THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 42 Friday, March 5, 1976 Convert Joins Zionist Ranks, Seeks to Make Home in Israel After the United Nations outrage, the vote equating :7Lionism with racism, ur- gent calls were issued for enrollment in the Zionist movement. Responding to the call to join the Zionist ranks, a con- vert wrote to the Zionist Organization of Detroit ask- ing if she would be accepted for citizenship in Israel. An inquiry by The Jewish News to the Consul General of Israel Dan Kyran in Chi- cago brought the following: "A convert to Judaism, no matter what rabbi per- formed the conversion, is entitled to immigrate to Is- Yiddish Concert Set at OP High The seventh annual Yid- dish concert, "Lebn Zol Co- ,iUmbus," sponsored by the Workmen's Circle and the Labor Zionist Alliance, will be held 7:45 p.m. March 14 BE HAIR FREE ELECTROLYSIS $7.50 1 /2 hr. Latest medically approved dermatology equipment used Mrs. S. Steiner 35 Years Experience 1 Doctors Referrals LI 5-4700 ....... at the Oak Park High School. Featuring a kaleidescope of American Jewish life in skits and song, the concert will headline Ben Bonus, one of the leading Yiddish performers in the country. The musical revue also includes Mina Bern, who has performed in Russia, Israel and United States; and Bernard Sauer, Jennie Kessler and Philip Fradkin. Tickets are available at the Dexter-Davison Market, Borenstein's Book Store, Spitzer's Books, Workmen's Circle (KE 7-5440) and La- bor Zionist Alliance (851-1601). rael under the Law of Re- turn, and receive the regular treatment given to all Jew- ish immigrants by the Jew- ish Agency Aliyah Centers abroad, the Ministry of Ab- sorption and the Jewish Agency in Israel. * * * Consul Gives Facts on Status of Israel's Religious Groups In a recent letter to The Detroit News, Yaacov Keinan, consul for press and information, Consulate General of Israel in Chicago, gave the following facts on the status of religious de- nominations in Israel: Until the 18th Century questions of marriage, di- vorce, etc., of persons of all Bnai Brith Activities WORKING WOMEN'S CHAPTER will hold its dick stein inc. from one to any number of musicians jeep smith patty grant dick stein shelby lee jerry fenby johnny griffith Let the Professionals Perform 358-2777 "music the stein way" Say it most impressively with ... FRUIT It means so much more to soy "Get Well" with a beautifully arranged basket of carefully selected, health-giving fresh fruits, with assorted sweets and snacks. A treat to eat that can be shored with others priced from $15.95 DAILY DELIVERY to all hospitols (or homes) .. Business associates and customers will also appreciate gift baskets Call 862-6800 Gift Dept. 3205 . W. McNichols Rd. Detroit, Mich. 48221 "However, while in Israel, the Chief Rabbinate . . . may require from the con- vert to undergo an Orthodox conversion to satisfy their requirements with regard to marriage, divorce, etc., functions handled by the Chief Rabbinate office." first oneg Shabat luncheon 12:30 p.m. Saturday in the home of Mrs. Marilyn Mit- tlemann, 23531 Wildwood, Oak Park. Mrs. Philip Fealk will review Saul Bellow's "Humboldt's Gift." For res- ervations or new member- ship information, call Sandi Goldman, chairman, 576-1955, Fran Bloom, sec- retary, LI 7-6246, or Mrs. Mittlemann, 968-6377. * * * DETROIT BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CHAPTER will hold its in- stallation dinner-dance 6 p.m. March 14 at the Ra- leigh House. The Johnny C. Orchestra will perform. Guests are invited. For res- ervations, call Bertha Fein- berg, 557-4778, or Kay Goodman, 543-0984. * * * BB Has Exhibit on Jewish History WASHINGTON — Bnai Brith is taking visitors to the nation's capital on a tour of American Jewish history. It is doing so in a re- modeled museum that cov- ers most of the main floor of the Bnai Brith Building. Beginning with the first landing of Jewish colonists at New Amsterdam in 1654 and winding through more than three centuries of Jew- ish achievements and prog- ress in politics, industry and labor, science, the arts and education, the historical journey at the Bnai Brith Klutznick Museum is made in an American Bicenten- nial exhibit featuring some 500 original and facsimile