories thankful he is at the UN Laboratory of Ford Motor Section chairman Dr. that wasn't for the benefit Co., is conducting a study of defending Israel." Murray A. Shekter, stud- of the entire population. He Israel's current research ied the needs of the hu- said it was the most ad- Campaign, General Chair- and development strategies manitarian programs fi- _ vanced, humane military man Dr. Leon Fill intro- in the field of energy. nanced by the United government the world has duced Gen. Rosolio, and The study was proposed ever known. "This we Campaign General Chair- by government agencies and Jewish Patients' know," he said, "and the Ar- man Merle Harris, along will include recommenda- abs know it too." with one of last year's gen- tions to national authorities Rights Printed eral chairmen, Arthur How- on Israel's entrance as a He said that no. matter NEW YORK — A "Jewish how Israel's enemies ard, introduced the division trading partner in the Euro- Patients' Bill of Rights" has change their slogans and chairmen who announced- pean Economic Community. been published by Agudath tactics, their aim was still SPECIAL GROUP the following pre-Campaign Harwood, who is now in Israel of America. The bro- the destruction of Isreal. totals: Jerusalem, is the newly- chure was prepared by Dr. But he said that Jews have Mercantile, $1,026,480; elected president of the Bernard Fryshman, chair- never been so strong in Services — Arts and American Institute of Min- man of the organization's their ing, Mettalurgical and Pe- history as they are t commission on legislation today, both in Israel and Crafts, $726,120; Indus- troleum Engineers (AIME), trial and Automotive, to inform- and civic action, $2,611,382; Real Estate a consultant to Michigan the religious Jewish patient the United States. Our meticulous attention to fine tailoring and su- Technological University Gen. Rosolio added that and Building Trades, and to Rensselaer Polytech- of his own rights, as well as perb fitting, coupled with unparalleled personal $2,115,157; Food, $907,000; to assist hospital adminis- Israel faces difficult times, service. Offers that little bit more that makes a nic Institute in New York. Professional, $2,611,117; trators in properly caring but "your devotion, your world of difference. Harwood, who will, chair faith, proves that we are Junior, $140,029; Metro- an AIME-organized White for such patients. BANKAmERican Among the _subjects coy- one. Do not lose faith in us," politan, $90,600; and Wom- House Conference on the en's, $1,802,334. ered in this publication are he said. "We will never fail tTE111 critical resource and en- kosher food, hospital emer- you." ergy issues in May, feels Federation executive vice 13641 W. 9 Mile, Oak Park gency admittance on a Sab- Unfortunately, his very that these issues have Just West of Coolidge president William Avrunin bath or Jewish festival, the definitive address in which "created a new geopoliti- LI 5-3558 observance of Jewish ritual he outlined Israel's determi- announced that $500,000 cal environment in which was pledged in the 24 hours and hospital procedures nation to follow a policy of Monday, Thursday, new modes of world inter- preceeding the dinner, ptising religious questions. humanism for all faiths and Friday 9 to 9 bringing the 1976 pre-Cam- dependence will be re- For a free copy, send a in fairly treating the Arabs paign total to $13,119,288. Tues., Wed., Sat. quired for the sensible al- stamped self-addressed en- ,, in all areas was lost on the 9 to 6:30 location of the world's velope to "Bill of Rights, audience because of the ac- That compares to $14,- resources for mutual ad- Opel, Sunday Agudath Israel of America, oustical faults in the mag- 751,000 for the same period vantage." 11 to 3 4:1 ST( ) 1 5 Beekman St., New York, nificent Jewish Center audi- last year, and Avrunin pre- Active in Federation, 4:1.41 . 11111.:11 N.Y. 10038. torium. Center officials are dicted that the 10,000 pros- Harwood is a past president planning to correct the error pects to be contacted in the of both Cong. Beth Shalom Louis D. Brandeis, a great and the Detroit Chapter of attorney, was the first Jew and ceiling now missing five-week Campaign will bring the total above the American Friends of Tech- may be installed. Su- chosen to sit on the nion. Prior to Gen. Rosolio's $17,000,000 mark. preme Court. BEANS LOVES TREBOR AGE 1976 AJC-IEF Opens With $13,1'19,288 Start PRE HOLIDAY SHOWING BRAND NEW MEWS FASHIONS IDEAL GIFTS FOR PASSOVER SUITS & SPORTCOATS 1/2 OFF Harry