4 11:o rilaillal."611"41.1111.11W" Fr:day, ,Februar777----Purr777 U .S: Arms Shipments. , Aid Debated Missing Chilean Jewish Official WASHINGTON (JTA) — Administration sources dis- closed Tuesday that the U.S. has agreed to sell Saudi Arabia $1.2 billion in mod- ern arms, including M-60 tanks. The tanks reportedly are the first ever sold to the Saudis by the U.S. According to U.S. sources, the projected arms deal with the Saudis was not disclosed to Israeli Pre- mier Yitzhak Rabin during his recent. U.S. visit, and notification of Congress was deliberately delayed until after Rabin's visit. The Israeli leader was in- formed of the projected sale of six C-130 military trans- ports to Egypt, although a State Department spokes- man publicly denied that projected sale last week. The Administration sources indicated that the sales to Saudi Arabia will include television-guided air-to-ground missiles of the same type supplied to Israel and armored per- sonnel carriers as well as the M-60 tanks. The U.S. is also planning to sell the Saudis "Dragon" shoul- der-held anti-tank mis- siles, sources reported, and "Maverick" air-to- ground missiles. The $1.2 billion package includes $900 million in con- struction contracts, includ- ing a Saudi naval facility to be managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Saudis were report- edly interested in buying the new U.S. F-15 fighter plane but no such proposed sale is expected to be in- cluded in the package that will be officially submitted to Congress next week. Administration and State Department spokesmen re- fused to comment on re- ports that the U.S. is also considering Egyptian re- quests for "Hawk" missiles, wire-guided anti-tank weap- ons, patrol boats and F-15 jet fighters. The Egyptian requests, backed by Saudi Arabian cash, are politically sensi- tive during this election year, according to political observers, and the Adminis- tration is moving cautiously on lifting the ban on arms sales to Egypt. Sen. Clifford P. Case (R- NJ) opened Senate debate last week on the new For- eign Aid Authorization Bill by requesting Con- gress to "put some shackles" on sales of con- ventional arms by U.S. manufacturers. Amendments in the bill approved by the Senate For- eign Relations Committee are designed, he said, to give Congress as well as the Ex- ecutive branch the opportu- nity to veto or alter pro- posed military assistance and commercial sales pro- jects which could adversely affect local balances of power. At least 15 transactions worth more than $25 million each, Case said, were han- dled by commercial arms manufacturers and dealers in 1975. These included a complete "Hawk" anti-air- craft missile system for Saudi Arabia for $266 mil- lion; C-130 transport planes to Saudi Arabia for $68 mil- lion; and helicopters to Is- rael for $63 million. A proposed $300 million "Hawk" missile system for Jordan is a government, not a commercial transaction. Under the amendments, any transaction worth more than $25 million would be channeled through the U.S. govern- ment's Foreign Military Sales Program where, un- der amendments to the Nelson-Bingham legisla- tion passed in 1974, such sales would be subject to Congressional review and possible veto if Congress disapproved within 30 days. amendment Another sponsored by Sens. Case, Hubert H. Humphrey (D- Minn.) and Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) would terminate military equipment transac- tions or training if Ameri- can citizens are barred from participating in the projects because of their race, reli- gion, sex or national origin. The White House con- firmed Wednesday that the Administration is reviewing the foreign aid program for the "transitional quarter" which involves increased al- locations for Israel and some 43 other countries for military and economic sup- porting assistance. But Sen. Humphrey, a key member of the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee which au- thorized a 25 percent aid supplement to cover the transitional quarter, said "it is of little importance that this matter is now under review." Humphrey said, 'The Sen- ate committee has acted and the full Senate is set to act next week. Congress author- izes funds and in this case the Senate committee acted after I had discussed the matter with the Secretary of State." Under the Senate For- eign Relations Commit- tee's authorization bill, Israel and some 50 other countries are to receive an additional 25 percent in . recommendations for this fiscal year because of the change in the new fiscal year starting Oct. 1 in- stead of July 1. In the case of Israel this