documents, letters, por- traits, newspapers, photo- graphs and other memora- bilia. * * * Blood Bank Rally Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith Council will have its regular blood bank rally 5-10 p.m. Monday and Tues- day at Pepper School, Oak Park. - faiths in Turkish Palestine were under the jurisdiction of the Turkish Moslem au- thorities. As a result of the political pressure of the great powers in the late 18th Century and early 19th Century, "ca- pitulations" were granted to the various Christian de- nominations by which these denominations were recog- nized by the authorities as being responsible in matters of the personal status of their religious communities. These arrangements were guaranteed by the great powers of the time, resulting in an arrange- ment in which the Rus- sians became the "pro- tectors" of the Orthodox communities, the French of the Catholic communi- ties and the British of the Protestant and Jewish communities. With the dissolution of the Turkish empire follow- ing World War I and the granting of the mandate to Great Britain, the manda- tory authorities, while re- moving the "protective" role of external powers, decided to maintain the autonomous rights and privileges of the religious communities in matters of personal status. With the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, there was some considera- tion of annulling the pre- existing role of the religious communities over their ad- herence in matters of per- sonal status, but this en- countered stiff opposition from the Moslem and Chris- tian religious leaders, as well as from the Jewish Or- thodox rabbinate. It was decided, therefore, for the sake of social stability, to maintain those arrange- ments which had been cus- tomary for close to two cen- turies. To attribute the difficulty of mixed marriages in Israel to an alleged exclusive jur- isdiction of the Jewish reli- gious authorities is both fac- tually and historically inaccurate and distorts the character of Israel. Institute Plans to Hear U-M Prof Morris Greenhut, profes- sor of English at University of Michigan, will speak at the Sholem Aleichem Insti- tute oneg Shabat 8:45 p.m. March 12 at the Labor Zion- ist Building. His subject will be "Images of Jewish Life in the Fiction of American Jewish Writers Since World War II." The public is in- vited, and refreshments will be served. Missing Relatives Sought in Detroit The Jewish Community to Weiss, and died in 1941 or Council recently received a 1942. He had a son Alexan- letter from a woman in Palo der, who went into law and Alto, Calif., requesting help is now about 65 years old; in locating the relatives of another son Lev, about 55; families she met in the So- and two daughters, Lyubov viet Union last fall. and Maya. His wife was One family is looking for Rebecca Narodetsky, who relatives who wrote letters died in 1951 or 1952. from Detroit in the 30s. The Anyone with information family is from Odessa, with pertaining to the wherea- the surnames of Mish and bouts of these missing rela- Lechtzier. Their nearest rel- tives is requested to contact ative in the USSR was Zi- the Jewish Community naida Abramovna Mish. Council, 962-1880. The other family is look- ing for the descendants of Yefim (Chaim) Weissfeld, who came to New York from Vinnista, changed his name LZA Branch Sets Meeting Saturday Brenner-Truman Branch, Labor Zionish Alliance, will meet 8:30 p.m. Saturday, at the Labor Zionist Institute. Allen Warsen, authority on the history of the Jewish people of Michigan, will speak. Guests are invited. Fredrick jewelers .41314 II 1 \111111)!IIII• 869 West Long Lake Road ... 646-0973 MINDREADING—HYPNOTISM—CLOSE-UP MAGIC agler TERTAINMENT Birthday 356-5112 CLOWN—MAGIC—BALLOONS 1-662-3706 WINDOW BRITE SAYS, We have the very best discounts in town. Levelors, (slim line, blinds) verticals, woven woods and custom shades. Custom decorating. Introducing The Wood Shutter Blind Call Eileen now for home appt. 968-0701 CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Seating Up to 400 Call Our Banquet Manager 682-4300 Shenandoah Country Club CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS 111,1.1•:\ ZINI1•111; come back to haunt The hair .on pluck Non. 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