2 Friday, February 20, 1976 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Kenen Exposes Distortions by a U. S. Career Diplomat Israel has counted many antagonists in the State Department. As a matter of fact, the Jewish people have suffered from enemies in many official ranks. There were unfriendly manifestations in the consular corps, especially in the Hit- ler era when many Jews who could have been rescued fell victims to Nazism because career men failed to provide exit visas for those seeking escape from German occupied territories. In ambassadorial and consular ranks there have been manifestations of enmity toward Israel and in the State De- partment there are desks where animosities emanate. I.L. Kenen, who headed the American Israel Public Af- fairs Committee with distinction, writes in the AIPAC's Near East Report of which he is editor emeritus, and ex- poses the enmities and truth distortions of David G. Nes. So that Americans may know who are the true interpreters of events in the Middle East, it is important that Kenen's ex- pose of Nes should be made known as widely as possible. Kenen states in Near East Report: David G. Nes, our charge d'affaires in Cairo when the 1967 war erupted, has been pro-Arab on the speaking platform and in The Baltimore Sun. We have clashed with him in both forums and are aware of the trained diplomatic restraint with which he poses as "evenhanded." In a Sun column on Jan. 22, Nes, now retired, disregards facts to reach unwarranted conclusions. Describing the recent UN Security Council debate, he writes that the "basic demands of the PLO are entirely consistent with previous UN recommenda- tions, supported by the U.S." Accordingly we are back to "Square One" of 1947. Nes lists these alleged consistencies between PLO demands and UN resolutions: One — "Israeli withdrawal from the 'occupied territories' is called for in Resolution 242." Untrue. The United States has consistently re- jected the Soviet-Arab demand for "complete with- drawal." The Resolution calls for withdrawal to "secure and recognized boundaries" — "defen- sible" in the words of former President Nixon. Two — "Establishment of an independent Pa- lestine state as recommended in the 1947 partition resolution." That, too, is untrue. The PLO covenant and communiques would liquidate the Jewish state, ex- pel its Zionist settlers, and establish a "secular democratic state," as exists in no Arab country. Three — "The 'right of return' as recognized in Resolution 194." Nes should read the 1948 Resolution. The phrase "right of return" never appears. Paragraph 11 merely "resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live in peace (italics ours) with their neighbors, should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date . . ." All Arab delegations voted against that resolu- tion at Paris on Dec. 11, 1948. For paragraph 5, which they never quote, called for negotiations. Since no Arab leader has been willing to negotiate a genuine peace with Israel, any mass repatriation would have been suicidal. Contrary to Nes' claims, there is ample diplo- matic testimony that the Jews pleaded with the Ar- abs not to leave in 1948. I heard British Ambassador Enmities from Diplomatic Sources . . . Career Man's Antago- nism Exposed by Kenen . . . Jews Always Lived in Holy Land, Emphasizing Indivisible Link of People with the Land By Philip Slomovitz Jewish people," Britain was awarded a mandate by faithful made their pilgrimages and many returned to live the League of Nations in 1922 to administer Pales- there. tine with the express proviso that the Balfour Decla- The historic truth regarding the Palestinian historic ration be implemented. (A joint resolution of Con- background as to legitimacy of occupancy and the right of gress gave U.S. endorsement to the Balfour sovereignty is outlined authoritatively as to who Palestine Declaration the same year.) belongs to in this analysis: Two months after the mandate took effect, Brit- "In 30 centuries Palestine was conquered 14 ain unilaterally turned over the administration of times. Yet through all the generations the Holy all of Palestine east of the Jordan River to the Emir Land was never without Jews. And those who lived Abdullah. This area, which was called Trans-Jor- outside Palestine kept unbroken their link with the dan, constituted 80 per cent of the original mandate. land, praying for its redemption and their own re- Although the Jewish area was now reduced by four- turn: "Next year in Jerusalem!" fifths, settlement proceeded rapidly as Jews bought The Arabs of Palestine never had a government land (most of it unpopulated) and worked to clear and never comprised a separate political or social the swamps and make the desert bloom. entity. Muslims conquered Palestine in 637. Pales- What is happening today is a travesty on justice. tine was ruled from Mecca, then Damascus, then Baghdad. By 870 the land had fallen into the hands just rights of Jews are being abused not by their neighbo:-s of local chieftains; anarchy brought further destruc- alone but by the Western European countries which had tion and desolation. In 1099 came the Crusaders, been