48 Friday, February 20, 1976 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Righteous Proselyte: Martyrdom of Nicolas Antoine By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ (Copyright 1976, JTA, Inc.) On the tenth anniversary of the Vatican II Ecumeni- cal Council interest is re- vived in the historic strug-. gles by Jews to retain their identity and to resist the persecutions, many of which were aimed at the people's destruction. Religious bigotries and fanaticisms branded the people as the Wandering Jews and the very title was intended both as a condem- nation to constant migra- tions and to view Jews ana- thematically. Yet, even in the darkest hours of Jewish existence there were friends and de- fenders, admirers and ad- herents, and the latter often included converts to Juda- ism. Traditionally, proselyti- zation is not encouraged and whenever a Gentile applied for admission to Jewish ranks — to become a Ger Tzedek — a righ- teous proselyte, a saintly convert, a proselyte out of conviction — the Jewish obligation was to caution him of the difficulties the convert would face. There were converts wherever there were Jews, even if they were few. Dr. Jacob R. Marcus, the emi- nent American Jewish his- torian, often mentions such converts in the records of American Jewish history which he has researched with great skill. Among the most evident converts to Judaism in his- tory was Nicolas Antoine, French-Christian theolo- gian, who, although he prac- ticed the tenets of Judaism and lived a Jewish life, later dying a martyr's death with prayers on his lips directed to the God of Israel, was re- fused admission to the Jew- ish fold. More than 300 years ago — on April 20, 1632 — he was strangled and then burned at the stake in Ge- neva on the charge of blas- phemy. Fifteen clergymen and professors of theology were among the witnesses at a trial which comm- enced on April 11. Several pleaded for mercy and a light sentence, arguing that the only sin of the ac- cused was that of hypoc- risy for which he deserved unfrocking and banish- A Bicentennial Feature He was born into the to the rabbinate of Metz ment, perhaps excommun- Catholic faith at Briey, a for admission to Judaism. ication. But the majority of the court, fanatical in 'small town in Lorraine, ei- He was refused. The rab- ther in 1602 or 1603. For five bis feared revenge and vi- its determination, ruled years he attended the Lux- olent reprisals on the part that it is dangerous to ab- embourg College and then of ignorant mobs. They ad- solve a Christian who studied at Pont-a-Mousson, vised Antoine to go to Italy wore a priest's garb for Cologne and Treves, prepar- or to the Netherlands and professing Judaism. informed him that Jews Antoine rejected the pro- ing for Jesuit rites. When he returned to enjoyed greater freedom in ferred opportunity to re- Briey he was, in spite of those lands and had less to cant. He was adamant in his these teachings, attracted to fear from religiously en- assertion: Protestantism. Catholicism raged and ignorant mas- "I am a Jew; and all I ask lost its appeal for him, and ses. of God's grace is to die for he yielded to the eloquence Antoine followed their Judaism". The judges of one of the most noted . advice and left for Venice, pleaded; they argued. But preachers of that day, Ferri, there to learn that nowhere the convert's reply was: the pastor of the Reformed was there peace for Israel; "With the help of God I am Church of Metz, turning that Jews were tolerated determined to die in my Protestant. there for commercial rea- present belief". Thenceforth Antoine's sons; that the rabbis of Metz Imploring the mercy of searching for religious truth had painted a glorious pic- the God of Abraham, An- led him to a new belief, to a ture of rights they believed toine was condemned to be piety which paved the way to be enjoyed by Jews. loaded with the chains and to the martyr's grave. He placed on a pyre; he was He found Jews huddled in was sent to the academies of ghettos in the Venetian re- strangled and then burned. Geneva and Sedan to pre- public, compelled to wear The liberal clergy and theo- pare for the Reformed the yellow badge and at all logical professors of that Church and for religious • times exposed to attacks day pleaded for respite, for leadership in Protestant- from bigoted and fanatical deliberation and for taking ism. But the more he stud- mobs. He went to Padua into account his record in ied the more doubting be- and consulted the rabbis of the church: but in vain. Fate decreed that An- came his convictions. that community. In both He became an ardent Venice and Padua, as in toine was to die a martyr, for the faith which, in fear and passionate student of Metz, Jewish leaders re- of reprisals on the part of the Old Testament and fused to welcome Antoine bigots and fanatics, re- came to the decision that into the Jewish fold: the rea- fused officially to welcome therein alone lay complete sons were identical. him to the fold of Judaism. religious truth. He applied Of interest in connection with Antoine's travels in quest for an official wel- come by Judaism is that he was accompanied on his trip to Venice by a Christian clergyman whom he at- tempted also to convert to The document is instruc- sent to the town of Sun- Judaism in his conclusions tive because it throws light bury, a distance of 40 miles that Judaism is the true on the career of a man who from Savannah, where his faith. served his country, and father and a number of served it well, in positions of Continental officers were When the charge of her- responsibility, although he on parole; that they con- esy was brought against was only 21 at the end of the tinued theire (there) untill him several years later, it war, after about five years the month of October fol- developed from documents of service as a soldier and lowing (the British garri- produced at the trial that son having been pre- prisoner of war. the "diabolical advice" * * viously withdrawn to was offered him by the It- Georgia, City of Savan- reinforce Savannah); alian Jews to observe Ju- That the American and nah; Sheftall Sheftall of daism under the cloak of French army, under the the said city, being duly the church. It is not known command of Gen. Lincoln sworn, saith: whether these documents That some time in the lat- and