6 Friday, March 12, 1976 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8 Across by Iry Brechner ACROSS 2. very famous violinist (2 wds) 6. one of the 10 plagues 8. a very bad shlecht child 9. famous Jewish baseball player's initials. known as "Hammerin . Hank . 10. male bridal party member or synagogue official maintaining order 12. initials of Czech-born German novelist who wrote •'The 13. Potok novel "My Name is Asher 14.initials of famous Jewish writer, author of "The Man" and "The Prize" 17. the land of milk and 19. Yugoslav social-cultural anthropologist, init. 20. means "by 21. Yiddish for '*mistress of the horn" . 25. abbreviation for book in which departure from Egypt occurs 26. "We - slaves in Egypt ... 27. I Were a Rich Man - - DOWN 1. festival of the harvest '2. means "son of 3. when prospective bridegroom is called to the Torah before wedding 4. Hebrew month 5. the Shofar is the horn of which animal 7. famous artist Saul 11. Sinai critical town Arish 15. Jewish part owner of the N.Y. Jets Sonny 16. Hebrew for "book" 18. burns eternal light 19. cast ballot to elect Knesset 21. in Hebrew, the word is "hayah" 22. weapon in Passover song 23. Social Work (abbr) 24. in Hebrew it's "hoo" Solution on Page 8 This puzzle may not be reproduced without the written permission of the author and The Jewish News. Arafat Denounces 'Peace Offering' WASHINGTON - Re- tortidn" containing "no ports were recently pub- truth whatsoever." lished of a so-called "peace The Arafat scheme sup- offer" made by Palestine posedly called upon Israel to Liberation Organization hand over the West Bank leader Yassir Arafat during and Gaza Strip to the UN. a meeting in Beirut with vis-‘, Afterwards, the PLO would iting Senator Adlai E. Ste- recognize Israel's right to venson, III. (D-I11.). exist. But only hours after the senator told newsmen of the U.S. Journalists plan, according to Near East Report, the PLO labeled on Israel Tour Stevenson's version of the NEW YORK - Thirty- discussion "a deliberate dis- four American writers, journalists, columnists, ra- dio-TV news directors, com- mentators, and program producers left Sunday on a 10-day visit to Israel to gain a first-hand picture of the THE LOST ART x mood of Israel's leaders and its population so as to X. OF TAILORING "assess the potentials of X Where? At Steve Petix, the moving ahead to a real peace home of the immaculate in the Middle East between fit in custom, tailored-to- measure or quality brand X Israel and her neighbors." clothing. X The announcement was Open 9-6 daily )‹ made by Mrs. Faye Schenk, (to 5:30 Sat.) 9-9 Thurs. & Fri. president of the American Arripte parking Zionist Federation, sponsor Credit cards accepted of this Communications Media Tour, which is the X 31455 SOUTHFIELD ROAD / 645-5560 Betwee 13 & . 14 Mile X seventh such annual media )09cX X XXXXXXXX, tour sponsored by the AZF. xxxxxxxxxxxxx .>< ' FOUND IN x X x DETROIT House OKs Lower Foreign Aid; No Funding for Interim Quarter WASHINGTON (JTA) - The House voted 229-139 last Friday for a $5.3 billion foreign aid appropriations bill which represents a sub- stantial reduction from its earlier authorization mea- sure. The House bill also eli- minated funding for the transitional quarter be- tween the end of fiscal 1976 on June 30 and the begin- ning of fiscal 1977 Oct. 1, thereby complying with the wishes of the Ford Adminis- tration. The House action was expected. Whether the tran- sitional quarter funding -authorized by both the House and Senate earlier at a level of 25 percent of this year's foreign aid totals - is revived depends largely on the action of the Senate Appropriations subcommit- tee on foreign aid. Under the authorization measure, Israel was ear- marked for an additional $556 million. The House appropriations bill assigns Israel $1.5 billion in mili- tary credits, up to half of which may be forgiven by the President, and $700 