in the vanguard in support of Zionism. There isn't even total security in the American posi- then the Ayyubids, the Mamelukes and finally the Turks; Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Em- tion. Too many voices are heard urging Jews to deal with those who would destroy the homeland. The Israeli is al- pire for 400 years — from 1517 to 1917. The modern history of Palestine begins with ways on the defensive. The battle for survival goes on. The Turkey's defeat in World War I and the occupation resistance to the enemies demands mobilization in Diaspora of the Holy Land by British troops. After promulgat- as well as Medinat Israel. There can be no faltering in soli- ing the Balfour Declaration in 1917 supporting "the darity. The alternative to solidarity with the defenders of establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Israel's right to live is cowardice. Dachau: Memories Behind Barbed Wire By JACK SIEGEL DACHAU (JTA) — It was a grey, gloomy and some- how very fitting day. My companion and I walked past the barbed wire and I could almost visualize the gaunt, sick- ened faces and claw-like fingers pressed to and gripping the interstices. We didn't stay long; the effect of putting such things together was not real and we moved into the long and wide field where, flanked by watch-towers once machine gun-manned, there were two sections of oblong-num- bered areas where the bar- racks housing the inmates used to be. On the right, as we moved in, was a moat, now a dry ditch with patches of snow, which separated the field from the fence shielded by trees. They were bare of foliage in the winter and hardly shielded the camp of whose activities people used to say, we didn't know what was happening. A Plaque, somehow aged and ageless, said, Plus Jamais, Nie Wieder, Never Again. At the opposite end of the field, were three monu- ments — Protestant, Catho- lic and Jewish — symbolic of the religion of all the peo- ple who were annihilated there. Some nuns, who stopped to pray over one barracks site moved in the Catholic memorial which had a church in the rear. It was called Heilige Blut (holy blood). My companion and I passed the "Grave Of The Ten Thousand Unknown," to an area once used as a shooting range and where executions were per- formed. In back of the range was the blood ditch. Turning around again and surveying the area, it was all so difficult to believe. The term, "moving," which a woman used about the memorial as she left, hardly began to reach the enormity of the b e stiality. It escaped comprehension as though momentarily it would be necessary for the jack-booted Nazi janissaries to come out of that history commanding respect for their reality. Now ahead were the cre- matoria and we advanced towards them. The "Brau- sebad" (shower), which was used as a decoy to get in- mates to enter, ultimately to be gassed, was just a bare room. Further in were the ovens themselves, standing there so benignly as though they once had baked bread. Over- head were solid beams with hanging cord where, I learned for the first time. some inmates were hung to death, perhaps simulta- neously with the burning of others. It was cold with unre- membered history, and I said, one must do this again and again and keep this death alive. We walked to the car and across the lot was a ball field where some young Germans were play- ing soccer as if nothing had ever happened. Cadogan read into the UN Security Council records British police dispatches of April 26, 1948, and I have recently read the hitherto classified cables from American diplomats in Haifa (April 26-29), and in Cairo (April 29). Nes will find them in the U.S. Archives (or Near East Report Sept. 3). Nes' description of the 1948 war is absurd revi- sionism. The Jews did not try to capture the West Bank but at great cost built a corridor to lift the Jor- danian blockade of Jerusalem. Glubb Pasha of the Jordanian Arab Legion blamed the Egyptians for "sacrificing the future of the Arabs of Palestine" and has written: "The Arab governments were largely responsible for the ruin of the Palestine Arabs." Nes is one of a large group of hate - spreading Ameri- cans who hold or held important positions in the nation's foreign service. Most of them have lived in the Middle East and have had occasion to witness the truth. But they start with animus towards Jews and end with it. Therefore the painful task of repeating the truth to offset the damage that comes from official U.S. and other diplomatic quart- ers. Among the distortions regarding Palestine and Israel's role in the Middle East are misrepresentations about the history of the Holy Land and the peoples who lived there for many centuries. Jews have never left Palestine. The ancient homeland was never abandoned. It lived as the homeland in prayers Writer Jack Siegel is shown in the photograph, above, left, at the entrance to the Dachau Concentration Camp. and in hopes for historic redemption and it drew the Jew to it with love and affection. Poets sang paeans to a land, the Below, left, is a memorial sculpture inside the camp, and at right are one of the crematoria and a hanging beam.