Count D'Estaing, laid were offered as a means of ter part of the year 1777, or seige to Savannah; that emphasizing the charge of beginning of the year 1778, while in that situation, a heresy. this deponent was ap- Tory armed party that was Thus refused admission hovering about the country pointed by John B. Gere- deau (Geradieu), Esquire, threatened to kill the Amer- to the faith he sought, An- toine went to Geneva and deputy commissary general ican officers and did ac- there accepted a post as of issues of the Continental tually kill Captain Hornby troops in Georgia, to be an of the Fourth Georgia Con- private tutor to the family of Diodati, pastor and pro- assistant deputy commis- tinental regiment; that in this situation, the officers fessor, and also taught at sary of issues in his office; the college. As an apostate That he continued in that applied to the commanders from Catholicism, however, station for some months of the Allied army, what when Mr. Geredeau re- they were to do. who, in re- he was deprived of occupy- ing the chair of philosophy signed, and this deponent's ply, recommended to them at the academy of Geneva. father, the late Mordecai to remove to a place of Sheftall, Esquire, was ap- safety, but to consider Some time thereafter pointed Mr: Geredeau's suc- themselves as still on par- Antoine obtained the posi- cessor; that this deponent ole. tion of pastor in Divonne, a That this deponent. his was reappointed to his said village in the Gex district. office by his father, and father, and several officers which was acquired by that he continued in the of- embarked (October, 1779) France in 1602. Thereupon on hoard of a brig in the fice untill the British troops began the dual existence of took Savannah, which was harbour by a small Ameri- this Christian Marrano. on the 29th day of December can privateer, for to proceed In secret he practiced all in her to Charles Ton of the said year 1778, when Jewish rites, recited his they took this deponent (Charlestown). in South prayers in Hebrew, honored and his father prisoners, Carolina; that eon their pas- all Mosaic commands. In and..a-feW days after put sage, they were taken by a public he preached from a them on a prison ship, say, British frigate called the Christian pulpit. But he ut- the second day of January, Gaudaloupe, who bore away tered the name of Jesus as and carried them and 1779; little as possible. His ser- That on the 26th day of landed them in the island of mons took their texts al- Tvlarch following, his father Antigua; that some time in most exclusively from Is- was admitted to his parole; the month of November, aiah and the other Prophets, that on the 26th day of June that after being their (there) and his lectures became of the same year, this de- between five and six famed. It was some time ponent was admitted also on months, their (they) were thereafter that the lack of admitted to a parole to re- his parole. ., Christian ideology • was dis- On his landing, he was turn to America; . Patriot and Prisoner During the Revolution BY JACOB MARCUS American Jewish Archives In 1777 or 1778, Sheftall Sheftall, only 15 or 16 years of age, was appointed assist- ant deputy commissary gen- eral of issues to the Georgia troops. Captured with his father after the fall of Sa- vannah in December, 1778, he remained a prisoner until he was exchanged in 1780. That year, then a young man of 18, he was put in charge of a mercy ship, the flag-of-truce sloop Carolina Packett. His mission, which he carried out successfully, was to bring money for the relief of the imprisoned Gen. William Moultrie and his soldiers in British-held Charleston. Shortly after his 70th birthday, in 1832. Sheftall made the following affida- vit, testifying to his war service. in support of a pen- sion claim. covered in the texts of his sermons. The peasants of Divonne were thrilled by the eloqu- ence of their new pastor. But the lord of an adjoin- ing manor felt otherwise, and once, on a Sunday, when Antoine declared that God had no son, that there was only one God, this lord threatened to denounce him to the synod, and later he did. It was during Antoine's sermon on the second Psalm which Christian theolo.vy interprets as predicting::. coming of the son of that this heresy was tit- tered. Soon Antoine began to show signs of utter gloom and deep despair. On one oc- casion he interrupted the reading of a psalm — the 74th — to proclaim himself a Jew and as a blasphemer of Christianity. When his extremely nerv- ous state was discovered he was put to bed and it was re- vealed that he was in need of medical attention as a result of a self-inflicted operation brought about by his ex- treme faith in Judaism... In the meantime his fel- low-clericals tried to per- suade him to re-embrace Christianity. But they failed miserably. He con- tinually and consistently proclaimed his Jewishness and his determination to die as a Jew. On one occa- sion he was found in a de- plorably nervous and un- healthy state in Geneva, kneeling on the streets and praying to the God of Is- rael. His fate was now sealed. Charges were brought against him and he was imprisoned. But his convic- tion and his dignity — the heroic determination with which he not only embraced his new faith but clung to it -- gained a host of friends for him, and these later pleaded for clemency for the convert of Judaism. While the judges threat- ened and did everything in their power to secure a vic- tory for Christianity by get- ting Antoine to deny Juda- ism and to re-embrace the Christian religion, his friends, admirers and de- fenders pleaded for a light sentence. The accused him- self remained immovable: his passionate reply was: "I am a Jew! I am a Jew!" Metrezat, Parisian pas- tor, came to Antoine's aid. He pleaded and begged for him. But the judges would not recede from their r. tion of extreme puri,,. ment to serve as an exam- ple to blasphemers. The best- example of An- toine's sincere convictions were offered during his im- prisonment when he pre- sented to the ecclesiastical court 12 articles in which he outlined his religious be- liefs. He drew upon the 13 articles of faith of Maimon- ides and pointed to "11 phil- odophical objections against the dogma of the Trinity". Two of the three memorials which he addressed to the judges who condemned him . have been . preserved.