million in economic sup- port assistance, $55 mil- lion less than the House had authorized. The House unexpectedly approved, by a vote of 229-139 an amendment by Rep. Bill Alexander (D- Ark.) that would terminate aid to countries that are one year in arrears in payment of an undisputed debt to the United States. Alexander told the House that Israel is "current" and not among the 71 countries that would be affected by his amend- ment. However,- on the basis of information received from the House committee lead- ership, Israel is on the list of debtor countries prepared by the U.S. Agency for In- ternational Development as of June, 1975. The informa- tion, passed to Alexander, was taken to mean that Is- rael owes nothing in mili- tary purchase credits but may be indebted on other Israelis Develop Hashish Detector JERUSALEM (JTA) - Several foreign police forces have expressed interest in a hashish detection device de- veloped by two scientists at Ben Gurion University in Beersheba, Prof. Avinoam Livneh and Avital Schorr. The device,_ already used by the Israeli police force, consists of a plastic "dip tes- ter" with a small chemical- ly-impregnated sponge at its end. The sensitive chemi- cal compound reacts imme- diately to any traces - of hashish in body liquids such as saliva, urine or blood. vti, Nt itt obligations. A Congres- sional source said the Alex- ander Amendment would be killed in a Senate-House confel'ence. A move by Rep. David Obey (D-Wisc.) to cut $200 million from the $2.2 billion finally adopted for Israel was defeated by a vote of 342-33. Obey claimed the bill as it stood would "not in any way increase the likeli- hood of peace in the Middle East and will in fact dimin- ish it." He was supported by Rep. Clement Zablocki (D- Wisc.) who may be chair- man of the House Interna- tional Relations Committee in the- next Congress. Rep. Otto Passman (D- La.) who presented the appropriations bill to the House, noted that it con- tains $15 million to assist Israel to resettle refugees from the Soviet Union. Last _year Congress allo- cated $50 million for the purpose. Allocations to Egypt were cut by $55 million, bringing its aid ticket to $695 million. 'HOUSEHOLD SALES ESTATE LIQUIDATIONS APPRAISALS Syria was assigned $80 mil- lion, $10 million less than _ the Administration had re- quested. Jordan's economic aid was reduced to $72.5 million, a $5 million cut. However, Jordan was ear- marked for the full-amount of $75 million in military credits. let professionals han- dle your household and estate sales . I.G.S. ASSOCIATES 357-2218 SPITZER'S of Harvard Row Out Of Print-while supply lasts available at Spitzer's "WORLD OF OUR FATHERS" The journey of East European Jews to America and the life they found and made by Irving Howe Hebrew Book & Gift Center SPITZER'S 356-6080 Open All Day Sunday • PERFORMANCE • SERVICE • PRICE. Can we build one for you? EPA MILEAGE GUIDE TEST DATA Model/Engine/Transmission City MPG Highway MPG 18 18 30 26 250 L6/Manual Transmission 250 L6/Automatic Transmission' 17 18 25 23 260 VW/Marival Transmission 260 V8 '/Automatic Transmission' 16 16 25- 23 250 L6/Manual Transmission 250 L6/Automatic Transmission' 17 17 25 22 260 VW/Manual Transmission 260 VW/Automatic Transmission' 16 16 26 22 350 V8 '/Automatic Transmission' 15 21 14 17 STARFIRE 231 V6/Manual Transmission 231 V6/Automatic Transmission* OMEGA CUTLASS (Coupes & Sedans) DELTA 88 . 350 V8/Automatic Transmission NINETY-EIGHT 455 V8/Automatic Transmission TORONADO 455 V8/Automatic TransmissiOn 13 17 -. 12 17 Available al extra cost. Service Open: Mon & Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tues., Wed. & Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. BUY or LEASE WHERE PEOPLE STILL COME FIRST 28000 TELEGRAPH RD. • SOUTHFIELD • PHONE 354 3300 - OFFICE HOURS: MON.-THURS., 9 to 5, FRI., 9 to 4 OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 1 riTIT7 IMP f