would mean an increase from $2.25 billion to $2.81 billion, and for Egypt an increase from approxi- mately $700 million to $875 million. Syria's request was cut in half by the committee be- cause the Damascus govern- ment has not shown serious intention to negotiate issues in the Arab-Israeli conflict. * * * Israel Superiority WASHINGTON — Col- umnist James McCartney reported 'Wednesday that a new study of the balance of power in the Middle East shows Israel has military superiority over the Arabs because of the quality of her armed forces. Despite being outnum- bered two to one in military manpower, the report by Dale Tahtinen of the Ameri- can Enterprise Institute' said Israel has a clear supe- riority in the air, and also holds the edge in missiles, electronic countermeasures and at sea. Tahtinen also warned that the weapons buildup in the Middle East has not created stability as claimed by the Ford Administration. * * * Missile Shown TEL AVIV (JTA) — The American surface-to-sur- face "Lance" missile has been incorporated into Is- rael's artillery corps. Defense Minister Shimon Peres and senior army offi- cers visited an artillery corps base and watched sol- diers training with the 100-kilometer range missile. The Lance, which is mounted on a launcher, is the American answer to the Russian "Frog" missile which was used by the Syri- ans and Egyptians during the Yom Kippur War. Friedman Named Assistant to Ford WASHINGTON (JTA) — Friedman will continue to Milton Friedman, a senior write Presidential speeches speech writer and deputy and edit materials submit- editor on President Ford's ted by other staffers but he staff, was promoted last will hold a higher station in week by the President to be the White House personnel a special assistant, the structure. White House has disclosed. `Citizen Goldfarb:' Man's "Citizen Goldfarb," the autobiography and philoso- phy of a fanatical democrat, is the way Sam Goldfarb de- scribes his volume about himself and his ideas, which is published by Operation Truth, Inc. Citizen Goldfarb is the story of a self-made man; not necessarily the classic rags-to-riches tale, but a story of a man who believes in himself, his country and (not facetiously) apple pie and motherhood. From gaining and losing fortunes, living the Ameri- can Dream, spouting demo- cratic ideas and being a staunch supporter of Israel, Sam Goldfrab leads his reader through his some- times-zany life. On the way he manages to relate anecdotes of American history in short, one and two-page chap- ters. Goldfarb offers ad- vice on child-raising, elec- tioneering, democracy and clean living among a mul- titude of other topics. In his conclusion he states: "I learned that one cannot live by bread alone — that after achieving reasonable security for one's family, one should dedicate oneself to the service of others. Was Abducted, Embassy Says WASHINGTON (JTA) — A Chilean Embassy official has claimed that David Sil- berman was abducted by unknown persons from a jail in Antofagasta in north- ern Chile and that the Chi- lean government is cooper- ating with the human rights commission of the Organi- zation of American States (OAS) in an investigation of his disappearance 18 months ago. Rafael Otero, counsellor at the embassy, made that statement to an inquiry as to the fate of the 35-year-old Chilean-Jewish mining en- gineer. Silberman served in the regime of the late Presi- dent Salvador Allende and was sentenced by the Chi- lean military junta to 13 years' imprisonment for al- leged treason after Allende was deposed in the 1974 coup. Ot.ero's statement was believed to have been the first to mention abduction in the case in which the Chi- lean government has pro- vided virtually no informa- tion despite persistent inquiries from Silberman's father and sister who live in Israel. His wife and three children remained in Chile. The embassy official said that "the government began an investigation and found no evidence where he (Silberman) is and what happened." He said the human rights commission of the OAS was conducting its own investi- gation "with the cooperation of the Chilean government" and that the Chilean Minis- ter of Justice, Miguel Schweitzer, was "making a personal investigation." Otero volunteered the infor- mation that Schweitzer is Jewish. Silberman was deputy minister for mines in the Allende administration and was general manager of the Cobre Chuque copper mines in Antofogasta. The mines, once operated by the Ameri- can Anaconda Copper Co., were nationalized by the Allende regime. Otero said he was "guessing" that "some peo- ple intended to get him out of the country" and they could be "a terrorist group from the left or the right. Really, we don't know what Guatemala Gets Israel Aid TEL AVIV (JTA) — An Israel Aircraft Industry Boeing 707 took off for Gua- temala Wednesday with a load of medical supplies, food and other emergency equipment for the victims of the earthquakes in that Central American country. The supplies being shipped were donated by the Israel Defense Ministry, the Red Magen David, the Ro- tary Club, the Lions, Bnai Brith and other organiza- tions in Israel. The collec- tion of supplies is being coordinated by Mordechai Allon, the honorary Guate- malan consul in Israel. The 707 also is carrying a letter expressing Israel's sorrow over the tragedy in Guatemala from Defense Minister Shimon Peres. Knesset Speaker Yisrael Yeshayahu cabled a mes- sage cf condolence to his counterpart in Guatemala. Wednesday's shipment was the second. An earlier shipment took plasma and other medical supplies. A special committee is 66 working on a concert to be held in Jerusalem under the patronage of President Ephraim Katzir, the pro- ceeds of which will go for aid to Guatemala. No deaths were reported among the country's 2,000 Jews. Israel to Open Tennis Center $8.2 Million Raised at Rabin Dinner LOS ANGELES (JTA) — More than 1,700 people jammed the Beverly Hilton Hotel Feb. 4 to hear Pre- mier Yitzhak Rabin and to pledge $8.2 million toward the United Jewish Welfare Fund goal of $35 million at UJWF's inaugural dinner. Rabin told the huge group, believed to be one of the largest audiences of his U.S. visit, that he had found on the part of both Jews and non-Jews "a solid basis of communication and under- standing and of special rela- tions between the largest democracy and the only de- mocracy that exists in the Middle East. View of True Democracy" "Education is a never end- ing process. Formal educa- tion is only the foundation for study and learning that should continue throughout one's life. . . "I am proud to have coined the slogan, 'Do busi- ness on Monday in the spirit of Sunday. I hope that it be- comes widely used. "Living in a world and in an age where freedom and security are threatened it behooves us fortunate Americans to consecrate our lives to the strengthen- ing of our democracy." .."Citizen Goldfarb" is dedicated to Thomas happened. He simply disap- peared," Otero said. He claimed that Silber- man was tried for treason because he "gave secret processes" to engineers in a Soviet commission that was inspecting production at the Cobre Chuque mines. Otero also alleged that Silberman was "a top executive" of the Chilean Communist Party. Silberman's father and,. sister have sought assist(' ance from the International-- Red Cross, American legis- lators and various world personages to determine his whereabouts or confirm whether he is dead or alive. They have pointed out that of the many Chilean political prisoners who dis- appeared when the military regime took over that coun- try, Silberman was the only one who vanished after he was tried and sentenced. Chief Rabbi Angel Krei- man of Chile, who has pressed inquiries on behalf of the Silberman family, was reportedly ordered by President Augusto Pinochet last year to stop asking questions about Silberman. Paine, "the inspiration for my obsession to democ- racy," and to Sam Gold- farb's mother and to his wife. He describes the book as "A remarkable saga of one born in Russia, reared in the slums of St. Louis and who acquired the means to be of service to his fellow men." Sam Goldfarb also states on the cover: "You will enjoy this book because 'God dic- tated it and all I did was push the pencil.' " Reader, beware of a fast- talking man who would con- vert you to democracy. —A.H. President Ephraim Katzir is shown practicing on one of the 13 all-weather courts in the Israel Tennis Center. * * * TEL AVIV — The $3 mil- lion Israel Tennis Center at Ramat Hasharon will open in late April for the annual Passover international tour- nament. A total of 13 all-weather courts will be ready for use, including one with seats for up to 1,500 spectators. Ac- cording to plans, the center will feature a club house and dormitory for pl s being coached. e The center also will special facilities for handi- capped persons who wish to- play tennis, as well as spe- cial spectator seating for the disabled. Meanwhile, more than $900,000 has been secured in pledges toward a minimum goal of $1.5 million in 1975 for the Israel Tennis Center of the United States Com- mittee Sports for Israel. I am a Jew because in all places where there are tears and suffering the Jew weeps.